Transitions: We cancelled our family holiday! Here's why.
Charlotte Gouyette
Coach for music & entertainment leaders to build sustainable careers honouring creativity & well-being. Partnering with innovators for meaningful growth & lasting change—creating fulfillment & a ripple effect that counts
Often when in a transition we can feel tense, conflicted and excited. There's tension that pulls us?towards?where we are going and there's the tension pulling us?back?from where we have just been. We feel it physically, mentally and emotionally.
This is true of all types of transitions:
Physical transitions, a few come to mind…
There's even a moment in labour that's called the Transition phase. It's when contracting muscles switch roles from moving upwards, opening up, creating enough space for baby to come the muscles then actively pushing baby down and out. Many women want to give up during this transition, they feel like they can't continue or genuinely believe that everything's stopped and baby isn't coming after all (not likely!).
Whereas, when you know about it, you can reassure yourself that you're one step closer to actually meeting your baby!
I always reach a moment in my workout where it doesn’t feel as hard as 5 mins ago, once I've moved through that initial intense transition phase.
Emotional transitions…
Learning about ourselves on a deep level. Understanding our patterns, behaviours and the stories that we hold onto. Our fears and desires always shows up, sometimes in a big way, in this process of self-discovery and we can choose to face them, or not. It's actually not easy either way you choose but ignoring it can seem easier in the short term.
It's also very exciting when you're someone who strives for expansion on many levels. You know that on the other side of the emotional transition is growth.
Practical transitions…
Moving home. We've been in a new apartment since February, which has completely elevated our experience of our lives in so many ways! However, we just made the last payment for utility bills for our last home and are still owed some overpaid rent back from our landlord...pulling us into the?side of transitions mentally?affecting us too by having to deal with all of this.
All of these examples demonstrate the idea of moving forward but holding back or being held back.
Transition...It is what it is.
Having awareness of your own transitions process can be so helpful. For eg. my next workout I already know the transitions process and that it will feel challenging and then I'll feel good 10minutes into it, so I'm prepared for it?and?it actually motivates me more to stick with it.
Transitions are fascinating and I love helping other people with this. However when I’m in the thick of a transition myself it’s so much harder.
Firstly, to realise that I'm in a moment of transition.
Secondly, to have clarity on my situation to figure out what resources and support I need.
Thirdly, to acknowledge the growth and opportunity just ahead of me.
I usually have to that it feels like being right in the eye of a hurricane.
Chaos all around you, but an eery peacefulness in the middle of it all.
It's actually in this moment that I realise I'm exactly where I need to be and will step into it with courage, most of the time.
What’s all this got to do with a holiday being cancelled?
I had the end of year meeting with my accountant...
The good news is that my business doubled in profit this last tax year! Amazing!
The not so good news is that I have some immense payments to pay this year plus the advance payments towards next year based on their projections.
The thoughts that immediately pop into my head as I'm writing this are "Finances are so hard", "I'm not good at this part of business", "I hate adult admin".
BUT these are thoughts and stories that I have about money management and?thoughts are optional...There may be some elements of truth here but these aren't facts, nor are they helpful thoughts.
I almost didn't share any of this because part of me felt shame. I'm sharing my honest thoughts and experiences because I'm pretty sure I'm not alone and rather than feel shame in secret I can handle some embarrassment if it's helpful for everyone.?For those of you that are always on top of this, because there's a huge stigma around talking about finances and our relationships to money, I encourage you to share your wealth of knowledge and what works for you around this topic please. We need you.
I was so excited for this holiday which was going to be our first family holiday purely for the joy of going on holiday as a family unit, not because of work, visiting family or weddings (4 last summer!)…this was?our?holiday. With that in mind we wanted to go all out with experiences (= financially)…whale and dolphin watching, hot springs, volcano exploring.
The reality is that this holiday is the only area where we could significantly pull back financially. It’s been a hard lesson learned. Emphasis on "learned" because admittedly I’ve never put enough focus on adult admin but it also feels good to have been pushed (pushed myself!) in to this corner and step up.
New thought...By putting more focus into adult admin it creates so much more freedom and fun.
I truly believe that our life is for living and where previous generations scrimped and saved towards a better future, our generation seek a different level or kind of fulfilment focussed more on the present experience of our lives. Now I get to play with what that means for me and find balance between those beliefs.
Tying this into transitions in a bigger context...
We are all amidst a huge generational transition in the way that we live our lives, spend and save money, seek fulfilling experiences and even careers, consciously wanting to connect to each other, parent our children, nurture the future generations and the planet that we live on and wish to continue to live on, and know that sustainability and regeneration is of critical importance in all areas of our lives especially in our physical and mental health.
We are currently living deeply in a transitional phase.
One of the most valuable ways I believe that I'm helping others, myself, and the planet is supporting people that I have conversations with whether they are clients or not, to zoom out of their lives and literally create themselves and everything in it because individually we can make a difference so?imagine how collectively we can create the world we want to live in for current and future generations.
4 years ago if you told me that I’d be serving people all over the globe to step into their power in business, relationship and every area of their life I would not have imagined how or why. Now it all makes sense and I’m exactly where I need to be.
Transitions are my jam.?I love helping people in this phase. It’s really at the root of what I do in all areas of my business.
Right now, I’m experiencing a huge transition in my relationship with money and how that works alongside my family values, being prepared for business growth, my spending habits and what counts as important for me to spend money on…like family experiences of course.
We didn't go on holiday but it's not like I live in Portugal (which I do!)... We enjoyed some beach trips and quality family time over the holidays. Wishing you the same quality connections wherever you are the world.
What transitions are you experiencing in your life right now?