The transformation of solar operations in the AI age

The transformation of solar operations in the AI age

While automation and AI are powerful tools for reshaping our energy future, they cannot stand alone. Behind every successful implementation of autonomous technology lies a team of skilled professionals to steer these advancements in the right direction.?

As the solar sector grows in size and complexity, the importance of these skilled individuals becomes clearer. The era of autonomy in solar PV does not mean an eradication of human input — rather, it highlights the need for more specialized, trained, and forward-thinking talent.

A paradigm shift in the world of solar asset management

Autonomous operations for solar isn’t just another technological advancement. And it’s not yet another tool for incremental improvement. It's a revolutionary approach to optimizing solar plant performance. This new way of operating is fundamentally changing the structure of how solar assets are managed.

Gone are the days of control room operators sitting at desks and staring at screens, waiting around for things to break. But the question remains: When the “operations” portion of operations and maintenance (O&M) achieves autonomous functionality, what happens to those people who were previously responsible for operations tasks?

From reactive operator to proactive and strategic manager

With the rise of AI and automation, the talent of strategy-driven individuals with both AI collaboration skills and the ability to manage and oversee big-picture projects will be invaluable.

With mundane tasks automated, control room operators will be able to focus on higher-level responsibilities. Rather than just managing technical faults, technicians can focus on strategic planning, preventive maintenance, and true performance optimization — instead of merely focusing on day-to-day damage control.

Rather than being on constant alert for system issues, operators can go about their daily tasks. With autonomous operations, measurable solar plant faults are detected on autopilot with 100% accuracy, and service tickets are created and assigned automatically. This means that instead of cost-factor activities (such as sitting in an office and staring at screens) operators can spend their valuable time on revenue-generating tasks.

Demand is growing for skilled talent in solar

It can already be difficult to source skilled solar technicians in a correct location. What’s more, McKinsey forecasts that global solar will quadruple between 2021 and 2030. An estimated additional 1.7 million workers will be required to operate and maintain these plants. As AI makes PV plants more efficient than ever, the solar boon will continue to expand exponentially.?

In the age of autonomy, the industry will require more skilled workers — not less. The solar industry is eager to find talent. And as the push for electrification across all industries becomes stronger, this need will only grow.

How autonomous operations is shifting talent demand

The need for human input isn’t going away anytime soon.?

But, there will be a shift in the types of human input required. Mundane, manual tasks will be automated. Solar operator roles will undergo a transformation: Instead of monitoring, reacting, and ensuring the technical compliance of solar assets, the solar operator’s role will morph into that of a solar asset strategist.

This is an exciting time to be a solar industry professional. We need talent — (we need you!)?

Want to chat about it? Reach out to the raicoon team and start a conversation.



