Transition to Motherhood
Motherhood is not a purely a feeling of good or bad but it’s a feeling of good, bad and much more. As a new mum, chances are you experienced a host of mixed feelings. This doesn’t make you a bad mother.
The rarely spoken but obvious truth is motherhood may not be how you imagined it would be. Rather than waking up every morning, glamming up and getting your newborn baby ready for a walk in the park, you are struggling with lack of sleep, a “messy house”, not having a shower for a few days and feeling like a bad moody mother. The crazy truth is, that is perfectly OK and you are not alone.
“Too many women are ashamed to speak openly about their complicated experiences for fear of being judged. This type of social isolation may even trigger postpartum depression.” Alexandra Sacks
Having a baby changes EVERYTHING. You are unlearning life as you know it and learning how to be a mum in an ever-changing environment powered by post-delivery hormones and insomnia. It’s bound to be an emotional roller coaster.
The great news is, it gets better. Your transition to motherhood is even smoother by:
? Having a great support system.
? Having an open and flexible mind to motherhood (which may include throwing out your expectations).
? Joining mother-centred postnatal support groups.
? Avoid isolating.
? Getting fresh air. New mums are not confined to the house. It should actually be banned.
? Taking it one-day at a time.
What helped you through those early days as a new mum? What advice would you give our pregnant ladies?