Transformed from Glory to Glory
?Transformed from Glory to Glory
Zac Poonen |?01 January 2023
?(Please look up all the Scripture references)
A New Year prayer:?“Teach us Lord, to number our days, so that we can present to Thee a heart full of wisdom” (Psalms 90:12)
“Spiritual growth and transformation into Christlikeness do not happen overnight. It happens slowly - day by day and little by little."
Spiritual growth and transformation into Christlikeness do not happen overnight. It happens slowly - day by day and little by little. As we sing in the chorus:?“Little by little and day by day; little by little in every way, my Jesus is changing me; I am not the same as I was last year; and though the picture is not quite clear, I know He is changing me; Although it’s slow going, this I am knowing - that one day like Him I shall be”.?So, let us yield ourselves to the Lord every day this year, so that He can do that work of transformation in us.
Transformed by the Holy Spirit and God’s Word
When the Holy Spirit is allowed to be Lord in our lives, He will liberate us first of all?(2 Cor 3:17) -?freeing us from the power of sin, from the love of money, from the traditions of men that are contrary to the Word of God, and from being enslaved to the opinions of people. The Holy Spirit will then show us the glory of Jesus in the Scriptures and seek to transform us slowly into that likeness, by changing our way of thinking so that we begin to think the way Jesus thought?(2 Cor.3:18; Rom.12:2). The Holy Spirit wants to do that work in us this year. So, submit to Him.
Transformed by Praise and Thanksgiving
“Be filled with the Spirit, speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs (Eph.5:18-20).?The Holy Spirit wants to give us a spirit of thankfulness that frees us from all gossip, slander, bitterness, and anger. In the seven glimpses of heaven that we see in the book of?Revelation, we find that the inhabitants of heaven are?constantly?praising God. The atmosphere of heaven is one of constant praise, without any complaining or grumbling. The Holy Spirit wants to bring this atmosphere into our hearts and into our homes this year.?So, submit to Him.
Transformed by the Grace of God
?“The grace of God enables us to deny ungodliness and worldly desires and to live in a righteous, godly way in this evil world” Titus 2:11-12.?God wants to transform our thought-life through His grace and make our speech so gracious that it blesses everyone we meet this year?(Col.4:6). God’s grace also wants to transform the way husbands and wives behave towards each other this year?(1 Peter 3:7).?And in every trial that we face this year, God can give us grace that is sufficient to meet the need?(2 Cor 12:9).?So, humble yourself in every situation this year – for God gives His grace only to the humble?(1 Pet.5:5).?
Transformed by Obedience
We are told that Jesus?“learned obedience through the things He suffered” (Heb.5:8).?Anything that His Father said “No” to, Jesus also said, “No” to. That involved the?suffering?of denying His own will always. After years of such self-denial,?“Jesus was made perfect” (Heb 5:9).?“Perfect” here means “complete”. In other words, Jesus graduated from the school of obedience and got His degree. This is the degree the Holy Spirit wants us to get too. So, He will take us through many tests. If we fail in any test, He will give us a chance to do it again! He wants us to get the same “degree” that Jesus got and to make us overcomers (Rev.3:21)! This is the most important degree that we can ever get. So, this year, let us say “No” to our own will and “Yes” to God’s will in every situation, by the power of the Holy Spirit.??
Transformed by Encouragement from God
“God wants to encourage us in all our trials, so that we can encourage others with the same encouragement that He gives us in our trials” (2 Cor.1:3-4). We are surrounded by people who are facing many trials and problems. If we want to help them to overcome, we have to go through many trials and problems ourselves first and overcome. The strength and encouragement that God gives us to overcome in our trials will then be what we can offer to others.?God wants to make us a blessing to every person and every family that we meet this year (See?Gal.3:8-9, 14).?He wants us to encourage someone or the other every day of this year?(Read?Heb.3:13).?May it be so.
May you have a very blessed new year.