Transformations Defiance
Angie Eissa
Principal Business & Data Architect | Enterprise Architecture, Business Analysis
I am not a fan of trends and buzzwords which tend to distract us more than keeping us focused on improving how we work. There has been an immensely high number of buzzwords and hypes in the past five years that give me a constant headache as I am an anti-distraction creature. Some people have seen that Digital Transformation is one of those trends that will dim soon..
- Perhaps, we are creating a big fuss over digital transformation as some are still struggling to fully and clearly understand it but as you go up the corporate ladder, admitting that you don't understand something is "status and ego-provoking" .
- Or is the high failure rate of digital transformation initiatives reaching 70% failure of all attempts that make such transformative changes threatening. Maybe failing slowly in a traditional way is better for some!
- Or the frightening notion that if we do not digitally transform, we get wiped by the digital disruption is paralyzing.
It seems that all of the above drivers are causing this ignited vibe.
Let's take it from the beginning by defining what is business transformation and why now we have a derivative type of business transformation, for digitalization.
"Change in organizations is the norm. We always spontaenously changed an outdated software application, improved a mal performing process, trained our team without hesitation. It seemed a logical course of action"
The main difference now is that;
1. This set of changes are countless in number, in thousands ALL needing to be done at the same time or in perfect synchronicity.
2. They require VERY SPEEDY execution.
3. They are also now CUSTOMER-CENTRIC driven by empathy for the customer experience and not just for increased productivity, scalability, efficiency, or cost reduction.
4. We must start with a hypothesis when revamping "innovating our business models" and act upon these presumptions which indicate a very high uncomfortable level of UNCERTAINTY.
5. Executing strategies means that you change some of the organization's enablers (resources) to increase the value they generate to customers but one of those enablers, namely "TECHNOLOGY" has become frighteningly innovative and evolves by the minute.
6. In such a fast-paced world, it seems that transformation is a NEVER-ENDING journey. There isn't one final destination, as the market, technologies, and consumer expectations are in continuous evolution.
These differences created barriers, or hurdles that tend to loop viciously for years now.
Let's examine each hurdle and how to address it. I am not part of the tribe that believes that culture is the number one root cause for transformation failures. I am rather certain that culture is a result of the above reasons.
The organization culture is an intangible cloud of aura that is born from interactions, policies, and threats day in and day out in an organization.
Most secure, confident, and healthy staff members will be in favor of a transformation that places their company in a better market positioning. What some cultures oppose is how we orchestrate transformation.
Let me know in the comments below if you found this introduction useful, and according to your interest or lack thereof, I would be publishing a dedicated article here to address each of the six main hurdles by which we defy the transformation we are seeking.
It may be the case that some organizations strategically decide to transform, plan for it, even pretend they are but covertly resist it at the top-level causing the cascading domino effect we see in every aspect of its execution.