Transformation of poker into Web3 gaming
Poker has been a popular game for centuries, but it is transforming with the advent of web3 gaming. The focus is shifting from the regular game to farming, where players can earn rewards for participating. In this article, we will explore the types of farming that might be available in web3 poker and how we can use them in our gameplay.
Shifting the focus from the regular game to farming
Web3 gaming is all about decentralization and community participation. In this new era of gaming, players can earn rewards for their contributions to the ecosystem. This is where farming comes in. Farming is staking tokens or providing liquidity to a protocol in exchange for rewards. In web3 poker, farming can incentivize players to participate in the ecosystem by providing liquidity, playing games, or contributing to the platform's development.
What types of farming might there be in web3 poker?
Several types of farming might be available in web3 poker. One type of farming is liquidity provision farming. This involves staking tokens or providing liquidity to a protocol in exchange for rewards. Another type of farming is yield farming, which involves staking tokens to earn rewards in other tokens. In web3 poker, yield farming could involve staking tokens to earn rewards through chips or other in-game items.
Gameplay farming is another type of farming that might be available in web3 poker. This involves earning rewards for playing games on the platform or making predictions of some game results. For example, players could earn rewards for winning hands or participating in tournaments. This farming would incentivize players to play more games on the platform and could help increase user engagement.
How can I earn with these mechanics?
If you are a poker player looking to get involved in web3 gaming, there are several things you can do to take advantage of these new opportunities. First, you can start by staking tokens or providing liquidity to a protocol in exchange for rewards. This will allow you to earn rewards while helping support the ecosystem.
You can also participate in yield farming by staking tokens to earn rewards in other tokens. This could help you build up your chip stack or acquire other in-game items useful in your gameplay.
Finally, you can participate in gameplay farming by playing more games on the platform. Doing so could earn rewards for your participation and help increase user engagement on the platform.
The first ever 100% decentralized poker game PokerDAO is currently in the testnet stage and polishing its mechanics before the global start. As a poker player, you can take advantage of these new opportunities and start earning with them without any investments.