Transforming Limiting Beliefs: One Leg At A Time
Kathy Roots Dip CBH Dip SMRB
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Career change is often a very high stakes venture that needs to be approached in an informed and systematic way. That said, no matter what situation you’re transitioning from, among the most common barriers to successful career transition are simply, our own limiting beliefs. These are the beliefs that cause you to doubt your skills, your competence, and your self-worth. They’ll slow you down and, in some cases, actually stop you from moving forward altogether.?
There will always be various concerns as you consider changing careers. However, these deep-seated limiting beliefs, are based more on our own internal representations of experiences or knowledge, rather than real factual evidence. They have more to do with fear. Fear of not being good enough, fear about what other people will think of us, fear of being rejected or worse, fear of failing! They hold us back and rob of us of the excitement of going for our dreams.
So, let’s explore a few practical ways to identify and reframe these negatives in the context of career change.
How Are Beliefs Formed & Maintained?
The very best non-jargonised description I’ve ever come across to describe beliefs comes from Tony Robbins. He uses the metaphor of a table, where the tabletop represents the belief, and the legs symbolise the experiences or "evidence" that support and hold up that belief.
So, you might believe that:
“I’m too old to try something new.”?
“No-one is going to recruit someone my age.”??
Here, the belief is very much concerned with external factors about the way work is organised; or about age being problematic for recruiters. But, just as the table needs strong legs to remain standing, a belief also needs strong ‘evidence’ to continue supporting it. Thus, if you feel you've been rejected due to your age, or if you've seen friends of a similar age, being rejected for roles, this will reinforce and strengthen your initial belief.The more experiences you have that support it the stronger the legs get, and the belief becomes very firmly upheld. It’s like a deep groove on an old record (for those who remember vinyl) that the needle never moves beyond.?
So, a couple of things to consider here. Firstly, how much control do you have over the way work is organised in society or ageism in recruitment? In reality, not very much! You can’t do much about the external factors, but you can do a lot about what’s happening inside you.?
Robbins has suggested that in order to change limiting beliefs, you need to 'dismantle the legs’ that are holding it up. And here, with some focused self-reflection, you need to examine this ‘evidence’ and question its validity.?
I personally love this metaphor because it illustrates how our beliefs are not fixed but are built by our experiences and what we’ve internalised. Which therefore means they can be changed and transformed. As you start to modify your experiences or interpretation of them, you can definitely change these old beliefs, and powerfully reframe them.?
Identifying & Acknowledging Limiting Beliefs
The first step towards disarming limiting beliefs is to be very honest and acknowledge their presence in your life. They are nothing to be ashamed of; nothing to run away from. They need to be faced, and whatever the case, it’s time to act, because they will continue to hinder your development and prevent you from embracing the very change you’re seeking.?
Start by jotting down your beliefs relating to career change. What are your thoughts about the new industry you’re considering, what about your transferable skills, or your ability to adapt? Are you worried that you might not have the necessary experience, or you might not really be cut out for it? You will note as you explore your beliefs that they are often framed as reasons ‘why you can’t do something’. As you ponder them check your inner world and notice how you feel when you think or talk about them in relation to your dreams.?
I remember when I started to develop my online business, I could hear that inner voice saying, “…who are you kidding? You don’t have the tech skills or, you can’t do digital marketing…” and so on. Immediately I’d feel deflated, like I was wasting my time!?But here I am 10 years later, in business online, and occasionally pivoting to new areas that interest or excite me. Nonetheless that voice and the feelings that accompany it, are all too real and need to be seriously tamed.?
So, write everything down, no matter how insignificant it seems.?
Time To Rattle Those Table Legs
Next we need to find out how strong the legs or evidence, that support these beliefs really are. Set out to critically question these references. Are they based on your own personal experiences, or are they the echoes of someone else's fears or opinions? I remember a client once telling me she was too scared to make a career change because she always heard her father almost demanding that she should stay in one company, doing one job. Although this was her fathers’ belief, she had taken it completely to heart and made it her own! Once she began to reframe the belief and gather new evidence, it didn’t take her much time to shift from a boring, mundane job to a sparkling new career that used all her creativity and imagination. It is therefore essential that you explore, in depth, and question the nature of the beliefs you hold.?
Again, make notes about what you’re discovering here.
Reframe And Rebuild
If you find that your beliefs are based on shaky legs—like generalisations, singular experiences, or others' opinions, then it's definitely time to start reframing them. For example, if you believe that you're too old to change careers, start to gather evidence to the contrary. Do the research. The Internet is full of people who have completely changed career, even in their 70s! Find them and read their stories - get inspired! Remind yourself of others who've successfully made late-career shifts, as this will provide you with new evidence and begin the process of building empowering beliefs.
Create affirmations, those short, to the point positive statements that you can repeat throughout the day like empowering mantras. Make little cards or post-it’s and put them in places where you see them and can say them at home or in your work environment.?
For instance, instead of thinking,
"It's too late to start over," reword this negative affirmation to become,?
"It's never too late to pursue my passion..."?
"I'm too old to start a new career," could be replace it with,?
"My years of experience and knowledge are valuable assets..."
To reinforce the reframing work you’re doing, add specific action steps, because taking action will help confirm your new beliefs. You could start networking with people in the field you're interested in; check out areas of study or re-training. Get to a point of feeling, “yes, I can do this!” The more you act in accordance with your new belief, the more it will positively strengthen those new table legs!
Grow Your Confidence
Finally, make positive self-affirmation a new habit. Remind yourself of your capabilities, achievements, and the new empowering beliefs you've created. Like muscles, the more you use them, the stronger they become. Over time, these new beliefs will take hold and your whole mindset and outlook will change.
Reframing beliefs isn't just a one-time event rather it’s a continuous process. As you prepare for career change, your ability to question, challenge, and reshape your beliefs will help you navigate your transition, and pave the way for your success.
Keep cultivating an attitude of resilience and persistence by celebrating small wins along the way. Break the career change process down into manageable steps, setting achievable goals that will help you build confidence and momentum. By maintaining a positive outlook, using the power of affirmations to reframe disempowering beliefs, you'll overcome your fears and stay motivated and proactive throughout.?
Remember, change is always possible, and with the right mindset and strategies, you can overcome any obstacle and achieve the professional fulfilment you so desire.
Are you ready to rebuild your belief tables?
References & Reading
Awaken the Giant Within: How to Take Immediate Control of Your Mental, Emotional, Physical and Financial Destiny! Tony Robbins (1992) Simon & Schuster
Happen to Your Career: An Unconventional Approach to Career Change and Meaningful Work, Scott Anthony Barlow, Happen Publishing 2022
The Squiggly Career: Helen Tupper & Sarah Ellis,?Penguin, 2022