Transforming Trust: How Sensory Insights Helped Voltaren Strengthen Consumer Belief.
Chris Lukehurst
Director at The Marketing Clinic with expertise in Consumer Psychology and Market Research
Case Study Summary: Helping Consumers to Believe in Voltaren
Voltaren is the leading topical pain reliever globally, with clinically proven effectiveness. However, consumers were increasingly choosing competing brands even though they lacked proven medical benefits.
Key Question
How can we make consumers believe more in Voltaren's efficacy?
Small Sensory changes that make a big difference
Using our unique Emotional Profiling techniques, The Marketing Clinic identified how and why the sensorial benefits of the competitive brands convinced consumers to believe that they were having a beneficial effect and how the communications from these brands supported this belief.
We explained how and why these placebo effects convince consumers that the products are working and how Voltaren should change some of its sensorial properties and improve its communication to help more consumers recognise its proven clinical affects in relieving pain and speeding up recovery.
This led to a new generation of Voltaren which targets consumers’ emotional as well as their physiological needs and has ensured the brand maintains its global no.1 position.
“In order to meet growth targets, we have made some decisions to move into new strategic areas of focus for our products. The work that we have done with The Marketing Clinic has provided insights into the consumer emotions, expectations, and product performance needed for us to compete effectively in this area. I believe the insights from this work have accelerated our ability to win in a new category.”
Mark M
Chris Lukehurst is a Consumer Psychologist and a Director at The Marketing Clinic:
Providing Clarity on the Psychological relationships between consumers and brands