Transforming Workplace Wellness: A Call for Heart-Intelligent Leadership
Art by S.West + DALL-E

Transforming Workplace Wellness: A Call for Heart-Intelligent Leadership

In my journey to build a supportive business network and promote occupational coherence as a sustainable solution to occupational burnout, I've encountered various responses from leaders. Recently, I reached out to a CEO on LinkedIn, hoping to connect and share insights.?


His response??


"I only connect with B-Players like myself.'"



This encounter highlighted a crucial issue: this person's response fell below the level of courage described in Dr David R Hawkins's book Power vs. Force. His response was prideful with a tinge of anger, both below the level of courage.?



Any interaction rooted in behaviors and attitudes that fall below the level of courage is corrosive and energetically damaging. It hinders the possibility of building a supportive business network and affects the individual holding such thoughts because whatever negative assumptive thoughts are held in mind translate into a projected negative positionality without first understanding the other person's intentions. Our most valuable relationships, connections, and opportunities are lost here.



Energetics below Level 200 on the Scale of Human Consciousness have a draining and divisive effect. Draining individual energetics will bleed into interpersonal dynamics and siphon vital energy from environmental energetics, leading to a draining effect that worsens a workplace burnout problem. Energetics that fall below the level of courage create toxic, draining environments that drive burnout, depression, and anxiety in the workplace.



In contrast, energetics at or above Level 200 are regenerative, fostering positive interactions, mutual trust and respect, genuine concern for well-being, and the potential for transformative change.



Heart-intelligent leadership, which emphasizes emotional awareness, empathy, and coherence, is essential in bridging this gap. It is about creating environments where every team member feels valued and connected, not just those deemed 'worthy' by traditional success metrics.

To truly transform workplace wellness, humility, and openness must be embraced. Leaders need to recognize that their greatest strength lies not in their status but in their ability to connect with and understand their people.



Why not champion a leadership style that breaks down barriers, fosters genuine connection, and promotes a culture of coherence??



The time has come for self-professed B-player leaders to step down from their prideful pedestals, embrace heart-coherent leadership, and become an A-player leader who steps up to fight for the hearts and loyalty of their People with Passion and Patience.



Heart-coherent leadership differentiates between a leader who divides and a leader who unites.?



We need more of the uniting kind!????????



My response to this self-professed “B-Player” was only to thank him for the consideration. I learned this through the Letting Go technique taught by Dr David R Hawkins in his book, “Letting Go: The Pathway to Surrender.” I highly recommend the read!? (This is my Amazon Affiliate link to the book. I earn a small commission if you buy the book. However, it does not add to your cost of buying the book. Thank you! ????)



What about you? How do you feel about A-Player Leadership?



#HeartCoherentLeadership #WorkplaceWellness #HeartIntelligence #OccupationalCoherence #TransformationalLeadership #APlayerLeadership #Lighthouses


