As the world unites today, I don’t remember many instances ever in my lifetime that the globe has been talking one language. Life throws many events and touchpoints in life, some are impactful and some become moments of truth and such is COVID-19. The TV remote screens through channels to find a common background, the Social media is trending just one pulse and even our restricted social interactions have a common theme. COVID-19 is here to change the world – transform the globe for the next.
A number of fundamentals in our daily life are set to change. Weather it is work-life, our social interactions, learning, family, religious practices or so many aspects. A lot will be like never before.
And as we move ahead in our life with the learning curve, a curve that is so different. We have learned through the economic crisis, terror attacks, wars and wears to the global climate change, a lot has transformed yet I see COVID-19 as a very different and effective to unite the globe in solidarity.
A vivid example is myself encouraged to scribe which normally hasn’t happened much in the past. A lot is changing and will remind us always that change is the only constant in life.
In this series, I would today want to share some outlines and keep adding more in the series to ponder on specifics of this transformation 2020 is witnessing. So many positives to introspect on…
1. Travel: Travel and flying for every meeting isn’t necessary. We loved the airports and the business travel but today video-conferencing suddenly has started solving all purposes right from the corporate world to governments
2. Work From Home: Work from home has been in there from a time but constrained to certain professions and industries and now we realize it being relevant in so many other sectors and professions
3. Learning: Learning is being actually redefined – not just in powerful presentations on e-learning or m-learning we really are on anywhere, any device, any time and any content being learned
4. Business Sustainability: Cost containment measures could actually be creative as we look at work-hours, redefining benefits and suddenly great impetus on work-life balance. And governments relaxing banking norms to support individuals and organizations aptly responds to the large business needs
5. Basic Hygiene: All have become conscious of the basics of hygiene that we have been taught from our childhoods and we practice it now religiously
Social Interactions:
6. Information: We see all the Gyaan and gurus on social media today – videos, series, to-do’s and don’ts and the memes all across – yet people are becoming a bit cautious of reflecting up on credible links and sites to know more
7. Oneness: Social sensitivities have enhanced and people realize that xenophobic ideas are truly not appreciated around
8. Values & Morals: We have become more social – yes the messages of wellness and prayers for each other just siginify that we have the human values and morals in us, just needed a little time for all to get them back in action
9. Distancing: We do remember the zones – private, personal and social, now our social interactions are witnessing them in action where we display care for self and others
10. Care: I do see people donating it all cash, kind, loans and so many small initiatives from individuals and organizations. Finally – we always heard that medical professionals are noble and today we witness them working day in and out taking large risks for the society and aptly applauded by the society
11. Introspection: the time of lock-down has helped the world to go back from meditation to introspection. Of our lives, relationships and so many achievements and challenges we have faced in our lives. A lot would get clear directions and re-visioning our personal lives
12. Family: Family comes first, in so-called normal days we do forget the most critical element of our life – the family. With quality time at home kids and parents are spending moments to make memories and stronger bonds
13. Spirituality: These added hours in our life have been a catalyst to connect back with the holy power. When did we imagine Friday prayers at home, attending church right in the living room and getting a bit more connected with the almighty
14. Habits: Some habits are being re-defined, eating healthy home-made food to personal hygiene and a good time to re-work on habits we always wished for.
Many positives to look for. In the next few days, we will witness more transformation and I intend to scribe more.
Stay Safe!
Razvi Raza
Inbound Sales Representative at AMANI TRAVEL & TOURISM
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