Translating and safeguarding the environment: ways to cut down our carbon footprint

Translating and safeguarding the environment: ways to cut down our carbon footprint

We all know that any human activity generates carbon emissions as a result and in the long-term, that is creating devastating effects on the environment. Being aware of that is the first step in cutting back on our carbon footprint and actually turning our impact positive.

Good translators are known for having an eye for detail and an innate capacity to immerse themselves in other cultures: so, we are sure that most of them are also aware of and care for the environment.

We want to propose some ideas for reducing your environmental impact and possibly even improving the quality of your life (and your translations!).

Reforestation projects

Trees capture carbon dioxide and produce oxygen, but that is not all: they offer shade, are home to birds and insects that are vital for biodiversity, contribute to the emission of organic material in the ground and some even fix in the soil useful elements for other plants, which would otherwise disperse, such as potassium and nitrogen.

Hundreds of organisations worldwide oversee #reforestation projects for businesses. Traducendo Ltd has for a number of years now worked alongside Treedom, which offers a range of solutions for companies, with the municipality of Campobasso in association with Fare Verde on specific urban reforestation projects and with Grow 10 Trees, a Maltese non-profit focusing on raising public awareness and restoring the natural environment in the Mediterranean archipelago with local flora. Furthermore, we use Ecosia, a search engine that invests most of its advertising profits into forest projects.

Environmental restoration projects

Not just trees! Sometimes we don’t need an entire forest, just some cleaning up. There are many associations that oversee campaigns for the removal of rubbish from green areas or the seabed.

Helping them is possibly the most straightforward way to increase your impact, all you need is a pair of gloves, bin bags and a broom so you can give them a helping hand cleaning up parks, gardens and public spaces by removing rubbish; a job that often local councils are not able to keep fully on top of. It is also a great way to meet new people who share the same values. We have huge respect for the Retake groups and a lot of other associations making a difference!

Traducendo Ltd collaborates in Malta with The Coast is Clear, an organisation that is focussed on clearing up the coastline and sea beds, in particular to combat the #ghostnet phenomenon, where discarded fishnets pose a real threat to fish fauna.

DIY offsetting

If you want to invest but do not have unlimited funds, here’s a good idea: Ecoligo. It is a #crowdinvesting platform focussed on reducing carbon emissions for companies and businesses in developing countries (which generally have a greater environmental impact). *BE CAREFUL THOUGH! These are financial investments and therefore are risky.

Sometimes though restrictions in terms of finances and timing make it impossible or at least very difficult, to gauge our own emissions. We do not all have funds to invest in forest projects or have the sill or expertise to clean the seabed, or we simply do not live in an area where #cleanups are organised. That only means rolling your sleeves up!

Start planting trees in unfarmed areas, even better if state-owned and better still, fruit trees. You can even grow trees at home until they are ready to be planted and you can find loads of videos online on how best to do that. And if you don’t know where to plant trees, talk to your local council, they will know where is best.

Always leave the house with a bag with the thought of collecting at least 10 items of rubbish before coming home.

If you have a garden, make a compost pile and create your own fertiliser. Not only will you reduce the amount of waste, but you will offset the emissions created during their manufacturing, creating perfect manure for your plants without having to buy synthetic fertilisers (which are often harmful to the environment). If you have too much compost, don’t worry, there are always public parks or roadsides that could do with some homemade fertiliser!??

However, it doesn’t stop at compost: domestic waste can also have a million uses you aren’t aware of. The leftover water after boiling vegetables? Perfect for watering plants! Leftover coffee granules? Perfect antidote against snails! Banana peels? Ideal fertiliser! Eggshells? Replenish the calcium levels in the flowerpots of your balcony.

You can also find a dozen recipes online with leftovers that are perfect for avoiding food waste!

Carbon positive

We have listed a few ideas for helping you achieve #carbonneutrality in your everyday life. But there are?a?million ways to reduce the emissions you generate and your overall carbon footprint, and some are even free.

Traducendo Ltd for years now has been making a concerted effort in its translation business to do so and has the overall objective of becoming #CarbonPositive. However we have to keep on giving even more and we are confident that we will achieve our objective in just a few years more. Every translation that you allocate to us is another leaf on our forests’ trees (please contact us here for a free estimate).

If you have ideas or suggestions on how to combat carbon footprints, let us know. We would be delighted to implement them!


*Traducendo Ltd is not in any way affiliated with said financial operator. Financial transactions always incur a certain degree of risk. Traducendo Ltd cannot be held liable in any way for damage or financial losses resulting from investments made in or with said financial operator.?


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