Transforming Professional Development Using Higher Education
Debunking Six Continuing Fallacies Of Higher Education*, an article in the University World News, describes six areas that higher education must transform if it expects to survive into the future. We used the transformation areas noted in the article to benchmark our professional development model at CFO.University. We encourage finance leaders and corporate learning and development professionals to note how these 'six fallacies' are being addressed for their teams.
Key: ?? Fallacy ? Remedy ???CFO.University
1?? ?? There is a ‘traditional student’ ? Design for today’s student ?? Convenient, Practical, Performance Enhancing, Economic
We designed CFO.University to meet the needs of the modern professional. Our on-demand platform is available globally 24 hours every day. We created courses, tools and other content that can be consumed in quick spurts. Scholars at CFO.University pick where to focus their development to get the best career payback. We won't need student loans to fund your development at CFO.University. Better yet, most companies willingly pay for their finance professionals to participate in our programs
2?? ?? Learning happens Monday through Friday, 9 to 5, in autumn and spring ? Enable learning anytime, anywhere ?? On Demand, Live Virtual and Live Coaching
CFO.University's development platform is focused on creating and developing leaders in the CFO suite. Aside from that restriction, CFO.University is here for scholars whenever, wherever and however you need us.
3?? ?? The campus is for classes ? Reimagine the campus for community and creativity ?? See Image below
4?? ?? We measure student success solely academically ? Support and measure student success holistically ?? Leadership – The CFO Difference Maker
Our programs are designed to be applied to your work while you are participating in them. We encourage CFO.University scholars to use our programs to solve immediate business issues they are facing. Our focus is on career development by helping participants solve business problems.
One of our four key pillars is Leadership. The teaching from this pillar is designed to help scholars progress through the steps that develop leaders who have the skills and influence to significantly impact their companies and career. Read about it here, One of the Defining Attributes of a Successful CFO: Leadership
5?? ?? Costs can increase faster than quality ? Create affordable excellence ?? Bullseye
Our professional development model provides assessments and general information on many topics for free. Scholars can also take courses, use our tools and join our coaching program for a fraction of the cost for other offerings, most that don't target finance leaders.
Our coaching program encompasses all the aspects of CFO.University. Learn more about it here: Member Scholar PLUS Coaching Program
6?? ?? Accreditation ensures excellence ? Rethink accreditation ?? Professional Development-Centric
I invite you to take a self-guided of our development center here CFO.University
CFO.University: Convenient, Practical, Performance Enhancing, Economic
Identify your path to CFO success by taking our?CFO Readiness Assessment??.
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