Many transducer-designs? are based on Capacitance measurements. These are for instrumentation and IOT applications. I want to talk about a single transducer that will do it all. I even have an idea of custom hearing aids that will conjugate match ear canals of individuals for maximum energy transfer in cell phones. Here is the concept.? Itis known but its implementation, I believe is needs standardization?
The whole universe is nothing but different? manifestations of a single thing: ENERGY.? information is also energy. Energy!? E =h nu. Information is necessarily time -varying. Thus all transducers of information are? kinetic energy. . So there must be a unified way to? transduce variable physical parameters whatever they are into kinetic electrical? energy. A hyperbolic oscillator? can do the job for the simple? reason it is a solution to the differential equation
?d2x/dt2= kx???
Note there’s no? minus sign in front of kx. Simple harmonic motion? namely the?
Sin (wt)? satisfies the equation with the right hand side i=- kx.? This is well known. But the hyperbolic solution has advantages. I will explain this algebra. It is the Legrangean.? But my idea , revealed in my meditation, is the unified concept that the time- varying information must manifest as frequency however you may transduce it.?
This is beautiful. There are a very large number of different implementations of this idea.? I have no Problem if anyone would like to implement the Hamiltonian equivalent? instead. It will be the Legendre transform? of the Legrangean. The Hamiltonian formulation will need? a? DSP to manipulate the matrices? with complex numbers, whereas the Legrangian can be implemented as? an analog circuit as shown?
I want to know whether? any company is interested? It should have a dedicated manager and? senior designer from the company.?
How does the circuit work?? I will describe the obvious. I do not mean to insult anyone in doing it. The two capacitors perform the two differentiations. And the switches across them reset them.? The multiplicative positive feedback configuration of mirrors forces the differential equation. When the battery turns ON ? the two switches close. We must have a gain greater than unity in the loop. It is easy to scale the mirrors? taking the switches into account. The circuit will latch if you are not stingy with Hao gain. When it does, node (p) will pull down and (Q) up, turning the switches OFF.? The caps will be driven by the source followers as they charge the loop gain will fall below unity. vdd will pull up turning the switches on.? Node P will be Cosh(.), Q will have - Cosh(.), and the current in the caps (or? in the closed loop) will? show the pretty odd Sinh(.). If the circuit does not oscillate you are a miser. So? be charitable with gain.? Whosoever thought that hyperbola is this pretty. This is my gift to you.?