The transforming of life and career

The transforming of life and career



In line with the vision of the ZEFA GROUP companies that is to grow beyond boundaries, upon God's blessing and the result of hard work together with all employees of ZEFA GRUP has proven the company is growing very rapidly and showing clear direction toward the achievement of a successful as a modern company in today's modern business arena. Therefore, it is necessary to prepare each staff and employees to take advantage of opportunities that will be more open and more demanded to always be ready and compete in a sporty manner to become a new leader in the future; When is the time? We certainly remain always refer on the track record, MILESTONE and RULE OF THE GAME but very clearly of course who always will get the first opportunity is the people who are always ready and qualified for it.

While it should be noted that it is undeniable that sometimes there are some workers, staff or employees or even among the leaders who can precisely hamper the growth of the company when its behavior is contradictory and does not meet the criteria for it, for example, when experiencing de-motivation with symptoms in general: lack of integrity, no discipline and loyalty are declining.

As one example marked by the presence of symptoms of lack of gratitude arise from the employee itself for what is received from the company may be due to lack of "sense of belonging" so that employees can only see the needs of short term only, have my needs fulfilled already ? and it leads to dissatisfaction. Otherwise have we also asked, "what have I given as my best achievement I can afford for the company to which I work for ?".

In this opportunity I want to share my experience to be a motivation for you all how my career journey first started working in the formal sector in a company with an early of my career as an office boy. I started from the year 1986 I graduated my education in SPP-SPMA Negeri Medan is an agriculture school level senior high school. That year I also decided to migrate to Jakarta actually with intention to register to the higher education level in IPB Bogor, but I did not pass in the selection of admissions and be me unemployed because to go to college in private I do not have money. Accepting the fact did not pass the selection of public university entrance test, at that time I had two choices; Return to Medan to my home town or to find a job to keep myself stay in Jakarta? And I decided to stay in Jakarta while looking for work because I felt ashamed to come home with unsuccessful.

From 1986 to 1988 I did not have a steady job just to work for myself, my job started as a hawker in Central Jakarta Pasar Senen Market, then turned as a clothing ironman and then also tried again as a construction worker. And then it was only in 1988 on the 12th of February for the services of a brother-in-law, I was assisted to find a job in a private company in Central Jakarta. Rather surprised to accept the fact that I was only accepted as an office boy, but a 2-year odd job trip has taught me bitter work in the informal sector, so with consciously consideration when I decided to accept employed as an office boy.

After the years I live and my career increases steadily, I served as office-boy for only nine months from February to November 1988 and then over the mercy of God I got promoted to the staff at that time as a service engineer serving as an assistant Laboratory Analyst in the office lab and also making after a sales service visitation to customers. Along with that income was increased automatically and then due to realize the importance of knowledge then I decided to start college in 1990 at the University of 17 Agustus 1945 Jakarta (UTA Jakarta) while still working and graduated in 1996 with a predicate cumlaude. I worked in the company for 11.5 years until finally I decided to resign and then ventured to pioneer the business by working with a friend, to the moment I lead three healthy and successful companies which growing rapidly, they are PT ZEFA VALINDO JAYA and PT DWITIRTA INVESTINDO and PT BANUHGA DARIE BORNEO managed under the ZEFA GROUP Flag Companies.

I learned why I was successful from an office-boy to becoming an entrepreneur? I tried to tread my life and career journey up to the current position that has experienced a very big jump which is I call it a "quantum leap" and in essence I find that there are some characters that I have developed and adhered to into myself that I have been I implementing in my daily life, that's what I would like to share with you now;

The Objectives:

In making of ZEFA GROUP employees to become great employees who are motivated and have a high work ethos and reliable in each job task, so as to have the skills as a leader in a visionary sense far ahead.

Some of the requirements that must be met to become a "great leader" are as follows:

1) Initiative

"Inspiration is much more important than knowledge" (Albert Einstein).

The initiative is driven by inspiration and the inspiration will always arise from the initiates, I think these two things are inseparable parts of each other like two sides of a coin.

A person to be a "leader" must first train the initiative on himself, that is, in every execution of the task does not have to be governed continuously but the concerned can move himself to work in accordance with the field of duties and responsibilities.

Initiatives can also be developed by carrying out other duties that are ordered or permitted to be carried out by first asking for the opinion or approval and necessary direction of the superior.

A person who has had an initiative at work does not always depend on the presence of his leader in overseeing his work, but he has his own conscience which gladly and responsibly will carry out the task entrusted to him, and at certain moments when the accomplishment of the basic task can be accomplished faster someone who takes the initiative will usually like to ask if there is still another more task that can be done.

A person who has the initiative will not shy away from the job assignment but considers every new task a challenge.

2) Creativity

Is the development of new ideas or ideas in carrying out the work, can be in the form of standardize / complement, complete or develop a new method in the implementation of the task by not deviating from the target set by the company.

A person who has had creativity at work will be far from being easy to give up on the job, if he has trouble then he will always try to find an idea of solving or a way out of the problem.

Creativity makes a person not only fixated on S.O.P. rigidly or precisely must be "beyond the SOP", where if found a barrier then it will be more flexible but will always focus on the target or we may say target oriented. He will never run out of ideas or ways of doing his duties.

For someone who is creative (the basic word of creativity), generally viewing the job is not something boring, but always there are interesting things in the work itself even though the work has been repeatedly done. There is a kind of great encouragement / energy from within oneself to do things better and better (self motivation to do by the best).

The form or pattern of creativity can be divided into two, namely, the original creativity that is purely from the idea itself and the other is the duplication of copying the creativity of others (or who have been taught by others) that have been tested and proven to be good to apply, both can give results which is just as good.

3) Productivity

Productivity can be achieved by someone more easily if he already has two main requirements are described in advance of the initiative and creativity.

Productivity is the result of achievement (in units of quantity per unit time) taking into account the quality of the best. Man is not a machine, then the level of productivity is more determined from within man itself, in other words self motivation is decisive in achieving one's productivity or group.

Set a target on yourself in triggering high productivity gains and reach your goals. Achieve high productivity can not be instantaneous or suddenly but need to practice or to train yourself with hard discipline, perseverance, tenacity and consistency and continuity.

Productivity is different with luck (lucky factor), because productivity contains the principle of consistency in it while luck is temporary.

4) Efficiency

If you have optimally implemented three points in advance with the best and greatest achievement, then you have reached the next stage where you can start thinking for efficiency.

At this stage we are required to think and evaluate the methods of work and the various factors that influence so that we can begin to see again on what points if possible we make various simplifications, namely simplify, accelerate, which ultimately will be able to cut the budget with the work or productivity that remains as maximal as possible.

We begin to think about eliminating unnecessary / unproductive cost cutting. But it must be remembered that efficiency does not merely cut the budget in a narrow sense, but makes every Rupiah budget issued to be very effective and productive. For example in practice there could be an increase in cost but must be believed to produce productivity that is not just linear but multiple, this is what is meant in the sense of "as much as possible".

Indeed at this stage, began to apply the basic principles of economics that INPUT the smallest with OUTPUT as big as possible.

5) Innovation

After the four important points above can be done well, at that stage someone can be mentioned as the level of expert, and usually he began to develop his mind for new things.

Uniquely, these new things are not dependent on external commands but the external factors are more stimulus to produce new creations which is it may be product or method.

At this stage one can always react well to the circumstances around it and any external problems or demands can be answered by making it a positive opportunity for himself or his group.

In this phase the whom will never lose ideas and always find new opportunities, that is why at this level a person can always survive in any circumstances that however difficult the situation it is.

He will be able to change something that for most others is a difficulty / obstacle to be an opportunity for himself or his group.

At this level there is no word of surrender, there is a persistent effort, where in this condition someone is no longer just an employee but in essence already has the spirit of entrepreneurship.


To be successful and achieve leadership characters and become a pioneer actually needed some requirements including: initiative, creativity, productivity, efficiency, and innovation. The five characteristics of this character can not just come to a person, nor is it a formal science that is simply memorized, but more than that must be through the effort to train themselves through daily work both at home, in the social environment and especially in the marketplace or businesses where we can work on a regular basis and with a clear methods (systematic-conceptual) system.

And for me personally, the world of work that I see as a "lab school" where we are not just looking for money and money, but it is where we learn, try, hone skills, creativity, production, evaluation and process never ceasing because there are always new challenges that require solving from ourselves.

That is why the marketplace is always interesting and not dull for people who have the characters mentioned above because usually always can be found something progressive and dynamic in the marketplace. In other words that the job I see is not something that is monotonous or mere routine but is always there are interesting things that I can find in it. It makes my life as passionate and meaningful as I still have / given in Him the opportunity.

And I do not want to be satisfied with any of my achievements, but I would rather self-test whether the achievement is already the best achievement I can do?

Suggestion :

Establish an appropriate working group on your part of the task and do an evaluation, then find new things and then start trying to improve your performance and good luck as long as there is a will you will succeed.

Authors Note:

The whole contents of this paper comes from the fruit of thought and empirical experience of the author himself from ordinary employee into an entrepreneur who poured and expected to be motivated to any employees in order to obtain success and also for others who want it.

Hopefully useful, from: Efendi Sitorus

Rinda Septiana

Recruiter | Headhunter | Recruitment Agency | Virtual Assistant

7 年

Wow.. proud of you sir, the one that make me amazed abaut you is your journey career that very inspirational.. from zero to be a hero ????



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