Imagine you have the goal of providing fish for a large community for a long time. You are given 2 million dollars to apply to this goal. What do you do? How do you provide the most fish?
Do you buy 2 million dollars worth of fish? (Spread out over time of course, or you have to invest in freezers and you get less fish for your investment.)
Do you hire fisherman? That should produce more fish in the long run that just getting the fish once.
Do you create or invest in a fishing business? That could produce more fisherman in the long run than just hiring the fisherman. It could also continue after the 2 million dollars is spent and may then become a sustainable solution.
If you took that latter approach you could produce a TRANSFORMATION, a change that alters the reality, a perpetual or self-sustaining change. You could be a TRANSFORMER.
You don’t need 2 million dollars to be a TRANSFORMER. And even the larger TRANSFORMATIONS are likely composed of many smaller TRANSFORMATIONS to get there. The TRANSFORMERs can work together.
If you have a TRANSFORMATION you wish to see, can you keep STRIVING for it? You can spend your time wishing and daydream, or spend your time taking action to realize your dreams.
As you become successful, as you start THRIVING, can you reinvest in growing your dreams? (If goal-oriented achieving yours goals could be the end. If GROWTH-oriented you can grow your goals.)
Change is hard. Scratch that – change is easy. Determining the desired change, getting the desired change and sustaining the desired change – that can be hard. But the most important changes will come from persistence and repetition compounding your efforts.
So if you want to be a TRANSFORMER: RECYCLE your STRIVING and THRIVING.
If you want to buy a TRANSFORMER, check out the Letron from BMW: