Transforming the User Experience: MobileNAV's UI Redesign Project
MultiSoft Innovative Solutions
Best in Class Apps for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central users
In today's competitive digital landscape, maintaining marketability requires constant evolution and improvement in user experience.
The MultiSoft Innovative Solutions team believes that MobileNAV could benefit from a touch of renewal. This motivated us to embark on renewing our ERP mobility app.
The central objective is to breathe new life into MobileNAV's user interface, improving the app's aesthetics and functionality for its users.
Today, we’re introducing a major design update to MobileNAV that rolled out over the recent months.
So, prepare for a thrilling journey as we explore how a fresh design can unlock new potentials within MobileNAV.
Allow me to introduce our application to those less familiar with it briefly.
MobileNAV is a well-known mobile business solution that seamlessly integrates with Microsoft Dynamics NAV/Business Central. It helps companies in many industries (like sales, field service, warehouse management, project management..) to streamline operations and boost productivity while providing real-time access to critical business data within their ERP.
We have listened to our users' feedback to make MobileNAV not only packed with features but also appealing. Once we started the process, we also identified some fields to improve in the usability.
Modern design switch
We have introduced a Modern design switch in the MobileNAV administration menu so that users who prefer the conventional view can still use it, while others can enjoy the new interface.
Main menu
We've added a modern icon set, making navigation visually appealing and intuitive. Left-aligning categories ensure easy scanning and quick access to your desired features. The bigger, more simplified icons are easier to recognize and tap.
Enhanced functionality includes a new chevron that effortlessly expands or collapses categories, allowing you to navigate easily.
We've reorganized the button order to optimize usability, placing the most frequently used buttons at your fingertips.
We've moved the View Settings option to a "hamburger" menu. You can easily customize your view preferences while enjoying a streamlined toolbar.
We've also improved readability with a bigger font size, ensuring that every option and label on the toolbar is clear and easy to read.
Icons, SVG icons
MobileNAV's icons have undergone a remarkable transformation.
We're proud to announce that our app now supports the SVG format, enabling you to re-color icons inside the MobileNAV administration menu. You no longer need to use photo editing tools to create your own colored logos.
List and Cards
Both list and card views have received makeovers, offering a more user-friendly experience.
With the introduction of the right chevron, navigating through your content has given you seamless exploration.
Furthermore, we've removed bold styling and separators for a cleaner and sleeker design, resulting in a more sophisticated appearance.
We've done all the heavy lifting for you by reviewing every list and creating a dedicated cell-based format for them. That means every list has the most important data highlighted, creating a smooth and intuitive navigation experience.
We encourage you to explore MobileNAV's new UI for yourself. ????
Download the latest app version and share your thoughts and feedback with MobileNAV's team at [email protected] or in the comment section below.