Julius Afolabi
Results Architect |Premium Business Coach l Value Improvement Strategist I Founder, Value Improvement Academy
Are Worried, Troubled, and Wearied over something you cant share? Read this post to the end!
From persons to Businesses, Careers, and Organizations.
There are complex situations that often get physical and cerebral efforts stuck. Sometimes, these realities are so intense that they would require an external input to drive away from the status and print a new experience.
we are humans not all-knowing though even though we have built machines that could generate stellar results but one thing remains principal,
without an accurate diagnosis, a solution remains in view.
many times, Casting off limitations just requires a transformational Emancipation.
Emancipation is the process of being set free from legal, social, political, and spiritual restrictions. It is the art and act of setting someone free from slavery.
Transformation is the process and evidence of complete change. It is the internal shift that brings us into an alignment with our highest potential. It is the conscious realization of WHO we ARE.
Therefore, Transformational Emancipation is the process of conquering the restrictions that limit You, Your project, Career or Business to bring forth your highest potential.
Take These THREE STEPS when you are in a BLIND SPOT.
lets flip it.
in the Text: John 5:1-9
Near the sheep market by the pool called Bethesda was a human warehouse for impotent folks, the blind, the stagnated and frustrated, waiting for Transformational emancipation.
At a certain season, a stirring of the waters happens and FAST ACTION TAKERS who jump into the steered tide secured their emancipation.
But there was a man there who had been making efforts but it had not yet yielded. For 38 years, this man has tried. He even had to make his bed near the healing pool. He was enslaved to his situation and condition. My God!
Such is the life of many in a condition somewhere this morning but read on.
This Chapter is one transformational chapter of emancipation I enjoy. Remember, where you stand determines what you see and experience.
Then, The Master savior himself walked up to Him and asked, Will thou be made whole? Obviously, his ignorance of WHO Jesus was made Him recount all his frustrated efforts.
In my earlier days, I joined those who thought the man should have been dragging himself rather than waiting for 38years and may be positioned near the healing pool at the instance of the stirring but as I grew up, I understood that No man would love to be stagnated for 38years and his response showed he has been making efforts that had not yielded.
I don’t know where you are today and how much you have tried all these years. I want you to know that your own time of emancipation has come.
And Jesus said to him RISE, TAKE UP THY BED and WALK. And immediately, this man was made whole and took up his bed and walked and on the same day was the Sabbath.
In life, you don’t have to know someone to receive help BUT let them be GOD SENT.
In this month, Do THREE Things (M.A.Y)
1. MAKE your ways right with God
2. Take Conscious ACTIONs towards your Dream.
3. Don’t YIELD to Frustration.
That man’s emancipation happened that day.
He left 38years of humiliation, frustration, and stagnation; his years of misery, unyielding efforts, and dark days suddenly came to an end.
It was a Transformational Emancipation.
I understand that we are all a work in progress and we are being processed every day and moment of our life.
Transformational Emancipation is an inspiration I caught from the Holy Spirit this morning as I fellowship with Him and I thought to share it with you.
Emancipation is the process of being set free from legal, social, political, and spiritual restrictions. It is the art and act of setting someone free from slavery.
Transformation is the process and evidence of complete change. It is the internal shift that brings us into an alignment with our highest potential. It is the conscious realization of WHO we ARE.
Therefore, Transformational Emancipation is the process of conquering the restrictions that limit us to bring forth our highest potential.
This Month, YOU and I shall Enjoy Transformational Emancipation from all forms of limitations in Jesus Name.
Welcome to Your Month of Transformational Emancipation.
Jesus is Lord!