Transfer money to over 100 countries, any currency type on your mobile phone!
VTNGLOBAL, INC has introduced a B2B mobile app that makes it simple for most businesses to direct funds to international bank accounts in over 100 countries using a single API.
The Trade App can help all businesses, including small businesses, to send money to pay for bills, goods or to support overseas staff. Across the globe, it is common to find businesses suffering from time-consuming and bureaucratic processes simply to run their businesses. The app gives power back to small businesses that are often overlooked by banks. The economic devastation caused by COVID-19 has necessitated a concerted effort to support and re-imagine global trade and VTNGLOBAL is happy to deliver at this time.
The Trade App changes a process that might take hours and multiple in-person visits into a simple exercise at the user’s control. And unlike informal channels, this service is fully-regulated both in the sending and in the destination countries. It is a solution long-awaited by business communities worldwide.
For example, a small business in Atlanta, Georgia testing out their ideas and need to pay a supplier in China, India, Africa, Europe can make a payment on their mobile app without going to any bank. The process is simple. Once a user registers on the app, they can fund a USD wallet in a process that varies by country. Once funded, a user can send money to any bank account in over 100 countries on their mobile phone! All the registered users of the App also accept USD payments on the App! In essence, it's a global USD account to help small businesses grow. For transactions to be paid out in local currency, the app takes care of the foreign exchange in the background, at fair, transparent, and legal rates, all done at the click of a button.
VTNGlobal, Inc. is proud to deliver this convenient and fully-compliant end-to-end service and expects to introduce its new service in several markets in a few months.
The VTN Trade App comes complete with a light but powerful API for businesses to integrate with their systems or to expand their offerings.
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Media Contact:
Joel Patenaude