Transitions in Science
The phases of different phenomena have been widely studied, e.g. solid/liquid/gas/etc. in matter, laminar/turbulent in fluid flow, free flow/congested in highway traffic, etc. Near phase transitions, interesting properties arise, e.g. a broad variety of freezing patterns, which can be sometimes characterized by "criticality".
We are going through a transition in science. These are certainly interesting times, although far from trivial. Phase transitions can be smooth or sharp. The one we are living in science seems to be a smooth one, centuries in the making.
It can be said that modern science attempts to explain our world using mathematical tools, since the times of Galileo, Laplace, Descartes, and Newton. This has been extremely successful, yielding industrial revolutions, doubling life expectancy, space travel, etc.
Still, the limits of formal systems, on which traditional science relies, began appearing towards the end of the XIXth century. Georg Cantor defined set theory, as well as infinite and infinitesimal numbers. Still, paradoxes began appearing, for which Cantor was abused and laughed at. Russell and Whitehead tried to "fix" the problems with their Principia Mathematica, but actually found more paradoxes. In the 1920s, David Hilbert set up a program to finally prove that mathematics were to be trusted (complete, consistent, and decidable). His PhD student, John von Neumann was working on this problem, so he was the only one who understood the work of Kurt G?del when he demonstrated in 1931 that formal systems were not complete nor consistent. In 1936, Alan Turing proved that they were not decidable, for which he formally defined "computable functions". Gregory Chaitin showed further limits of formal systems.
The same von Neumann and Turing made foundational contributions to develop electronic computers. Computers can be seen as tools that allow us to study complexity, biology, intelligence, and more in was that were impossible before them. As these phenomena deal mainly with information processing, we lacked the ability to model more than two or three variables in a system, so we had to oversimplify and ignore the effect of relevant interactions in systems, studying their components in isolation and assuming that aggregating them would be straightforward.
Even when computers have transformed our world, they have not overcome the inherent limits of formal systems. It is possible to have complete, consistent, and/or decidable formal systems, but with each aspect we lose other desirable properties of formal systems.
We still lack the tools to study and understand properties such as downward causation, strong emergence, open ended evolution, and "general" intelligence. All of these are characterized by novelty. This implies a change which our formal systems are unable to cope with in a general way. Of course, we can define variables that change. But we cannot prestate all possible variables that will arise in the future nor how they will affect the dynamics of a system. So our prediction is limited.
Since our methods suffer from these limitations, we must go beyond them. Not by trying to find certainty where it is inherently absent, but by accepting and cajoling it. Lack of certainty is a necessary feature of complex systems. Without it, there would be no creativity, no evolution, no emergence. And such a universe would be devoid of life and intelligence. So we should be glad that formal systems are unable to describe completely our world.