Transforming Data Organizations in the Era of Generative AI: From Cost Center to Key Player in Value Creation

Transforming Data Organizations in the Era of Generative AI: From Cost Center to Key Player in Value Creation

Hello, I’m Maekawa, the Data Team Manager at Commune Inc. As the wave of generative AI adoption sweeps through the corporate world, the roles of data analysts and data engineers are undergoing significant changes. In this presentation, I will introduce the new data organization structure we are implementing at Commune.

1.Traditional Challenges Faced by Data Professionals

In business enterprises, data-related roles are relatively new, and many companies lack established best practices for effectively utilizing data professionals. As a result, organizations often struggle to integrate these roles, while data professionals themselves may find it difficult to maximize their impact. Consequently, data teams have sometimes been seen as a "necessary but non-revenue-generating" cost center. However, this perception is undergoing a dramatic transformation.

The main challenges that data professionals have faced so far are as follows:

  1. Analysis and development require significant time and resources, but companies struggle to effectively capture returns.
  2. Quantifying contributions to business value is challenging.
  3. Bridging the gap between technical expertise and business requirements is highly complex.
  4. A substantial amount of effort is needed for data preprocessing tasks such as data cleansing.

2.Building a Data Organization at Commune

I will explain the key points to becoming the main driver of value creation.

Data Scientists / ML Engineers

2-1. The CPO Comes from a Data Science Background, Enabling Effective Task Allocation

Commune’s Chief Product Officer (CPO) transitioned from a data scientist role to their current position. This background provides a deep understanding of the challenges data scientists face, allowing them to focus on themes where they can maximize their value contribution.

2-2. Abundant Opportunities for Applying Recommendation Models

Over the past two years, a machine learning team has been established, and AI-driven solutions have begun to be integrated into the product. Commune envisions itself as an "AI-powered Community Platform" and will continue to incorporate recommendation systems and generative AI into various aspects of the product to address key challenges effectively.

Data Analysts

Building a New Collaborative Relationship with Generative AI

At Commune, data analysts are expanding beyond traditional analytics roles. They are increasingly taking on responsibilities similar to those of product managers and frontend engineers, leveraging generative AI to enhance their impact.

Direct Involvement of Data Analysts in Product Development

  • Traditional Role: Providing data analysis results only
  • Current Role: Leading the development of analytics features within the product

Data analysts develop dashboards within the product. For example, they embed BI tool dashboards using TypeScript and design the overall layout of the dashboard screen.

  • Future Role: Contributing to the implementation and improvement of generative AI features.

Analytics Engineers / Data Engineers

Running Generative AI on the Highway of Knowledge

Even with the powerful tool of generative AI and talented data professionals, if the underlying data is not well-organized, it’s like "driving a high-performance car on an unpaved road."

If we don’t steadily implement data pipelines, data catalogs, and data governance, we’ll encounter recurring issues with data management, preventing us from driving the business forward at speed. Therefore, we have been investing early in activities that ensure data quality and promote data democratization.

■ Impact of Inefficient Data Management:

  • Occurrence of duplicate data processing
  • Increased manual verification tasks
  • Significant effort required to ensure consistency between systems

■ Necessary Infrastructure Development:

  • Data Pipeline = A robust framework and drivetrain
  • Data Catalog = An accurate navigation system
  • Data Governance = Traffic rules and well-maintained roads

3.Transformations Brought by Generative AI

With the introduction of generative AI, these challenges are being rapidly addressed. Specifically, in the following areas, data professionals are evolving into direct value creators:

3-1. Dramatic Increase in Productivity

With code generation and automation powered by generative AI, tasks that previously took weeks can now be completed in just a few hours. This has enabled involvement in more projects, significantly increasing contributions to the organization.

Examples of Commune's Utilization

  • Reduced code creation time with GitHub Copilot
  • Cost reduction in the planning and proposal phase, such as organizing structure diagrams and operations, with Claude

3-2. Visualization of Business Value

With advancements in natural language processing, it has become easier to "translate" technical analysis results into business terms. This has enabled smoother communication with management and business departments, accelerating data-driven decision-making.

4.Specific Examples of Value Creation

Improvement of Customer Service

  • Streamlining all internal inquiry processes, leading to a reduction in effort and time spent.

Creation of New Value

  • Developing new solutions by leveraging accumulated data and generative AI

  • Establishing New Revenue Streams through Data Monetization

There are many other initiatives being implemented as well!

5.Future Outlook

In business enterprises, the role of data professionals is expected to become even more critical. At Commune, our data organization is not just a team of "data experts"—every member is challenged to deeply understand business needs and transform AI and data into concrete solutions.

As a company, we position our data professionals not as a "cost center," but as the "core of value creation," and we are investing accordingly. We look forward to our continued growth and success!





  1. 分析や開発に多大な時間とリソースを要するがリターンをうまく回収できない
  2. ビジネス価値への貢献度の定量化が困難
  3. 技術的な専門性とビジネス要件のギャップを埋める難易度が高い
  4. データクレンジングなどの前処理作業に多くの工数が必要







直近2年で機械学習のチームが誕生し、プロダクトに適用が開始されました。CommuneはAI powerd Community Platformというビジョンを掲げており、今後もプロダクトの様々な課題に対して、適切にレコメンドシステムや生成AIを組み込んでいきます。





  • 従来:データ分析結果の提供のみ
  • 現在:プロダクトの分析機能開発を主導


  • 未来:生成AI機能の実装や改善にも貢献できる





■ 非効率なデータ管理による影響:

  • 重複したデータ処理の発生
  • 手動での確認作業の増加
  • システム間の整合性確保に工数が必要

■ 必要な基盤整備:

  • データパイプライン = 頑丈なフレームと駆動系
  • データカタログ = 正確なナビゲーションシステム
  • データガバナンス = 交通ルールと整備された道路



3-1. 生産性の飛躍的向上



  • Github Copilotによりコード作成時間の削減
  • Claudeにより構造図やオペレショーン整理など企画提案フェーズのコスト削減

3-2. ビジネス価値の可視化



  • アクションプランの自動提案
  • ダッシュボード説明の自動生成

3-3. イノベーションの促進




  • 社内のあらゆる問い合わせ業務を仕組み化し工数削減


  • 蓄積されたデータと生成AIを活用した新ソリューションの開発

  • データモネタイゼーションによる新たな収益源の確立



事業会社においてデータ人材の役割はさらに重要性を増すことが予想されます。 コミューンのデータ組織は、単なる「データの専門家」ではなく、ビジネスニーズを深く理解し、AIやデータを活用した具体的なソリューションへと昇華させることに全員がチャレンジしています。




