Transcending Fear & Achieving Personal Freedom
Very few coaches and leaders are brave enough to do this.
When I read this powerful story.
Unexpectedly, I got emotional.
Shhh, don't tell anyone.
Oh, it's posted now.
Anyway, without further ado.
The story of Sarika.
“I was working with a coach before I met you.
But there was a disconnect with my spiritual space.
I was pushing, pushing, pushing!
And something wasn’t working for me.
I was getting clients at the time but disregarded my intuition.
I just felt overwhelmed.
I was constantly pushing myself in my business…
…And overcoming fears.
But, after a while it became mechanical and I couldn’t connect with clients.
I felt very disconnected because it was only about the money and signing up new clients.
I got into coaching because I wanted to help people
But, I knew I needed much deeper coaching.
I lost that sense of calmness..
You’re constantly hearing messages like,
“I’m making 10k, 100k and 600k…
…and I realised that I didn’t want my sole purpose to be about money.
I was ready to remove the noise, understand my inner self better, so I could connect with people.
I chose to work with you because intuitively I felt that you were the person who could guide me.
You were extremely calm, and that’s who I wanted to be.
My biggest transformation was the sense of peace I felt.
I gained an understanding of how deep rooted our value system is.
Our beliefs and mindset are just the surface.
The deeper cleansing we did gave me a sense of freedom.
I was able to bring my dream of working with young people and creating a non-profit into my reality.
It’s hard to explain, but it felt like a weight lifted off my shoulders.
I was free to create my dream, while being calm and patient.
My experience with you was exciting and exhilarating...
..because I was finally making my dreams come true.
I learned that this process first starts from within.
The most important transformation was realising I was operating from the value system of just giving.
It made me aware in my everyday life of where I was giving too much..
…and not allowing myself to receive.
I had a realisation…
With one client who was really difficult, not showing up on time and not doing the work.
I courageously refunded them the money and it was the most peaceful thing that I ever did.
I put my boundaries in place for the first time.
This opened up the space for me to work with more aligned clients.
A week later, I enrolled an aligned client at $3,000.
Now I have a total of x4 new aligned clients.
x1 which is a non for profit client at a reduced fee.
and I have x2 more clients this month too.
Its amazing how a shift can immediately change the energetic interactions!
Now, I am reconnected to myself, I am a much better coach because I am present now.
I also feel this profound change when I’m connecting with people no matter whether they are clients or close friends or family.
I recommend people do this work with you, especially coaches.
You need to first transform yourself, be at peace before you can help others.
We need to dream big, but first we need to take small steps.
I hope it inspires many more coaches to work on themselves and experience the freedom your work gives them.”
What do you see for yourself in this story?
Next steps: I have set aside 5 slots in June for transformative conversations.
If you have something going on in your world that you would like help with.
Either a vision that your working on or a problem you would like to resolve...
I am willing to waive my normal fee and set aside some time for you.
If you are inspired by that email me on [email protected]
There are only 5 transformative conversations available, so first come first served.