Transit Update of October - Head or Tails with Divine ‘Will’
Jayshree Dhamani
Astrologer, Numerologist, Vastu-FengShui Expert, Tarot , Runes, Graphologist, Palmist, Face Reader at Jayshree Dhamani
October?…will actually turn the cards open in front of us… as one by one now planets will get direct….
Start with Pluto, Saturn, and Mercury in this month, followed by Jupiter in November?… Neptune in December…Mars & Uranus in Jan’23…By the end of Jan 23, we shall have all planets direct….?:)
Expect gradual forward movement in your important & major task with October…When a planet is in direct motion after a long retrogression then it’s a powerful time where we can start progressing in almost every area of our lives.
Earlier while in retro motion there were delays, obstacles & no clarity in nearly everything that we take upon…almost nothing was moving forward…
Now with direct motion, we have a green signal to take a step ahead?…
Time will move faster now & the speed of daily life will move forward. It’s beginning to start having results of our work and patience…Regain your confidence… It is important to know this & use this period well.
Numerologically, October is the 10th month of the year…10 is all about ending and a new beginning…
Expect completeness, totality, success, and achievements at some level with October…
Basically, the number 10 brings change… & symbolizes the completion of a cycle…do not categorize in good or bad as its reflection will be in the direct proportion of what we did earlier….
Only you know what you have done in earlier months…& the next 2–3 months are the result giving time for you… expect the results as per your previous actions…
Number 10 has the power to create new things also?…which in turn gives changing impact on everyone.
Things won’t be the same after this month… there can be a start of something new…at some level… emotionally, mentally or in actual form.
But much of October we have Mercury, Saturn, and Pluto slow and stationary… giving us a pause before they start giving results.
We had less transit in September but October is full of new planetary transits…
At the beginning of the month, Earth element will be dominant along with Virgo as a prominent sign… loaded with Sun, Debilitied Venus, making Neech bhang raj yoga with exalted Mercury till 17th — 18th September…
The impact can be mostly positive as Jupiter’s aspect will help in being optimistic towards any change coming your way…but health should be watched carefully during this time?…
If we observe the calendar of October…
The month starts with almost stationary Mercury & Pluto — trine with each other closely… this can change or impact positively & intensely our thinking, communication, and psychology…It's best to welcome new ideas and different styles to handle?….
On 2nd Oct — Mercury gets direct in Virgo @ 00.02°?…at the edge of the Virgo sign….
Direct Mercury will resolve disputes, speed up your documentation, travel plans, can bring clarity & clears any misunderstanding.
You will be in a better position to execute major tasks…. & Take important decisions?…
& On 9th Oct — Pluto will be direct in Capricorn @ 1.56°?…
With this there will be motivation to break through strong barriers that were holding you back to make any modifications needed for your growth…especially, in — within your career…
We have Saturn — Uranus square modifying our work patterns completely…Also giving challenges in the signification of Saturn in our chart.
We have Saturn aspecting Ketu & now it is separating aspect…with changing degrees, which may create relief?…and may open new doors, in the work area…
To enhance this transformation, on the 10th Oct we have a full moon in Pisces — Revati Nakshatra @ 22°
This full moon may bring completion, achievement, or an end to some major tasks which you have been trying for a long time…
& This can bring a fresh start as Moon will also simultaneously cross Pisces gandanta and will enter Aries…
Uranus is also in 6–8 relation with the Virgo sign where we have Sun, Venus, and Mercury.?…which is capable of giving sudden & unexpected impact…
This can probably be the starting point of any change that will come your way?…You are good as far as you don’t resist the change…& keep up with a calm and patient approach…
Then on 16th Oct — Action & fiery planet Mars will enter Gemini…You may experience some smart, mindful action, as with Gemini Mars we can have brilliant ideas, & courageous communication…. though for a short while…
Mars will be very slow and moves just a degree till 30th Oct before getting retrograde in Gemini…
Mars in Gemini may show you the probable future at a mental level, in thoughts, or by forming ideas, or plans about something major… which can take shape only when Mars is in direct motion by March 2023….
??~ On 17th Oct — Sun transits to its debilitated sign Libra but making Neech bhang raj yoga as the very next day Venus will join Sun in Libra…
Sun has too much fire and ego which can make you dry on emotions & relations can be weak…& Libra is all about cordial relations…
Venus in libra on the 18th can be a savior — but Ketu is in Libra?…where we have combust Venus for a long time…so keeping a diplomatic approach & harmonious relations can be the key to handling this transit well.
??Another important transit is on 18th Oct — Ketu in Swati & Rahu in Bharani — Pada-2
With Ketu in Vishakha in the past 8 months, you must have had some new path or alternative solution to your problems….
Ketu in Swati — Rahu’s nakshatra makes a strong connection. Rahu will have the upper hand from here with our worldly approach… Business & relations will have more impact.
You may find greater integration of diverse elements, relationships, or values to bring balance & harmony that is signified by Libra…
This can easily happen by letting go…reflection and self-realization signified by Ketu?…This tendency will increase as Ketu will be in Pisces navamsa and Rahu in Virgo navamsa for the next 2 months…both are dignified in navamsa…
The internal feeling will be satisfactory, and delightful with positive energy…This can be the best position for Rahu-Ketu.
& The best part will be, finally, now Ketu will cross the exaltation point of Saturn…Ketu is done with its job related to Saturn, Jupiter…& their significations…like your relations, wisdom & work-related matter…the lessons need to be remembered and practiced in the time ahead…
Another significant transit will be on the 23rd of October we have a degree conjunction of Sun-Venus and from here Venus will move forward from Sun…
Expect gradual relief in all the signification of Venus like relations, love, beauty, charm, and grace in life along with finance, prosperity, luxuries, and comfort of life will improve….
As now, Venus will work independently without the strong & fiery influence of the Sun.
??Also the very next day on the 24th Oct — Saturn will be Direct in Capricorn @ 24°… Slowly and gradually your work, career, and other significance of Saturn like health, land related matters will come back on track.
With these 2 important events of Venus slowly transiting ahead of Sun and Saturn in its direct motion will change the environment…
See the series of events now…next day on the 25th we have New Moon in Libra — Swati nakshatra @ 7°?…There will be a new start after all those changes…. & Endings?… New moon may bring new opportunities for everyone… to work on all kinds of personal and professional relations.
??~ To add fuel to this energy, on 26th Oct — Mercury will transit Libra. Mercury in Libra will emphasize more on sharing ideas, exchanging thoughts…. discussing and not debating before coming to conclusions….
Mercury in Libra is all about balancing the relations with right & friendly communication…It's best to remain cordial with people around…
Towards the end of the month, gradually the focus transfers to the Libra sign…. where Ketu will welcome one by one…. Sun, Venus, and Mercury giving final closer to the matter at hand….
So, you see… as the planets will transit forward, they will come on the radar of Saturn, Uranus, and Rahu all together…making a powerful impact on their significance to trigger events…
Also will make close conjunction with Ketu at the beginning of November…
Things that had started while these planets were in conjunction with Rahu back in April/May/June can see closer or be in their final stage…
??Lastly, at the end of the month on, 31st Oct — Mars gets retrograde in Gemini @ 1.26°
Mars is just touching Gemini and goes back to finish some unfinished tasks of the Taurus sign in our chart….
Mars will be just moving within that initial 1st degree of Gemini in Mrigshira nakshatra, its own Nakshatra and 6–11 lord for Gemini ascendant….
Both are upchaya houses so expect some positive futuristic vision which most probably be realized when Mars will be direct in Gemini by March ’23…
Let us see for each ascendant what we can expect for the month of October…where there can be some change and forward shift in the situation…Check closely the sign placement of Virgo & Libra…as most events are happening around these signs and their opposite sign Pisces & Aires…
I’ll be sharing the few most prominent areas of impact but you may relate to the activity you are trying to pursue for the past few months, especially from early 2022… You may experience some movement or shift in those areas of your life?…
Start with:
Aries: You can expect some development in your work area, marriage life along with your relationship with the rest of the world…
It is everything related to changes in your day-to-day activities, your focus will be more on fitness, health, controlling expenses, the matter related to foreign countries will be in the focus.
& You may have to balance your identity & independence with that of others…
Taurus: The area of focus for you will be your work, job, creativity, stock market, foreign travel, expenses or matters related to your children, hobbies, & all pleasure-giving activities…
The way you enjoy may change now & also the people you engage with…
You may try to have stability in your daily life…. Your, spending and work-life balance…
Gemini: Expect reshaping on the home front, property, vehicles, your roots, mother, and the foundation of your value system may need reworking.
You need to work on balancing the same with your career…also, your personal pleasure & skills vs that of your friends and your network’s…
Try & keep up with your enthusiasm as always…
Cancer: You need to alter the way you communicate, avoid emotional fights or conflicts while communicating, traveling…& recreate bonds within the family
Expect redesigning of house, your transportation, & shuffle in work zone…
Expressing your thoughts in writing can be helpful…& aim at balancing family, private life vs public or work life…
Leo: You may reflect on how you value your possessions, health, family…& work on polishing your communication, & sharing your ideas…
Expect some change in your eating habits which can bring good health?…
You desperately look for change & expanding your horizons…
Virgo: October may reshape your self-image, finances, health, and best time to welcome any change that is needed for your personal development…
You may work on maintaining a stable income, good relations, partnerships & managing your finances well… most probably you will be able to achieve what you are looking for…
Libra: You have been trying hard with everything around to make things work…& support yourself. You can know better by researching & self-realization…Gradually you will find clarity and a way out to make that tough decision…
Expect major correction, reordering in your life, in your thought process & helping others, updating with new learnings, which can actually heal you internally….
Do make new fitness goals and mold at each level…prepare yourself for a grand new beginning…
Scorpio: you may get what you have desired for a long… You may find new ways to manage this strong energy in everyone’s interest including your friends, and extended circle…
Let go of any fixed approach…
There can be a new development in travel to a foreign county or a long vacation… your dreams can come true…related to your career but it’s time to invest your time & energy in managing your finances & expenses…
Sagittarius: Major breakthrough in the work area, your public life…you will be action-oriented, looking for new opportunities, power, and status.
Your business tact & communication skills will be finally recognized to fulfill your desires in the coming time…
There can be a clear focus, goal, and successful venture with financial gains…
Capricorn: You may re-evaluate your perspective on life & the world, in general. There can be long-distance travel, higher education… Do respect and consider the opinions of elders…
Best time for you to be strong & clear in your approach?…make necessary changes in your work style by taking constructive steps.
Work hard but also, pay equal attention to family and your own well-being, your peace of mind….
Aquarius: You are longing for change, regulation, and new developments for a very long…
October may find you a refreshing way to expand your limits and open new ways to manage your finances…. reduce your fear and improve your risk-taking tendencies…
Best time for you to be adaptable, emphasize, on new learnings, communicating…also start planning for movement, travel…& new adventure…
Pisces: There can be new connections…fruitful collaborations both at personal and professional levels…
Make sure you make a confident move forward?… use your past experience and evaluate the way you relate with others in relations…encourage yourself with change wherever needed…
You may get some easy finance and your resources will improve…you need to be perfectly balanced with yourself and others.
That’s all for all 12 ascendants….
To summarize, the entire month of October has fluctuating and changing energies…. earth trine — Taurus-Virgo-Capricorn is very active throughout the month, the material side of life…our finances, health, work & relations.
…be watchful of being stubborn, fault-finding, or have criticism over others’ work…
You can easily get into conflict with Sun, Venus, and Mercury in the Virgo sign…It is necessary to be patient…understanding and mindful to have a fair approach….as that’s what is going to work in favor of you…
Try and aim to achieve peace with an objective outlook… Also, be diplomatic & fair in your approach.
Do what is expected from your side without getting into any pride or ego clash?…Avoid conflicts at all levels…
Most importantly do not resist any change…. because the theme of this month is all about transforming things to grow…to move forward in your life…
Be open for any makeover & the rest will follow…