Translation Article 675, Spanish Language Insights, 12 Interesting Translations with Spanish noun “voluntad” into English.
Michael D. Powers, Ph.D., USCCI
US Certified Court Interpreter 1980 / Ph.D. Spanish Portuguese 1981 / 24 years university professor / Estimates: 12,000+ depositions, hearings, etc. / 850 trials / 3000 documents / Conference Interpreter 650 conferences
Translation Article 675, Spanish Language Insights, 12 Interesting Translations with Spanish noun “voluntad” into English.
1) por voluntad propria
[through own will]
of one’s own volition, of one’s free will
2) última voluntad
[last will]
last wish, (legal) last will and testament
3) por causas ajenas a mi voluntad
[for causes different from my will]
for reasons beyond my control
4) hace siempre su santa voluntad
[she always does her blessed will]
He always does exactly as he pleases.
5) ganar(se) la voluntad de alguien
[to win somebody’s will]
to win somebody over
6) tener voluntad a alguien
[have the will fo/for somebody]
to be fond of somebody, to be affectionate of somebody
7) abandon de la propia voluntad
[abandon of one’s own will]
8) acuerdo de voluntades
[agreement of wills]
meeting of mind
9) alimentación a voluntad
[feeding at will]
Unrestricted feeding
10) coincidencia de la voluntad
[coincidence of the will]
meeting of the minds
11) con poca voluntad
[with little will]
12) entregar a la voluntad de
[deliver to the will of]
leave at the mercy of
Oxford Spanish Unabridged Dictionary, 2008 and 2015.
Word Magic Complete and Unabridged English-Spanish Dictionary 8.8.0 2020 by Word Magic Software Ltda. ??