Samantha Cameron
Founder/creator of Daily Breath Yoga & Shakti Dances. International Yoga Instructor, and professional Astrologer
?????????????????? The longing is for......
Love to be its own witness
Present in every moment.
It is for us to open,
Accepting each opportunity
To turn toward another,
Holding the silent hidden presence.
Now, we stand as witness
Surrendering all.
Embracing all.
Declaring all
To create this moment of Grace.
Here, as witness
We guard the sacred
We hold what is,
Guide to what shall be
Led by wisdom's heart.
The longing met.
Cosmic Energies opening September
?Wisdom Body Notes for August 28-September 5
?In July, I wrote this poem to a beautiful couple for their lavender wedding in Provence.? Despite overwhelming difficulties in the rest of summer, I'm holding hard to memories of joy and the energy of 'transmission,' especially as we enter fall.? Yes, some of the summer's 'celestial- flame' subsides, and yes, we may have greater opportunities to focus on personal dreams, rather than fixing one more derelict, inopportune thing; and yes, we shall continue dealing with ongoing erratic changes, befuddled emotions, along with the incessant, "What?? You can't be serious!"? ~ The title of my new book.
?As August kisses farewell with gracious Venus love, make time this week to be with those you care for as the planet of ?value, money, love and relationships sings loudly through many connections.? This helps ease the electricity of a perfectly insane transmission of low mind to high mind.? This exchange is a big, "What?" ?Wed. 28, Mercury, guide of lower mind, the trickster, the conversationalist and questioner finally turns direct.? A big hooray as some of the tech issues, auto repair, confusion and lack of progress subside allowing us to move on.? BUT the Retrograde baton is passed to Uranus, the Awakener' and higher octave of Mercury, planet of the Meta-Mind, wider vision, and out of the box grandiose chaotic ideas.? We enter September with this Uranian blast as a directional force moving into the New Moon on the 2nd.? This Sun/Moon rebirth is in Virgo, ruled by Mercury! ?Remember, all New Moons integrate the present energies for use during the coming 28 days.? Clearly, September will offer lots of quixotic, Uranian 'Olé' for re-addressing, and reconfiguring transformative ideas and action.
?With both Uranus and the New Moon in earth signs, we have support in remaining grounded, which is a must as we will be brought face to face with paradox, and the unexpected. Pay attention to 'standing in witness' for what is important, as Uranian energy changes perception, even our view of reality.? Before unknown tsunami's sweep you on, focus on gestalt principles of forming meaningful patterns, or a sense of wholeness out of confusing complexities. (The German word "gestalt" means whole.) If you can make sense of the twists and surprising turns then this will be a time of transcending old patterns, and revelatory possibility.? More olé!
?September 1st is some Sunday!? Along with Uranus skidding to standstill to move backward, Pluto, god of transformation, death, sex and taxes, continues his retrograde movement to arrive back at the threshold of Capricorn.? 'Transcendent' is a very nice word for the very large cosmic fist in glove offered when Pluto is in Capricorn.? You know this as early his year Pluto moved into Aquarius, after 20 years in Capricorn.? Keep your spiritual seatbelt fastened as there will be lots about Pluto's unfinished Capricorn business.? Note that between ?9/1 to 11/18, there is likely to be difficulty with big business, big money and bad politics.? It's interesting that the last, oh so powerful Full Moon on 8/19, when Pluto stood poised at the opening of Aquarius,, that lunation was on the US natal Moon, at 26 Aquarius, shining light on the country's people, their emotional issues, as well as the DNC ~voting the first beautiful black woman into the path of ?presidency.? Yet another, Olé.?
We stand at the beginning of a birth canal into the new Age of Aquarius, fraught with change, revolution, and the furious, dying cries of old masculine toxicity.? Yes, we are shifting. ?Yes, we have hope.? But in this great experiment of earthly consciousness, remember that it is an experiment.? We are a petri glass of all things and this coming month we will question how many ways we fulfill this life. What version of me will stand tall as a spirit-warrior? Pluto's final pass through the old guard of Capricorn, which began in 2008, concludes the breakdown of old power, and outmoded social paradigms. It's fascinating that Pluto will embrace the Sun on 1/21/25, inauguration day.? Notice these dates of synchronicity, they ain't 'oh by the ways.' Hold a vision for the highest possible outcome!
Another sign of change pushing us on, and whipping up the weeds of fiery ideas and promotion, is that Mars moved into inquisitive, chatty Gemini, ruled by Mercury, and operates from there until Oct. 20th.? As the warrior of courage, conflict, desire, and 'masculine-can do,' you will find your ideas, and conversations, your artistic expression and individuality driven and expanding through many mediums.? The fire of Mars partners many artists in their work, consider him the 'conversationalist of creativity.' Despite confusion, fire up what's important for you, and as always, listen to your intuition, especially as you mind may be muddled with too many "Olé's" ??
Blessings ~"May your longing be met."?
Thank you for following, subscribing and sharing my blog. Special gratitude to those supporting my work through booking consultations.? You inspire my life and writing. ???? Samantha
NEW ASTROLOGIC OFFERINGS: Along with the natal deep dive, uncovering soulful aspirations of past/present/future, $150.00, or Solar Returns, $100, to examine and reveals plans for the birthday cycle around the Sun......New options of Cosmic-Bites now available for $50.00 each:
1. A lunar Return offers an expanded layering of ideas and consciousness to 28 days of time; This is the Moon's cycle related specifically to you.
2. A psychologically cosmic deep dive into a specific question.
3. GIFT CERTIFICATES!? A reminder that an Astrologic Consultation is always a unique, and loving gift for friends and family.? When you purchase a natal consult as a gift, or you refer a client -I gift you with a free Lunar Return, or pondering a question.
"I consult from psychological, metaphysical perspectives, keeping the energetic information practical and useful to navigate as we deep dive into your life."? Contact Samantha at [email protected] ~or text? 508-505-7700
"Your skill, wisdom and humor are such a gift! Thank you for my solar return and the pleasure of your company!" ??Kate Stickley.??
For those who enjoy my writing, I joined Substack- a platform for writers~exploring themes of the wisdom body via the lens of Yoga, poetry, dance, cosmic influence and life experience.?
All classes are hybrid.? If you can't make class, go to my youtube channel and partake:?
contact Samantha for information & invitation: [email protected]
Wednesdays 5:30 PM- ET ?Vinyasa Yoga, mixed level
Saturdays 9AM-ET - Vinyasa Yoga, mixed level
Pilates Classes start back up Tuesday 9/3 at 8:30 AM-ET
Contact Samantha- [email protected]
A Shakti Yoga Dance Teacher Training is where toes in the pose create the sacred and sublime, informing?you how to expand and dance your Yoga, while learning to create the ' Wisdom Body'.??Discover and share your unique gifts from richly layered movement of mudras, meditation, chakras, pranayama, music, Shakti goddesses, and Astrological energies.??Your 'Emotional Intelligence’ is activated guiding you into outer and inner healing, and passion.?This is?A physical Yoga with a spiritual chaser!
FOR BIRTHDAY BODIES: For birthdays this week, up until Saturday, dance the light fantastic in the romance of a joyous heart.? Be careful of your boundaries as you want to be too generous and care-giving.? Birthdays on or after the weekend, leap into discovery, open your vision to review what might not have worked before, may be re-worked and uniquely successful now. It will be a year of large changes for you so put on your spiritual shield and buckler and lead the charge.?
Call me for a Solar Return deep dive!? 508-505-7700