I was recently having a conversation with a friend and mentor of mine about the future of Gray & Granite Magazine. He asked me f I had created a mission statement for the project yet. I have not. It's important though--even just for my own sake--and I look forward to sharing more about that with all of you in the weeks to come.
One thing that's come up for me though as I consider this question more thoughtfully, is how challenging it's been to put that mission statement into words. I thought it would be an easy task but articulating your most sincere desire and purpose for something involves far more excavating than I expected.
And that's okay. Digging deep is a good thing. Even if it sometimes takes longer than we would like.
What has felt surprising for me so far though is how much this mission statement is revolving around community. And maybe that shouldn't surprise me. That is, after all, what we are.
If you had asked me a month ago about the purpose of Gray & Granite, I would have shared with you about storytelling and beauty and the need for tangible art in this world.
And I believe all of this with my entire soul.
But it's turning out to be more than that. It's turning out to be creating connection and safety and healing *through* storytelling and beauty and art.
Because here's what I know to be true...
The right community can be life changing.
When we are stepping out in courage for the very first time, it matters where we land. It matters how our vulnerability is held.
I make this next statement with the utmost truth: I was able to build a life as an artist because my community gave me the safety and courage to do so, and continued to support me along the way.
My hope, ever since, was to find an avenue to offer that same safety and support in return.
So whatever this mission statement ends up being in the end, it will be built upon that foundation; that we are transformed through community.
The latest issue of my magazine was just released yesterday and I am so immensely proud of the brave storytellers that contributed to these pages; many of whom were taking those steps for the very first time. And as I sit with all of it more as a space of community, I find that it holds more of me as a space of purpose, and love, and desire for what it can become in the future.
Volume 02 Issue 01 of Gray & Granite Magazine is now available for purchase HERE.
Yes, my hope is that Gray & Granite helps connect us to storytelling, to art, and to beauty. But more importantly, I hope it connects us to each other.
With love and gratitude,
Gen xo