Eoin Fehily MBS
As a coach my job is to inspire and help clients to achieve their full potential; whether that’s in business, in sport or in their own personal life.
Transformations -
September 1st is a bit more like January 1st. What many people perceive Jan 1st to be, occurs more on September 1st. New year, New you. Schools are back!!!
This year more than most, routine really took a hammering over the summer, largely due to lockdown and the need to then get away from the house & ‘staycation' more.
No doubt this year, more BBQ, and beers (or drink of choice) at home were had for many.
Completely understandable & many now may want to transform their life. People may want to transform their whole life in 6/8/10/12 weeks.
Just before you do, I would just like to share some life experiences with you.
If you lose 1 lbs a week - 12 pounds - you'll be unhappy. If you lose 1 lbs a week for 52 weeks, you'll be happy. Play the long game.
I believed i would look incredible when i lost 5 stone. When i did, i looked terrible.
When i lost 10 stone, i looked terrible. Weight loss and muscle building are two very different things. Aim for fat loss, its slower but you’ll look and feel better.
Play the long game.
I thought i had no confidence because i was 23 stone. I lost 10 stone and still lacked confidence. You spend your days looking at other people, not at yourself. Confidence begins from the inside. Focus on yourself. Play the long game.
When i began my journey, i went from 23 stone in August to 18 1/2 stone by Xmas. People would quietly and helpfully have a word asking me- "would you ever considering losing a few pounds".
Focus on yourself. Play the long game.
From Aug 06- May 08 - lost 10 stone - Averaging just over a pound a week. I didnt lose weight every week, I wanted to quit loads and cried more when i thought it was pointless - "i’ll always be fat" - Stay positive. Focus on yourself. Play the long game.
Summer 08 i had lost 10 stone. Summer 2010 i had 2 years of weight training completed. Summer 2012 i did a photoshoot for LA.Muscle.
Summer 2020 was the first summer of my adult life i took off my t-shirt on an Irish beach.
The reason being, i was with my kids & i refuse to pass on my insecurity complex to them, I challenged myself.
My message here from experience is - dont wait until you have kids to build up your confidence and break down your insecurities. Stay positive. Focus on yourself. Play the long game.
My message to the people on their weightloss journey - finish the job. This is the easy part. The hard work begins when it’s gone.
You can be a picture in the moment of your life or make it your lifestyle.
It's not a pretty sell. Don't just take the scales approach. Take the whole of you approach.
Celebrate the 1lbs loss and know when you lose your target weight - What Then?
It seemed like the “3 week diet” presented solutions for lots of the struggles I have previously had in the past: over eating, metabolic variation as well as the widely known “weight loss plateau”. While push came to shove clearly there was basically only one way to uncover and that’s when I made the decision to put the “3 Week Diet” to the final challenge. Learn more about my own personal review. click here