Transforming Your Money Mindset
Raphaelle Hernu
Growth Partner | Business Coach | Positive Intelligence | Event Organiser | Finance professional | European Women On Boards (EWOB)
During our recent weekly live chat, we delved into the world of finances, again, as I keep exploring the recurring complaints and struggles most of us face when it comes to money.
Today, I want to share with you a transformative approach inspired by Gay Hendricks' book, "The Big Leap," and explore how it can help you achieve financial freedom.
You see, Hendricks introduces the concept of the "upper limits" that we unconsciously set for ourselves, which prevent us from reaching our full financial potential. These limits manifest as self-imposed barriers when we are about to exceed our comfort zones in terms of money.
But fear not, for we have the power to break through these limits and soar into new heights of prosperity. It all starts with understanding our money stories – the beliefs we hold around money that shape our reality. These stories are often shaped by our personal experiences, family influences, and the culture we grew up or live in.
For instance, if someone takes money from us and doesn't return it, we may develop a lasting belief that people are inherently dishonest. Perhaps our family drilled into us the idea that money doesn't come easy, reinforcing a scarcity mindset. Moreover, growing up in a society that stigmatises wealth might have led us to believe that being rich is something negative.
But here's the exciting part: once we uncover these stories, we hold the power to suspend them, install new empowering beliefs, or dismantle them through new habits. This is where "The Big Leap" comes into play, as it offers a roadmap for identifying and overcoming our upper limits.
I invite you to embark on a journey of self-discovery and transformation, inspired by Gay Hendricks' wisdom. Take a moment to reflect on your own beliefs around money. What stories do you hold about it? Are they rooted in personal experiences, family influences, or the culture you grew up or live in?
To further explore our emotional connection with money, let's map out the range of negative feelings that may arise when we discuss or pursue money.
It's crucial to be aware of these emotions as the first step towards overcoming them.
In our pursuit of releasing these emotions, I'd like to share some powerful techniques with you:
Releasing these emotions might be challenging at first, but with consistent practice and self-compassion, you can experience remarkable shifts in your money mindset.
To your abundance and success,