Transitioning America to clean energy
For America to successfully transition to clean energy, this must be done in an orderly manner. The above table defines what I believe are the ethical requirements and related transition strategies needed to undertake America's transition to clean energy in an orderly manner. (I am currently writing a new book on why and how America needs to transition to clean energy in which I discuss these requirements and strategies.)
On February 14, 2025, President Trump signed an executive order establishing a National Energy Dominance Council. The White House fact sheet states:
As noted in the table, a key part of achieving a successful transition is to "keep America energy secure and energy independent". President Trump campaigned on achieving this goal and, now, has taken an important first step with forming the National Energy Dominance Council.
Understandably, after America's production of domestic fossil carbon fuels were curtailed by the last administration in a failed attempt to "encourage" greater use of clean energy, President Trump is immediately focused on lowering domestic energy costs by boosting domestic production. This is an important step to lower inflation and increase middle-class prosperity--both essential for being able to achieve broad public support for undertaking an orderly transition to clean energy.
What is now needed is to reinforce that this focus on boosting fossil carbon fuel production must be integrated into a National Clean Energy Transition Strategy. Fossil carbon fuels are, of course, non-sustainable. It will be important that National Energy Dominance Council acknowledges this fact and plans accordingly. Otherwise, just as the last administration failed to develop a successful strategy to "go clean", President Trump's administration will not be putting America on a path to PERMANENT energy security. If this happens, President Trump will be open to substantial and justifiable political criticism.
Mike Snead, PE
President and founder
Spacefaring Institute LLC