Transformation - A Process

Transformation - A Process

Weakness to Strength

Recently I published an article about strategies for connecting with your best self . I shared it in several places and one of the most interesting responses offered an observation that I have to admit is true. We tend to shy away from developing weaknesses into strengths in the process of self- or professional development. After consideration at length, and some discussion with others, I'd like to offer the following as part of the process.

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Turning weaknesses into strengths comes in the emergence of BEing. BEing is defined here as the acquiescence to inner knowing and outer activity that reflects it. For me, after being instructed on the use of the pause button, it's a recognition of the point of light at the core of my life, deep within my consciousness and present in my experience as a reflection of moral, ethical and interactive behaviors.

Sense making is a part of that, as well as delightful use of the pause button when triggered by an outer circumstance. The latter is most challenging and even more of a necessity when confronting perceived chaos. In this sense, trust and vulnerability become superpowers. The trust is in the answers and path being revealed as part of universal law and that vulnerability to the experience yields a strength of character that is imperturbable.

I came to realize in my own process of becoming what many perceived as weaknesses, like vulnerability, were actually strengths of an entirely different order. They were not part of the ages-old command and control structure imposed by leadership of old. Instead the inner knowing comes through in BEing first, then doing. Loving self/Self first is a pre-requisite and must happen before anything else truly can.

Loving self/Self includes all the liabilities, limitations and excuses for not living fearlessly from that inner truth looking place. These challenges to change invite my BEing, then the doing; aligning the inner first then the outer service that results from showing up in the present with my particular skillset. It could be coaching, facilitating or speaking in interviews or to groups.

The activity I'm speaking of seems to create a kind of 'momentum tunnel' that offers an experience of what has been and still is called 'living in spirit.' Now, with the advent of inclusion of consciousness in the quantum models, it can be an exponential growth in quantum entanglement with the unified field. The latter includes the assumption that such entanglement yields the discovery and integration of a perfected form, fit and function in the world.

Modeling a New Style

Quantum models all include multiple dimensions, yet how can we access them or have any kind of experiential model to follow?
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A few decades ago Carlos Castaneda wrote of the 'assemblage point' as being a point of awareness that could be moved about in one's perception. He also wrote of 'sealing the egg' as being an integral part of being whole and available to one's prescribed path. That path, of course, is the built in one with which we arrive in these wonderful body suits. It's a natural system that, when given attention, facilitates an emergence of that perfected form, fit and function.

What is evident is that we may not consider an 'assemblage point' beyond the body or on other dimensions. Quantum models all have them, yet provide no path to experience them. It is the experience of them that creates reality for us, though we may not realize at this moment that our reality is a self-creation across those dimensions that culminates in a physical expression of what is known as cosmic consciousness condensed into form.

We look for congruence across systems, right? That's what makes them appealing and even potentially useful for confirming the inner knowing that builds the relationship with the outer world of form. For one that spent most of his life inside looking out, the objective or making the without as the within holds particular significance, even though it may not be apparent to an observer using old-paradigms or belief systems. It's nevertheless experience-able.

The congruence I've found over the last 40 years came in spurts, first a reckoning with death , then a guided process for aligning bodies across dimensions, then learning about Solfeggio frequencies and finally a scientific paper on a Triadic Dimension-Distinction Vortical Paradigm that had the same 9-plane or 9-dimensional framework. Granted this view is uncommon, yet from this particular lens it does make sense.

What the Heck is a New Normal?

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So how does this all fit into the emerging 'new normal' with any practical purpose? Could it be that because of the global event that threw us into chaos so painful and restrictive that we're now looking for change? We all know that change doesn't occur individually or collectively until the pain of staying the same becomes unbearable. Are we there yet? What if there was an event that even those planning the narrative and surreptitious activities weren't anticipating?

The future is bright indeed, full of hope and possibility. Why? The simple answer is we are shifting from one age to another, from the Piscean to the Aquarian. If you are seeking congruence with that notion, a simple look into the ancient calendars provides a consistent notion of a sweeping change that will occur during this process. It's an evo-leap of behavior, conscience and even consciousness accessible to those who do the inner work necessary.

The latter, the inner work, is ubiquitous in the programs that offer self-awareness or self-development processes. This inner work is imperative, integral to the process of loving self/Self before one can truly love anyone or anything else fully. It is part of what is known as self-realization, identifying with the BEing within that is connected to everything else. It's the first half of the equation that resolves into the balance of inner and outer realities.

The second half of that equation is self-actualization, the discovery and living of one's perfected form, fit and function in the world - purpose. That process may happen early in life or it may take a lifetime to acquire the skillset, understanding and wisdom to perform. Oftentimes the past experiences including abilities, knowledge and skillset are discarded for something new instead of building on the platform of one's life.

Where Are We Headed?

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Today, skillsets developed to perform tasks under old structures (perhaps pyramid structures with hierarchies of command and control structures run by alpha males and females competing with each other) are re-aligned with servant leadership behavior and performance in collaborative activities that serve a greater good, perhaps even humanity as a whole. These activities bypass the bipolar distribution of behaviors currently in play and unite our global citizenry toward a better future, one where we thrive not just survive.

An example is contained in Dudley Lynch's book, The Mother of All Minds . In it he states the the alpha mind and body are steeped in competition and strife. He offers that the beta mind now understands the concept of oneness and operates on that level instead. The body doesn't change, much like the physical structures in the world don't or won't change. It is HOW they are used that does, with the new intelligence contained in the beta-mind. There is an emergence of this innate intelligence built into our natural design and evolutionary path.

The recent events are inviting this change, making it hard to resist, and the sense of it is beyond intellectual understanding at present for most. However, when one digs deep and honors their feelings about the current chaos and inhumane treatment being experienced by innocents around the world, it simply does not feel right. THAT is evidence of the truth. What we do about it will determine where we'll be in the next 15 years when we fully enter the Age of Aquarius.

The magic and mysteries of creation are understood with discovery of 'what is' - keeping in mind the word science was only created in the 14th century. A bit before that was Shakespeare's Hamlet, and the quandary of speaking to his father's ghost. Alas, there is no veil and access to others is as easy as imagining looking into their eyes. Imagine having a personal council of others across history or even across the universe...

And therefore as a stranger give it welcome.
There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.

About the author.. from Melissa Hughes, Ph.D.: "Every now and again, you communicate with someone and the neurons continue to fire about it long after the conversation ends. Zen is one of those people. He has a unique way of looking at the world, but more importantly, he inspires others to step back from our deeply entrenched viewpoints and see a completely different perspective. Zen has such an insatiable curiosity that pulls one in to participate and grow from the exchange."

Stubbing My T.O.E. on Purpose - A Seminal View of Consciousness, Cosmology and the Congruence of Science and Spirituality.


