Transduction - leading transformation - Issue #32
Benjamin P. Taylor
RedQuadrant | the Public Service Transformation Academy | systems | cybernetics | complexity / public | service | transformation business evolutionary | avid learner. Reframing for better outcomes. Connecting.
Season's Greetings and Happy New Year!
Top phive of the week
Are you actually able to hear where you can create value? I was once in a project to redesign a council’s Housing Benefits form, and ‘make it digital’. The form was 60 pages long, and optimally designed for approximately 2.2% of applicants. That’s because the vast majority of applicants were already on a ‘passporting benefit’, …?Continue reading How does the signal of demand get through to your?organisation? →
When were you last put on a waiting list? Were you pleased? Did you think you were actually getting something, or just because you got to avoid rejection? When we analysed demand, in customers’ own words, across a London borough, we found some really striking things One of them was that, when we did a …?Continue reading ‘No, but I could put you on the waiting?list?’ →
We are delighted to announce the launch of the very first Commissioning Academy for Offices of Police and Crime Commissioners, developed in partnership with APACE (Association of Police and Crime Commissioners). Our first cohort will kick off on 8 February and places are still available. For more information, see the flyer below. To express interest, […]
The post?8 February – OPCC/APACE Commissioning Academy, now recruiting?appeared first on?PSTA.
Eventbrite - The Lunar Society, Birmingham presents Food Security - Is the UK already in Crisis? - Wednesday, 12 January 2022 - Find event and ticket information.
SCiO Virtual Open Meeting – January 2022 | SCiO SCiO Virtual Open Meeting – January 2022 Virtual Open Meeting: A series of presentations of general interest to Systems & Complexity in Organisation’s members and others. About this Event SCiO organises Open Meetings to provide opportunities for practitioners to learn and develop new practice, to build […]
public | service | transformation
In this new article in Paediatrics and Child Health, Richard Selwyn draws on examples from Birmingham of how we can use prevention and early intervention to deliver better outcomes for children and families.?
The post?Early help for children and families – an article by Richard Selwyn?appeared first on?PSTA.
This blog was written by Julian Blake of E3M partner Stone King for the Human Learning Systems (HLS) website and we are pleased to share it on ours as we believe our approach in E3M is complementary to the work of HLS.
Doctors have a poor grasp of statistics, an expert says, making it hard for patients to make the right treatment choices.
systems | complexity | cybernetics
Harish Jose tweeted “Organizations do not learn. Organizations are not humans. #Stacey #Complexity(?)” And this generated an interesting set of responses, and the blog below from Richard Veryard. My own initial response was to respond to this response from @fluffbuster: “Their ability to replicate their essential identity from moment to moment, irrespective of who works […]
This is a recording of the conference “Bridging the Systems Thinking Capability Gap: To Improve Decision-Making and Create a Better World” which took place o…
2022-01-10 January 10 (the second Monday of the month) is the 96th meeting for Systems Thinking Ontario. The registration will be at?, Becoming, Process Philosophy: Systems Thinking in Time Structure is an arrangement in space. Process is an arrangement in time. Beyond being, living systems can be seen as becoming. Are we overlooking […]
A Quick Look at 4 Films that Address Systems Change Nora Bateson A Quick Look at 4 Films that Address Systems Change | by Nora Bateson | Jan, 2022 | Medium
h/t Michael Garfield – who talks about this as ‘complexity as a platform’ rather than a discipline Complexity Sciences | Science & Technology Studies Complexity Sciences A Scientific Platform Authors Fabrizio Li VigniLISIS, UGE? Social scientists have proposed several concepts to give account of the way scientific life organizes. By studying “complexity sciences” […]
Permaculture as a Complex System Collective Emergence How to the empower the localization movement with local cryptocurrencies by Collective Emergence
A Brief Introduction on Shannon’s Information Theory January 2016 DOI:10.13140/RG.2.1.2912.3604 Ricky X. F. Chen, University of Virginia? paper: A Mathematical Theory of Communication A Mathematical Theory of Communication – Wikipedia
Management Systems: A Viable Approach – Maurice Yolles (PDF) Management Systems: A Viable Approach | Maurice Yolles – This text explore the nature of management systems, explores the nature of methodology and method. and then presents a number of relativistic methodologies in the systems domain that are able to cope with social complexity. Case […]
organisational development / transformation
A centennial tribute to Gregory Bateson 1904-1980 and his influence on the fields of organizational development and action research Peter Hawkins 2004, Action Research (PDF) A centennial tribute to Gregory Bateson 1904-1980 and his influence on the fields of organizational development and action research | Peter Hawkins –
ethics in public service
IPSE is calling for more clarity around IR35, following the news that the Ministry of Justice (MoJ) and the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) have received tax bills totalling just over £120m for IR35 non-compliance.
Exclusive: Leaked files suggest Mone and her husband were involved in business given £200m contracts
environmental and social justice
When a person is in distress, we can draw on deep, evolved mechanisms to calm the storm, through attention, touch and care
more brain food
source (via Naomi Most): Prevalence-induced concept change in human judgment – PubMed Prevalence-induced concept change in human judgment David E Levari?1,?Daniel T Gilbert?2,?Timothy D Wilson?3,?Beau Sievers?4,?David M Amodio?5,?Thalia Wheatley?4Affiliations?expand PMID:?29954981 DOI:?10.1126/science.aap8731 Abstract Why do some social problems seem so intractable? In a series of experiments, we show that people often respond to decreases in the […]
The Sami people, who live in the northern tips of Scandinavia and Russia, have as many as 1,000 words for “reindeer.” (Nicholas Roemmelt/Nicholas Roemmelt)
By?David Robson | New Scientist
Ram Dass Here and Now – the Mechanics of Mind? web page?“Ultimately, the art is you need models to function in the universe, models of mind, you need structures, but you hold them so lightly. You hold them so lightly.” – Ram Dass General Intellect Unit 082 – John […]
Why You Should Question Your Reality Erman Misirlisoy, PhD Nov 29, 2021 Why You Should Question Your Reality | by Erman Misirlisoy, PhD | Nov, 2021 | Medium ‘Perceptual creep’
Transmission T-019: David Wolpert on statistical tools for making pandemic predictions Detail of the figure “Night” from the tomb of Giuliano de’ Medici. Michelangelo Buonarroti. Marble. 1523 APRIL 20, 2020 Transmission T-019: David Wolpert on statistical tools for making pandemic predictions | Santa Fe Institute Marcel Froehlich @FroelichMarcel and Tom Bray @TomBray on twitter
Ever wondered how coffee became such a key part of socialising, meetings, and culture in general?
Coffee is more than a beverage, it's a cultural phenomenon. From brewed drip... | December 31, 2021
The Radically Embodied Conscious Cybernetic Bayesian Brain: From Free Energy to Free Will and Back Again by Adam Safron Entropy | Free Full-Text | The Radically Embodied Conscious Cybernetic Bayesian Brain: From Free Energy to Free Will and Back Again
LAWS OF FORM CONFERENCE 2022 LoF22 LAWS OF FORM CONFERENCE 2022LoF22 The state of ultimate wisdom … provides a nucleus for a calculus of love, where distinctions are suspended and all is one. Spencer Brown has made a major step in this direction, and his book should be in the hands of all young people—no […]
There are not many models that have enjoyed such a long life and wide acceptance as the Knowledge Pyramid. Also known as the DIKW pyramid, it features data as
While much has been made of IR35’s negative impacts on certain markets, IR35 compliance solution IR35 Shield’s CEO Dave Chaplin believes it has handed small consultancies who have mastered the legisl
Novak Djokovic’s father has said that NATO’s bombing campaign in Serbia in 1999, which forced the tennis champion to run for cover as a boy, has left “traumas that last a lifetime”.
TikTok video from Point Being (@pointbeing): “My first TikTok. Joining the metaverse. The point is becoming.? TikTo#therockk”. original sound.
The official YouTube channel of Divna Ljubojevic & “The Melodists” Choir / Званични ?уТ?уб канал Дивне ?убо?еви? и хора “Мел?ди"Download/Streaming:?https://ph…
Bachelor of Commerce - BCom from Nizam College at Hyderabad Public School
3 年????