One of my favorite things to do is to talk to my wife about digital transformation and laugh as she falls asleep while I talk! LOL! It's so funny to me.
I've known my wife since 6th grade and our discussions now are very different than they were 10 years ago. I guess the biggest change now is thinking about how all of this transformation will challenge or benefit our three little ones.
We are living through the craziest digital transformation the world has ever seen before. The entire planet (in some way, shape or form) was forced into this because of COVID-19. We were not supposed to see all of this come to life so quickly, but it did...and here we are.
I've never in my career had more questions from co-workers, clients, friends, neighbors and complete strangers about what's happening right now.
There is a new reality forming, it's the metaverse and assets such NFTs, Cryptos, Volumetric Video, Spatial Audio and all of the other emerging trends are becoming widespread. These trends will all play an important role in building the content for these digital environments.
But, is that really where we are all heading? Even after being in our homes for over a year! Do we want our children playing in digital playgrounds or physical playgrounds? Do you want to grab coffee with a friend in person or via a video call. Think about it ...
As the Senior Vice President of Innovation for Octagon you would think I would be all in for massive digital transformation. I am (trust me), so long as it allows for more piggyback TEDx will explain what I mean - Watch here.
Technology and Innovation should improve our lives by giving us the ability to be out in nature, spend quality time with friends and family and enjoy this planet as is. We shouldn't be hiding behind the gates and not feeling sunshine hit our skin. No one should be on a screen for 10-12 hours per day. It's not healthy and if I am wrong, please prove me wrong!
Now is our chance to teach ourselves and our children that digital transformation needs to improve our lives and make us feel good in order for it to be beneficial to humans.
Our mental and physical health is so important. We must make an effort to find peace and purpose and remind ourselves that there can be a healthy balance, as long as we create it. Feel free to share your thoughts below!