Transformation on the Front Burner
Mike Feibus
President and Principal Analyst, FeibusTech. Also Columnist at USA Today Tech, MarketWatch, CIO Magazine
For several years now, the enterprise has been on a path to IT modernization, converting to cloud-based frameworks to make their networks more capable, flexible and agile. That way, any knowledge worker could work from anywhere, as empowered and secure as if they were right there in the office, contributing and collaborating virtually unimpeded.
And then, suddenly, one day in March, that ideal was no longer a someday goal. The company needed it in place by Friday.
The work-from-home directive sent CIOs scurrying, arguably as never before. And when all is said and done, the mandate launched their digital transformation campaigns far ahead of plan.
"We've seen something like two years of digital transformation in just two months," Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella told about 150,000 attendees Tuesday at a virtualized Build developers conference. "We've seen how critical technology is in the three phases of this crisis, from emergency response to the recovery phase to the re-imagining of the world going forward."
Just how well did IT respond to the nationwide fire alarm? And how well positioned are they for the next call? Find out. Read my latest column in CIO Magazine, Ready for (almost anything).