Transforming Communities: Harnessing Sports for Development and Peace

Transforming Communities: Harnessing Sports for Development and Peace

From PDAG Archives

On the occasion of the 2024 'Sports for Development and Peace' day, the global theme announced by the United Nations is "Sport for the Promotion of Peaceful and Inclusive Societies." PDAG celebrates the theme highlighting the transformative power of sports amidst global division and strife.?


In a society where disparities, divides, and conflicts are prevalent, the goal of sustainable development requires innovative approaches and cooperative efforts. Sport is now seen as a critical tool for building social inclusion, promoting peace, and advancing the values of justice and inclusivity, in addition to its entertainment value. This article delves into the multifaceted role of sport in building peaceful and inclusive societies, exploring its capacity to transcend boundaries, unite communities, and inspire positive change on a global scale.

Sports and the Sustainable Development Goal 16?

Sports play a crucial role in promoting social progress, tolerance, and empowerment that cuts across age, gender, and ethnicity, as acknowledged by the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Global evidence gave rise to the Sport for Development and Peace Framework, or Kaza Resolution, in 2015. The sixteenth Sustainable Development Goal (SDG), which focuses on building inclusive and peaceful societies, guaranteeing everyone has access to justice, and establishing inclusive, effective, and accountable institutions at all levels, is greatly advanced by sports. Listed below are a few ways that sports help achieve these objectives:

  • Communication Platform for Peace: Sports can be a very effective means of spreading messages of peace, harmony, and solidarity. Important sporting events have always promoted peace, like the Olympic Truce.

  • Developing Social and Life Skills: Sports provide a platform for teaching vital social and life skills, addressing risk factors for crime and violence, particularly in young people. Programmes can increase public awareness of problems like gender-based and sexual violence, making communities safer.

  • Rebuilding Post-Conflict Societies: Sports are a means of community reconstruction and reconciliation in conflict-affected areas. Through the promotion of values like fair play, respect, and teamwork, sports facilitate communication and collaboration between people from different backgrounds. Communities can work towards a shared future of peace and stability and recover from the wounds of conflict through sports programmes and initiatives.

  • Supporting Social Integration: Through friendly games, sports aid in the reconciliation and integration of divided communities and cultures. By interacting with difficult-to-reach and marginalised populations, like refugees or indigenous peoples, they promote social inclusion.

PDAG's commitment to transformation

We at Policy & Development Advisory Group (PDAG) strive to support rural communities to harness the positive impact of sports, with a special emphasis on promoting peace and development. Our research-driven approach as a part of our ‘Sports for Social Impact’ vertical informs policies, advocating for sports in conflict resolution and improving access to education and livelihood opportunities.

The ‘Sports Action towards Harnessing Aspirations of Youth’ or ‘SAHAY’ programme, which was introduced on December 15, 2021, in cooperation with the Department of Sports and Youth Affairs, Government of Jharkhand, is a noteworthy initiative in this regard. With a focus on marginalised communities, SAHAY pioneers the use of sports for development, conflict resolution, and youth empowerment. Through SAHAY, we hope to empower youngsters while also encouraging gender sensitivity and inclusion through starting conversations. In addition, PDAG carried out a thorough study titled "Tribal Women and Girls of Jharkhand in Sports," which focused on the positive effects of sports on Adivasi women's development and well-being as they break down barriers, claim their identities and consider their potential socioeconomic impact.

Our dedication to harnessing sports for peace and development underscores our commitment to creating positive social change through inclusive and empowering initiatives.

Story of Astam Oraon

A rising football star named Astam Oraon's incredible journey exemplifies the transformative power of sports in fostering peace and development, particularly among tribal communities. Oraon's impact goes well beyond the football pitch, as she has already garnered international recognition as the captain of the Indian U-17 women's football team during the FIFA U-17 Football World Cup. Her recent participation in a UNICEF India workshop as a Young Ambassador demonstrates her dedication to utilising sports as a vehicle for youth empowerment in impoverished and conflict-affected areas. Oraon's hard work and determination are demonstrated by her journey from a remote community to representing her country on the international arena, despite her modest beginnings in an Adivasi family. Thinking back on her encounters, Oraon highlights:

“There is endless talent across our villages, particularly girls who don’t have that access just because we are born in a place with different points of view on how our lives as young girls and women should be led.”

These stories highlight how sports can provide people the confidence to defy social expectations and follow their passions. Oraon embodies the philosophy of using sports as a catalyst for positive change, promoting peace, empowerment, and development in the community and beyond, as she continues to inspire others.

Let's recognise the influence of sports on society on this international day of "sports for development and peace." We at Policy & Development Advisory Group (PDAG) are changing lives and planting the seeds of community change through programmes like SAHAY.



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