Transduction - leading transformation - Issue #47

Transduction - leading transformation - Issue #47

Dealing with double binds, a systems approach to identifying vulnerability, supporting systems changers, deutero-learning, reading for public service transformation, aligning the concept of ‘Decentralized Autonomous Organization’ to precedents in cybernetics, ethics in public life, elephants in rooms disrupt object identification, the oldest animation, and Galaxies On The Other Side Of The Universe May Appear Bigger Than They Are...

top phive of the week

How can you make better decisions in #complexity?

What is one thing you’d like to offer to adult social care commissioners to help them decide their approach? How can you make better decisions in?#complexity? How do we ensure a better?#future?for citizens, communities – and ourselves? How can we encourage?#innovation?in an over-pressurised and partly broken system?

How do you deal with unreasonable demands at work – when there’s no way out? – chosen path

I had a conversation with a client yesterday that I think will stick with me. He said (roughly) ‘in organisations I’ve worked in before, we used to go for those kinds of things like ‘top 100 organisations to work for’, and so we did ‘#culture audits’ where there was a lot of pressure to agree…

SAVVI – a system approach to identifying vulnerability | Government Transformation

Andrew Humphreys 7:25 pm on April 20, 2022

SAVVI – a system approach to identifying vulnerability I recently found out about SAVVI, which stands for “a Scalable Approach to Vulnerability via Interoperability”. SAVVI, led by Tameside Council and sponsored by GMCA, aims to use data to find vulnerable people. The project is developing a catalogue of datasets, their sources and the basis on which they can be used by organisations delivering public services to identify individuals or households with particular vulnerabilities, such as for the purpose of homelessness prevention.?Having worked with local authority and publicly available secondary data for some time, often building specific analytical tools to spec, I saw the potential straight away of SAVVI to transform how organisations delivering public services use their and others’ data to improve the work they do and outcomes for the vulnerable people identified.?Vulnerability often looks different from different parts of the system, and it can be difficult to fully identify vulnerability and people’s needs from within a single service so my hope is that SAVVI brings different perspectives across the system of public services together in the form of powerful datasets that can be used to identify, and then support, those whose needs are currently invisible.?

Dropbox - 2020-01-08 RedQuadrant reading list - public service transformation and complexity.pdf

Reading list – public service transformation and complexity

public | service | transformation

Dr Maria Kordowicz FRSA on Twitter

Pleasure to deliver a session on Evidence-Based Commissioning to County Council Commissioners today through @antlerboy




Wicked Problems in Public Policy | Head (2022)

Wicked Problems in Public PolicyUnderstanding and Responding to Complex ChallengesAuthors (view affiliations)Brian?W.?HeadFirst comprehensive overview of the ‘wicked problems’ fieldWritten by perhaps the best-placed researcher in the field, globallyAppeals to academics researching this hot topic, but also to policy practitioners and those advocating solutions […]

Supporting System Changers: The role of system thinking, leadership and wellbeing | Ashoka Europe Fellowship Program

Supporting System Changers:?The role of system thinking, leadership and wellbeing Together with +20 ecosystem partners, academics, Fellows, and intermediaries, we share our global Ashoka Fellowship Program experience on how we support social innovators to change social structures, co-create cross-sector collaborations, and anchor wellbeing at the center of work. Supporting System Changers: The role of system thinking, […]

Sunak snubs LGA meeting request

The Municipal Journal (the MJ) is the online management journal for local authority business

Time to pause adult social care proposals | Room 151

Time to pause adult social care proposals

Social care reforms to cost Surrey more than £1.2bn over 12 years | Room 151

Social care reforms to cost Surrey more than £1.2bn over 12 years

Jack Shaw on Twitter

Fascinating context from the @lgcplus on DLUHC’s workload backlog. Forget current levelling-up and Homes of Ukrainian plans - a lot of pre-pandemic work remains unfinished.

Hospitals face bottleneck as care homes run short of staff | News | The Times

An exodus of social care staff to better-paid jobs in supermarkets, retail and hospitality is fuelling the worst NHS crisis since records began.Leading doctors

Vinnova and Viable Cities in design phase for system demonstrators – Viable Cities

Vinnova and Viable Cities in design phase for system demonstrators Vinnova and Viable Cities in design phase for system demonstrators – Viable Cities

???????????? Steve the skeptic on Twitter

The idea that everything wrong with the NHS is explained by a longstanding plot to privatise it staring in 1982 is a QANON-level conspiracy theory that explains no major change in NHS policy…

New evidence on the relationship between poverty and child abuse and neglect - Nuffield Foundation

New evidence review shoes changes in family income have a major impact on the numbers of children being harmed.

Jane Healey Brown on Twitter

Great summary of Shared Prosperity Fund compared with EU funding. Not just the reductions in funds for the North but the increased role for Whitehall in decision making and the reduction in funds from 7 to 3 years. Levelling up won’t work unless Treasury is on board. Quote Tweet

The MJ @themjcouk · 5h The #SharedProsperityFund allocations present a bleak picture, and represent serious cuts - but the concerns don’t end at the lack of money, says director @NP_Partnership @henrimurison. free to read

Henrik Lundorff on Twitter

“Cities are not loud. Cars are loud.” -Paris edition

Andy Burnham on Twitter

Return tickets from Manchester:

India £343

Jamaica £345

Brazil £325

Ivory Coast £319

London (rail) £369

systems | complexity | cybernetics

Systemic resilience in economics | Hynes et al (2022)

Systemic resilience in economics William Hynes, Benjamin D. Trump, Alan Kirman, Andrew Haldane & Igor Linkov?Nature Physics volume?18,?pages381–384 (2022) We describe a framework for understanding the factors that underpin economic resilience, and identify the basic tools for implementing it. This principally involves examining resilience by design, which promotes endogenous reorganization in the economy […]

Does the global upheaval make systems thinking futile? – 5 Reasons Why Not – IT Insider

Does the global upheaval make systems thinking futile? – 5 reasons why notA business or operator that systematically understands its operations is at the forefront in the midst of even major changes, writes our columnist Aini R?is?nen.Aini R?is?nen13.4. Does the global upheaval make systems thinking futile? – 5 Reasons Why Not […]

Aligning the concept of ‘Decentralized Autonomous Organization’ to Precedents in Cybernetics | by Kelsie Nabben | BlockScience | Apr, 2022 | Medium

Aligning the concept of ‘Decentralized Autonomous Organization’ to Precedents in CyberneticsA research paper…Kelsie Nabben, providing a brief introduction to:Zargham, Michael and Nabben, Kelsie, Aligning ‘Decentralized Autonomous Organization’ to Precedents in Cybernetics (April 4, 2022)[…]

Two kinds of CAS: how did I miss this insight? | arthur~battram…

Two kinds of CAS: how did I miss this?insight? Two kinds of CAS: how did I miss this insight? | arthur~battram…

Two papers by Visser: Gregory Bateson on deutero-learning and double bind: a brief conceptual history (2003) and Deutero-Learning in Organizations: A Review and a Reformulation (2007)

Gregory Bateson on deutero-learning and double bind: a brief conceptual historyMax Visser Gregory Bateson on deutero-learning and double bind: a brief conceptual history – PubMed Deutero-Learning in Organizations: A Review and a Reformulation [PDF] Deutero-Learning in Organizations: A Review and a Reformulation | Semantic Scholar

Accelerating funding for systems change – THE PHILANTHROPIST

Nora Wilhelm and Emilie Romon·Blog·14. March 2022·7 min read·0Accelerating funding for systems changeA Swiss experience Accelerating funding for systems change – THE PHILANTHROPIST

The biosphere computes evolution by autoencoding interacting organisms into species and decoding species into ecosystems

Originally posted on?Complexity Digest: Irun R. Cohen, Assaf MarronAutoencoding is a machine-learning technique for extracting a compact representation of the essential features of input data; this representation then enables a variety of applications that rely on encoding and subsequent reconstruction based on decoding of the relevant data. Here, we document our discovery that the…

Design Journeys – A Systemic Design Tourbook – Design Dialogues – Peter Jones (book with Kristel Van Ael)

Design Journeys – A Systemic Design Tourbook PETER JONES FEBRUARY 2, 2022 SERVICE DESIGN, SOCIAL SYSTEMS DESIGN, SYSTEMIC DESIGNKristel Van Ael and I completed a year-long project for this special book, designing the first practitioner handbook for systemic design practice. BIS Publishers is listing the book, and it will be in print by May.We summarize […]

Moser Michael on Twitter

Wiener: “… urged scientists to consider the ethical implications of their work. After the war, he refused to accept any government funding or to work on military projects”

Brent Toderian on Twitter

THREAD: I’m going to try this thread to clearly state my perspective on electric vehicles, car dependency and better cities, to those who frequently ask me, including media, elected leaders and many others. Here goes. Please share if you think it helps. #EVS

What’s the USE of Systems Leadership?

Originally posted on?Systems Leadership, Lessons & Learning: (practical actions for those who are tired, stressed and in a hurry) TL:DR What can you stop doing, let go of, unlearn, in your leadership practice? Where can you create space for systems leadership to develop? How can you make it easier to lead at the edges?…

Demanding Change: Constructing POSIWID – Richard Veryard

Wednesday, April 20, 2022Constructing POSIWID Demanding Change: Constructing POSIWID

Demanding Change: Constructing POSIWID – Richard Veryard | Systems Community of Inquiry

Wednesday, April 20, 2022Constructing POSIWIDDemanding Change: Constructing POSIWID

Service Ecosystem Design: Propositions, Process Model, and Future Research Agenda – Josina Vink, Kaisa Koskela-Huotari, B?rd Tronvoll, Bo Edvardsson, Katarina Wetter-Edman, 2021 | Systems Community of Inquiry

Service Ecosystem Design: Propositions, Process Model, and Future Research AgendaShow all authorsJosina Vink, Kaisa Koskela-Huotari, B?rd Tronvoll, …First Published September 2, 2020 Research Article Ecosystem Design: Propositions, Process Model, and Future Research Agenda - Josina Vink, Kaisa Koskela-Huotari, B?rd Tronvoll, Bo Edvardsson, Katarina Wetter-Edman, 2021

Service Ecosystem Design: Propositions, Process Model, and Future Research Agenda – Josina Vink, Kaisa Koskela-Huotari, B?rd Tronvoll, Bo Edvardsson, Katarina Wetter-Edman, 2021

Service Ecosystem Design: Propositions, Process Model, and Future Research AgendaShow all authorsJosina Vink, Kaisa Koskela-Huotari, B?rd Tronvoll, …First Published September 2, 2020 Research Article Service Ecosystem Design: Propositions, Process Model, and Future Research Agenda – Josina Vink, Kaisa Koskela-Huotari, B?rd Tronvoll, Bo Edvardsson, Katarina Wetter-Edman, 2021

Systemic resilience in economics | Hynes et al (2022) | Systems Community of Inquiry

Systemic resilience in economicsWilliam Hynes, Benjamin D. Trump, Alan Kirman, Andrew Haldane & Igor Linkov?Nature Physics volume?18,?pages381–384 (2022)We describe a framework for understanding the factors that underpin economic resilience, and identify the basic tools for implementing it. This principally involves examining resilience by design, which promotes endogenous reorganization in the economy, and by intervention, which…

Aligning the concept of ‘Decentralized Autonomous Organization’ to Precedents in Cybernetics | by Kelsie Nabben | BlockScience | Apr, 2022 | Medium | Systems Community of Inquiry

Aligning the concept of ‘Decentralized Autonomous Organization’ to Precedents in CyberneticsA research paper…Kelsie Nabben, providing a brief introduction to:Zargham, Michael and Nabben, Kelsie, Aligning ‘Decentralized Autonomous Organization’ to Precedents in Cybernetics (April 4, 2022). Available at SSRN:?, 2022.Aligning the concept of ‘Decentralized Autonomous Organization’ to Precedents in Cybernetics | by Kelsie Nabben | BlockScience…

An Introduction to Systems Thinking – Art Lapinsch – and an appeal for information to understand the EU energy system | Systems Community of Inquiry

MAR 18, 2022 5 MIN READ SYSTEMSAn Introduction to Systems ThinkingThis is my primer to systems thinking. “Show me the incentives and I will show you the outcome.” - Charlie MungerAn Introduction to Systems Thinking?

Entropy: The Second Law of Thermodynamics | David L. Hawk | ST-ON 2021-03-14 – Coevolving Innovations | Systems Community of Inquiry

Entropy: The Second Law of Thermodynamics | David L. Hawk | ST-ON 2021-03-14 April 18, 2022 daviding 0 CommentsFor espoused systems thinkers who are predisposed towards towards finding an equilibrium (or maybe one amongst multiple equilibria), a discussion about entropy can raise discomfort.?In the systems sciences, the second law of thermodynamics — as an…

Experimenting Towards Liberated Governance – NetworkWeaver

EXPERIMENTING TOWARDS LIBERATED GOVERNANCEBy NATALIE BAMDAD, MARK LEACH??05 Apr 2022 Experimenting Towards Liberated Governance – NetworkWeaver

An Introduction to Systems Thinking – Art Lapinsch – and an appeal for information to understand the EU energy system

MAR 18, 2022 5 MIN READ SYSTEMSAn Introduction to Systems ThinkingThis is my primer to systems thinking. “Show me the incentives and I will show you the outcome.” – Charlie Munger An Introduction to Systems Thinking

Chris Squire on Twitter

In the face of latest national criticisms of staff working at home, I’m clear that we would not have been able to deliver everything we’ve had to do as a council - inc. increased demand, covid - & do our best for our staff without hybrid-working.

organisational development / transformation

The Abs-Tract Organization on Twitter

This is predatory anti-intellectualism at its most highly funded and coordinated, and it influences millions of people. When you declare yourself against “Critical Race Theory” @jim_rutt @fullydavid , you’re simply trafficking a Trumpian far-right talking point, these past years.

Worldviews – From Sustainability to Regeneration | edX

Worldviews – From Sustainability to RegenerationTo deal with sets of environmental and social crises, we need a cultural and mental transformation. This MOOC is the first part of an interconnected series of four MOOCS which bring together science, design and transformative praxis as a fluid, intervention-based and synergistic process for addressing complex challenges. This is […]

claire tr?n ?? on Twitter

CNN hired McKinsey, which estimated CNN+ would get 2 million subscribers in the first year.

An audience editor (whatever that is) could’ve given you a realistic answer for much less

ethics in public service

Kay Burley on Twitter

From pure contrition to “pantomime performance”…

A Tory backbench MP compares the PM’s tone in the Commons to that behind closed doors

Shaun Lintern on Twitter

Investigation: A scandal worse than thalidomide. Six babies a month are still being born after exposure to sodium valproate, a drug known for decades to cause disabilities in babies. Women are still not receiving warnings:?…


nazir afzal on Twitter

This is unacceptable The restrictions on public bodies do NOT apply to policing & justice on their core business ie investigation & prosecution Their independence has been properly undermined

Quote Tweet Pippa Crerar @PippaCrerar · Apr 21

BREAKING: Scotland Yard confirms @evansma story that it will not be issuing any more Partygate updates before the May local elections.

????UPOLITICS - FRANKIE H???? on Twitter

Zac Goldsmith’s luxury Costa del Sol villa - where Boris Johnson holidayed last month - has been linked to a multi-million pound tax evasion probe.?

The Dimensional Model

Brendan Graham DempseyApr 79 min readThe Dimensional ModelTowards a Common Nomenclature The Dimensional Model

Channel 4 News on Twitter

“If it turned out the building you preside over… attracted more fixed penalty notices than any location or event in the history of lockdown - might that be a cause for resignation?”

That was @GaryGibbonC4 ‘s question to Boris Johnson over lockdown parties at No 10.

Anne Boleyn (Sussex Supporter) on Twitter

The British media in regards to Prince Andrew: “The Queen loves him. He’s her son.”

The British media in regards to Prince Harry: “Throw him off the balcony!”

Lucy Fisher on Twitter

Jacob Rees-Mogg conducted a personal headcount of officials in the office today at 100 Parliament Street, says a mole.

It’s sparked resentment among civil servants. One says: ‘£71k a year on top of his MP salary & he has time to do that. Who’s really redundant in the system?’

environmental and social justice

Joshua Loftus #peace on Twitter

gentrification dot jpg

ABC&D: Creating a Regenerative Circular Economy for All – YouTube | Systems Community of Inquiry

A short presentation from Ken Webster and Craig Johnson about their new book ‘ABC&D: Creating a Regenerative Circular Economy for All’. Edited from a webinar held 23rd February 2022, hosted by the International Society for the Circular Economy (facilitated by Emma Fromberg, Cambridge University Institute for Sustainability Leadership)SHOW LESSABC&D: Creating a Regenerative Circular Economy for…

Job: Head of Systems Practice, Location Flexible – to be agreed (UK) – MEAN coalition, Homeless Link | Systems Community of Inquiry

Head of Systems PracticeJob Reference:00001308-1Date Posted:7 April 2022Recruiter:HomelessLinkLocation:Location Flexible - to be agreedRemote Working:100% remote working possibleSalary:£45,866 to £53,937Bonus/Benefits:Salary dependent on Location see recruitment packRole:Other jobsJob type:TemporaryDuration:2 YearsWork hours:Full TimeJob Description MEAM now has confirmed funding for the next two years leading to an exciting opportunity to join our team as Head of Systems Practice.??The…

jeanine ? bobenmoyer on Twitter

Liverpool fans sing “You’ll Never Walk Alone” in the 7th minute of their match v. Man U in honor of Ronaldo’s baby son. Sometimes things are way beyond football.

Cory Doctorow on Twitter

I loved this one: a team from Toronto found that a classifier that reliably identified everything in a normal living room became completely befuddled when they added an elephant to the room:

Ukrainian workers flee ‘modern slavery’ conditions on UK farms | Immigration and asylum | The Guardian

Charity calls for people who arrived on seasonal work visas and are now undocumented to be offered protection

(((Dr Lilly Evans))) ????If not now, when

Our great Home Office efforts have so far resulted in total of 21,000 people from Ukraine coming to U.K. so far.

This is 1/10th of number Priti Patel promised as just family of existing Ukrainians already in UK.

These are inhumane delays. Visa system problem or?

Christian Hoffmann on Twitter

With all due respect to @JonHaidt , I increasingly suspect that pieces like this really aren’t about how social media corrupt society, but rather a projection of increasing confusion and frustration within the elite onto society. Short 1/7

Another Angry Voice on Twitter

Normally it takes months to evict squatters, but police in riot gear clear the Belgravia mansion of Oleg Deripaska within hours

The primary function of the police is to protect the property of the wealthy (even if they’re sanctioned Russian oligarchs!)

'Weird Alex' Pareene on Twitter

funny thing about most current moral panics is that my main position on “keeping my child safe” is that it should be much less likely for a large motor vehicle to kill him and this position receives virtually no hearing in politics except among some freaks mainly on this website

St George's NHS FT on Twitter

Can I get my Covid vaccine during the month of #Ramadan ?


St George’s Chaplain Imam Suliman Gani explains that getting vaccinated does not break the fast

To book your vaccine, visit?

The Climate Game — Can you reach net zero? Financial Times in partnership with Infosys

The Climate GameCan you reach net zeroby 2050?See if you can save the planet from the worst effects of climate change The Climate Game — Can you reach net zero?

more brain food

Entropy: The Second Law of Thermodynamics | David L. Hawk | ST-ON 2021-03-14 – Coevolving Innovations

Entropy: The Second Law of Thermodynamics | David L. Hawk | ST-ON 2021-03-14 April 18, 2022 daviding 0 CommentsFor espoused systems thinkers who are predisposed towards towards finding an equilibrium (or maybe one amongst multiple equilibria), a discussion about entropy can raise discomfort.?In the systems sciences, the second law of thermodynamics — […]

CITIZEN JANE Jane Jacobs – documentary – on Vimeo

CITIZEN JANE Jane Jacobs CITIZEN JANE Jane Jacobs on Vimeo h/t Rick Woodward, who posted this on LinkedIn after I posted this: If you get the chance, you should watch Straight Line Crazy, the David Hare play about Robert Moses (and a bit about Jane Jacobs) – we just saw it in the first production […]

The internet is modular - by Gordon Brander - Subconscious

There are specific reasons why the internet is so generative, and they can be mapped back to architectural choices.?One of the key architectural principles of the internet is modularity.?

Benjamin P. Taylor on Twitter

I can now say conclusively that Microsoft Intune Company Portal is equally as good and reliable and efficient and painless to use as Microsoft 365.

Orthodox Easter: Why are there two Easters? - CBBC Newsround

Orthodox Christians celebrate Easter later than the Western Church - here’s why.

Danger in the Woods on Twitter

Pretty neat, but arguably not the oldest animation. This is a recreation of a thaumatrope that’s over 14,000 years old.

I guess humans have always really liked watching ruminants do ruminant stuff.

Katie Mack on Twitter

Today in my general relativity class I got to talk about my favorite SUPER WEIRD COSMOLOGY FACT which is that if you have galaxies of the same size at different distances, beyond a certain distance, the farther away the galaxy is the BIGGER it appears in the sky (!!!)

Craig Cockburn

Improving how businesses and people work to deliver value. Embedding and delivering lasting outcomes. Author. Conference Speaker & guest University lecturer on Strategy & Critical Thinking. Non exec director (16 years)

2 年

Isn't it great how the pandemic has made bad bosses extra visible so we know who to avoid?

Benjamin P. Taylor

RedQuadrant | the Public Service Transformation Academy | systems | cybernetics | complexity / public | service | transformation business evolutionary | avid learner. Reframing for better outcomes. Connecting.

2 年
Porendra Pratap

Bachelor of Commerce - BCom from Nizam College at Hyderabad Public School

2 年


Every Amazon package delivered when we are not home should emulate these carefully chosen words, font and tacky tack rather than a photograph of our front door. How life sucks, being ordinary.


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