Translation Article 647, Spanish Insights: 10 idioms with their literal and meaningful translations.

Translation Article 647, Spanish Insights: 10 idioms with their literal and meaningful translations.



Translation Article 647, Spanish Insights: 10 idioms with their literal and meaningful translations.


The following ten (10) idioms along with their literal and meaningful translations follow. They are: “que las zurzan, salir zumbando, estar hecho un zorro, una habitación está hecho un zorro, estar zorra, llevar a alguien como un zarandillo, estaban como tres en un zapato, meter a alguien en un zapato, saber dónde aprieta el zapato, estar en zancos.


1) que las zurzan!

[Let them be put together! Let them be joined! Let them be concocted!]

To hell with them!


2) salir zumbando

[to leave buzzing, to leave whirring]

to shoot off, to rush


3) estar hecho un zorro

[to be made a fox, to be foxy, to be crafty]

to be very drowsy


4) estar hechos unos zorros

[to be made some foxes / to be made foxy / crafty]

to be in an awful state


5) Esa persona está zorra.

[That person is crafty / foxy]

That person is all in.


6) llevar a alguien como un zarandillo

[to keep somebody like and active person / fidget]

to keep somebody on the go


7) estaban como tres en un zapato

[there were around three in one show]

They were packed in like sardines.


8) meter a alguien en un zapato

[stick somebody in a shoe]

to bring somebody to heel


9) sabe donde aprieta el zapato

[know where the shoe squeezes]

to know the score


10) estar en zancos

[to be on stilts]

to be high up



Collins. Spanish-English? English-Spanish Dictionary. Collins. Ninth US Edition, 2009.


Michael D. Powers, Ph.D., USCCI的更多文章

