The Transit!
Changi airport based in Singapore is a world-class airport which has won lot of international awards, it’s actually a tourist attraction in itself. To keep oneself occupied they have designed an expansive architecture and a collection of artworks scattered throughout the terminal, a huge shopping complex, a variety of entertainment centres' help keep you occupied all in one place.
But people are there only for a layover, and move on to their destinations.
The world is like the Changi airport, just a place for transit, not to be fooled by thinking it’s a permanent place to be and get involved in all the entertainment it offers. Whether be it a job, a marriage, an education, a match of cricket or a relationship – we need to move on whether we are successful or not – doesn’t matter – we are here to experience and move on – not to get stuck either with success or failure.
What do we usually do?
As kids we want to come first at school hence work pretty hard, once that is achieved we are happy for a moment and then move on to college…same goes here too….and then first job, marriage, kids, their studies, their marriages….and the cycle goes on…birth and death…death and rebirth….and then we ask ourselves why we get stressed out….we don’t even know why we are here in the first place and place no efforts around understanding our purpose.
What’s our purpose?
To know who we are…Isn't it….read the literature of all spiritual people across the world…message is the same…Know Thyself…that’s it….not to win & go about boasting…nor to lose and get depressed….let those experiences come… Navigate around them and move on…
How do we deal with Death?
When we look around we realize that someone we know has passed and our turn will come, are we prepared for it? We all put so much effort and prepare for work, family, relationships, entertainment etc, why are we so callous when it comes to the ultimate reality, we don’t seem to care hence suffer!
Treat this world as a place of transit only…everything around us is temporary, the relationships we hold so close to heart – the Job we love, the passion we pursue etc The ultimate lesson is to be detached, Experience and move on to the next quickly.
Life is to experience, as children we were experts at moving on…remember the first time your toy broke…you cried like hell…the very next day you moved on…but as adults we hold onto things too? tightly to our hearts and then complain we are stuck and stressed.
If not already – start reading good spiritual literature, reflect, pause…we are Human Beings…not Human Doings…to Be is the aim of life…to Be what…to Be Peaceful! To just Be our very Self…that’s it…
Look at Ramana Maharshi…read His story…why is that lot of great people go and bow to Him? Just think – someone who did nothing through the days, months and years….He was just Himself…His presence was and is so so very powerful…even now when I visit Sri Ramana Ashram … stepping near His samadhi is so soothing…mind calms down…agitations cease…you are given that experience of being your very Self!
Aim of life, the purpose is Just to be Your Self….Re-start your journey within with all sincerity while navigating whatever life brings up….Focus only on one thing….The Purpose…your purpose for this life!
We therefore are in a short transit in this life…use the clutch to move around with ease…everything that happens is planned by Him..a blueprint is already planned and it’s in the execution stage…don’t worry about your own planning…whether you plan or not you will have to go through whatever experiences He has planned…hence Surrender to His wisdom, Be at Peace and just wait until He executes His next move….Summa Iru! (Just Be)
*Summa Iru
There are two things an individual is normally engaged in; either his body is busy doing something or his mind is engaged in thinking something. Seldom does he remain as ‘himself’, free from all influences.? Seldom does he remain in his natural state of peace and happiness. When he remains thoughtless and speechless, he attains his natural state of serenity and peace.? This state in which he remains quiet and still, dissolves his mind, remains ‘just being’ is the ideal state that leads him to Self-awareness.? Our saints have advised us many ways by which we can reach that state and one way which is simple and needs no special effort is ‘Summa Iru”.? It means remaining quiet without either any mental or bodily activity.
So the next time you are on a transit at Changi airport, Enjoy your short stay thoroughly - Be aware that all the enjoyments would end and you need to take the next flight towards your destination.
1 年Everything is momentary and transitory. Having said that, we cannot remain idle in the worldly sense. We have to do all that we are supposed to do. We have to act our roles well so that we are noticed by the Director. Just be, should mean, we have to still our racing thoughts and mind and be in the wavelength of the ultimate.