Transitions - losing a loved one

My dear sweet Benjamin, my cat Teacher and partner in crime, transitioned over after his challenge with Kidney disease. How hard that was for me to deal with. It will be just over two years now since he left, and it still hurts. He had more challenges than an animal should have had; lived past his actual expiry date and every day was a challenge in many ways living with him.

But every day was also filled with love and our connection only grew stronger with all of these challenges that we faced together. That love never diminishes.

As some of you may remember, I treated him Holistically, in the absences of drugs which was my choice that was shared and supported by him too, with diet, homeopathy and of course my magic hands. And I still lost him.

As I knew of course I would. But part of me felt that I could save him too. That desperate human part of me thought that. Hey I have worked miracles before, why not now with this special boy !!! Well - I did actually. His life was so extended by what I do, and his life, like mine, was so much richer through our experiences together.

How easy it is to beat ourselves up though and feel like we have let them down in someway. That is our human factor.

I guess my miracle was that he had the best life, without drugs that would have spaced him out into another World, that he had quality of life right up until the end, and that he passed over on his terms totally. He always did call the shots in our relationship! Ruled by my cat for sure! lol.

Anyone who has loved and lost their animal knows the hurt that I am referring too. (Note - this applies to our human companions as well)It is a hurt that one cannot explain. Words can't cut it.

It goes so deep that it sometimes gets lost in there for a while, only to resurface at the most unexpected times.

I work with so many animals distantly, as this is the basis of my business, so I get to meet them at that very special, deep Soul level. How lucky and grateful I am for that. Always!

I understand transitioning from their bodies back into energy form when the time is right for them.

I really do get it! They have shown me this so often that it is all good. This is the cycle of life and energy.

But does it make it any easier for us? Sometimes it does. Most times it doesn't, not at the time anyway.

I have often thought of giving up this work I do because it still really hurts to lose an animal, even an animal that isn't mine, that I have never met in person. It still hurts. That is my human-ness, nurturing the physical loss and I am ok with that too. But it still hurts, even now when I see pictures on my computor of past clients that have transitioned Nothing cushions that does it?

However, animals have also shown me things that helps me to understand their passing, their death, (horrible word that - 5 letters powerfully combined that bring a chill to ones very heart at times) do make it easier to accept the process. And it is a process, a cycle. I feel humans are the only ones that fear this cycle and create such a stigma about it. I will admit that I am human and I get caught in that stigma just like everyone else. I have to work on myself at times to bring it back into perspective often.

So where do they go when they pass? Back into their purest, most loving form of pure energy. Back to who they a really are before they chose to incarnate into their beautiful bodies and join you on your Journey.

Where are they now? Still right here really. The truth! They have just stepped into another space, some might call it a dimension, some might call it through the veil, the other side - it is all the same place but different names. It doesn't matter what we call it - it is there and so are they. Just as we wil be when this journey of ours is over. Transition. That is all it is.

So for me, it isn't 'up there' or 'down there' - it is right beside us. That's the bit I can handle!

Animals understand this, know this - it is as much a part of their living.

I refer to this process of passing as 'graduating from class; 'lessons time is over on the Earth plane and now it is time to go back home with honours. Just because we as humans cannot see them, or touch them, doesnt diminish the fact that they are still with us. Grieving for our loss is so much easier when we understand that hey are here for us if and when we need their support and love. They are just in a different form, that is all. In your heart, you know they are there, you get that little feeling of their energy, or you see them out of the corner of your eye then berate yourself on how silly you are been.

You feel them on your bed with you, or you get a whiff of them somethings. They are there, you just need to let them in.

I remember working remotely on a beautiful dog once (I had done a lot of work, and still working for this client, on a large number of their animals) I was working remotely as I do, and I 'saw' their horse, my first client from them, walk past me in that space that is held open when I work. Now this horse was back home in Spirit (she is the one who taught me so much about the fact that Healing is not about curing at all- but that is another Blog one day)

I was a bit taken back to see her, as of course I wasn't expecting any 'visitors' during that session. She passed on the information that she was here to support her person at that particulate time. She knew that I wold see her and report this to her person.

When I passed this onto my client - she confirmed that yes she really needed support then and that she too had felt that the horse was with her at that time too. Sp grateful that she allowed me to pass on her message to the person who she loved, and still loves, dearly.

So you see, they are still with us as many people will be aware. We just need to be a bit more open to them and less hard on ourselves.

So please do not dismiss the idea that you 'thought 'you saw, or felt, sensed, or heard or smelt your animal; you probably did. Go with it. Be in the moment with them. Acknowledge them too. Talk to them if it helps you.

And if others around you don't understand this, or support this, then who really cares. Really!

We all feel grieve differently, and we all need our own time to heal; this cannot be condensed into a time frame. Reconnecting with our animals in Spirit is part of that healing process if we feel we need it; we want to know that they are ok and then we can be ok.

They are with you ok? Don't doubt that - again, a human trait we have to dismiss everything we cannot understand.

Speak with them if you need to.. Or just sit in that moment with them sometimes. Let them help you to heal.

In time the hurt does lessen and we do move on. It never means we have forgotten them as our built in guilt for that would never stand for it now would it.

It's ok to allow yourself to move on. You will still always carry a part of them in your heart forever, but moving on means that you have things in a new perspective now and can carry on with more .

This is all part of the process of loss.

So what can I say to sum this all up?

Be kind to yourself, be accepting in your grief, be open to understand the Journey and the highs and lows of that Journey, know you are going to be ok, know that time is irrelevant in this process of change, be open to receive from them in spirit/energy form, know they are supporting you, be free to move on when it feels right - for you.-

It will be ok - it is ok.


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