Transcendentalism - Where to Start?
darren bayett
Seeking spirituality are we? Looking, looking huh? Have you found it? Are you spiritualised? Are you enlightened? So can you levitate? Can you defy gravity? Can you defy disease and ageing? Can you see the Platonic Solids? Can you manipulate matter? Can you walk through walls? Can you move mountains? Can you move the sky?
Do you know all these concepts are coded modular simulations?
The 'Spiritual Blingsters'.
1960's gave us the hippies, and unfortunately also today's yoga-moms that are nothing but spiritual fashionistas [spiritualistas]. Spiritual Blingsters. Doing yoga in cute pink tights, and juggling green smoothies and their iPhones checking for their latest Instagram 'likes' and worrying about the latest celebrity divorce! They had simply taken excerpts of amazingness and cocktailed them with drugs and sex. It's asinine to hear them speak of their consciousness-seeking endeavours [sic]. They are truly unconscious.
Oh, and the 'Hollywood and Bollywood Gurus', claiming a deeper than the above "spiritual bling"- you know the ones wearing white and talking slowly charging a fortune to tell you ...umm.. what do they say again... - well they are just an upgraded version of the former.
Do you - or the "Hollywood Bollywood gurus" - even know what the point of Transcendentalism [or spirituality] is? [1]
I know you don't. I know most of them don't.
But ok, instead of thrusting my cynicism down your throats lets me explain a little....[2]
The 'Beginning'.
Lets start where anyone smart does start anything; at The Beginning. The very beginning. Where does history on 'earth' start? Who does it start with? Where does it start? Do you have those answers? Oh but I know you don't! (Hint - you're living in a digitally coded quantum biomechanical holographic simulation; and yes earth is a flat plane.)
But Ok lets start at another beginning? Lets use my Beginning?
Start with looking at your hand. By looking at a wall in your house. Start by looking at your dog. Start by looking outside. Start by looking into the sky. Start by looking at water. Start by looking in the mirror. So what do you see?
Try this - try to look in the mirror and stare into your own eyes? Keep staring. What happens? Your eyes begin to stutter the focal point. The focal point moves or 'jumps away'. You cannot retain the stare at your own face in the mirror. Your eyes start to be distracted automatically. They cannot stay concentrated on one spot. Why is that? Try looking at another person in the same way. Look into their eyes. Hold the stare. Firstly, the object you are looking at also begins to 'stutter visually'. The image begins to move, or 'bounce in and out of visual control'. and 2. if you have chosen a stranger the eyes will not let you focus on the objectives' eyes either for more than a few seconds.
Now, lets ask ourselves another question - remove the colour ring of anothers' eyes in our minds. Look at another person - and try to imagine their colour ring gone? So it's just a black pupil there and nothing else. Look now at the black ring only? Do the same for animals. For every biological thing? Do you see the veneer? Try to understand the significance of that?
This implies the 'Primordial Illusion'.
So lets start at another place? What is that which you see? [2]
A 'Bowl of Fruit'.
Lets say you are looking at a bowl of fruit? A few peaches ..pomegranates..
Imagine for a moment ALL things in your reality are JUST that bowl of fruit and nothing else exists. And a 'super-electron microscope'. So lets focus on what would an inquiring mind would do with all their time if that fruit was all that existed? Well, we would stare at the fruit for a long time. Go to sleep and do it all over again, no? Then we would pick up the fruit. Smell it. Taste it. Peel it. Eat it.
And over time - given an electron microscope - we would start to place the fruit under a microscope and try to understand what it is made of. We would want to know what is it? Is it fruit? We are tired of just looking at it. We would start to want to see what it really is. Because you see there are not other distractions. There is only the bowl of fruit and we need to do something because we are smart humans right? We are smart right? We would start to look into this thing called fruit. We would delve down into it's reality to discover what this fruit is or was? We would discover what? That the cells, the juices...deeper...deeper...they were actually atoms...electrons....protons... neutrinos..quarks... tachyons..and they were all moving. And no matter which fruit we picked up - a lemon..a peach..a pomegranate they all would have the same...the very same 'atoms' and same electrons and neutrinos and so forth. We would see they are all moving so fast and so mysteriously that in fact we discovered they - the sub-atomic particles - were sometimes in different places at the same time. We would discover that when we looked closer at these 'particles' that they themselves were 'divisible' i.e. that there were things that these were made up of..and as we kept going down deeper and deeper..we discovered 'holi moli..' at the essence or intrinsic level none of these things above were particles at all but simply 'movements'....and no matter which fruit we surveyed...they ALL had the same 'movement'.
You are now an Ontological Reductionist, and there is no turning back! were all things the same? Yes they had different atomic elements and valencies and differing sugar atoms and salt atoms...but deeper down they were the SAME 'movements'.
Now what?
Remember ..that bowl of fruit is all that exists...and the microscope of course.
Now what? [2]
The 'Movement'.
You have discovered that that bowl of fruit is NOT a bowl of fruit at all.....but a bowl of 'movement'. Don't deny it? It is movement! It's not matter at all; or even atoms, atoms are another layer of illusory distraction; for it's ACTUALLY ONLY movement you see? At the Primordial Essence that what you see everywhere and anywhere, and that that is really real is movement! That is real. So what is this movement? Who made this movement? What does this movement mean? What can be understood of this movement? So why deal with non-reality? Deal only with the reality! And we can call this movement .....ommmmmmmmmm!
So can we talk to the movement? Can we communicate with this movement? Is this movement alive or real? Does the movement have someone it talks or communicates to?
Yes... so so many many questions?
So which is Relevant?
So lets ask ourselves now - should we focus on the fruit for our reality? Or should we focus on the movement? Which one is real? Which one is relevant?
In order for any of you to discern this illusion we call life, you need to; no, you are compelled to accept and reconcile the fact that what your eyes tell you is real - IS NOT at all! And if you are to move forward in your 'Transcendence' you are going to have to understand and learn to communicate with the movement and not with the 'atomic particles and solidness' the thing in front of you, called 'life', presents as matter. To discern consciousness you are going to have to talk to the 'movement' and ignore materialism, and dramas sitting 'above' the 'movement'.
So you see - humans are stuck on focusing on the material and emotional and subjective aspects of what surrounds them. That is all the silly little trivialities and 'props on earth'. Cities, people, cars, cell phones, beaches, water. And the dramas of love...and hate...and ..'she said, he said". That country is evil. This country is good. Your religious superstitions and 'stupid-stitions' are real and better than others. And then they are stuck in assimilating and reacting to the emotional dramas and the subjectivity of these life dramas played out on earth. So they are stuck looping the emotional and subjective dramas on and about what they think is real - matter - when in fact 'this matter and material things' do not count at all. What counts is the 'movement'.
You need to start at the Beginning of Everything! From the moment you open your eyes - do you see matter, emotional dramas, or do you see the 'movement' as reality?
The movement does not care for or feel the drama. The movement knows by codex the drama is but 'Tertiary activity'. As Above, So Below. The movement does not need the drama. The movement does not use the drama. The movement exists as a Primordialism. We humans, attach the Secondary drama to this Primordial Essence. It is our folly. And we then attach the Secondary subjectivity. We attach the Secondary illusion to the movement. Then we 'live' these attachments. We believe them. We trust only them, when we are in fact trusting in a self-induced concoction. We are religious to our now false attachments. And there forever your life path goes - following false beliefs and wasteful and purposeful subjectivity and bigotry.
You see this matter and the attachment and the dramas we attach to it are impostors of reality. It is high distraction that catches the focus and hypnotises, and holds hostage all those seeking a 'higher' path.
The 'Codexes'.
Lets call the 'movement' the 'Primordial Essence or Primordial Codex'. This is the 'oroginal' vibratory substrate in this holographic illusory state.
SECONDARY CODEX - 1st Derivative Codex.
Then let's call all matter - i.e. all biological and mineral species, and cities and cars, and computers, and our jobs, and all things 'apparently inanimate' or simply 'physical manifestations of themselves - the Secondary Essence or Secondary Codex. So these are the physical or material 'props' all around us.
TERTIARY CODEX - 2nd Derivative Codex
And then lets call all biological emotional expressions and the dramas and the subjectiveness we attach to out illusions of the Primordial and Secondary Codexs, and that follow and present after and as a result of the Secondary Codex, the Tertiary Codex. This is the most 'distracting' Codex sets. Because this includes what we say what we think and what dramas earthlings produce for and about and with each other. This is where charge and thought-form charge occurs in the scalar morphogenetic field. This is where love and hatred and bigotry and acceptance and tolerance comes in. And each of these codex have 'charge' attached.
So humans seeking to hack their DNA, must assimilate their knowledge and control of first the Tertiary Codex stimuli, then master the Secondary codex stimuli, then they are able to assimilate and coordinate and co-create with 'movement' - imagine like earning tickets to a 'membership-only' club.
You see now how you are an actor in a theatre? You see an apple, you see a piece of adultery, you lose your job at work, you watch a football game...and you see the Secondary and Tertiary Codexes in-front of you - and you apply your emotional subjectivity to the dramas, that is, to the material dramas in front of you - forgetting it is movement first and the Primordial Codex only that is relevant. And yet you and 7 billion other sleeping humans react completely identically. Like sheep. So why are you reacting to the dramas? Why are you recognising the Secondary and Tertiary Codex as a codex governing your drama and emotions when you could ignore them and focus on the Primordial Codex, knowing that that is precisely whatever is in-front of you is made of?
You see, if you acknowledge and focus on the movement, you by default release the dramas and the 'emotionalities' of your now defunct and redundant reality. You tolerate matters differently. You tolerate people differently. You enjoy the fruits of reality differently. You ask different questions from your reality. You discover new ways of realising reality. You determine efficacious strategies of discerning wasteful energy and emotions. You vanquish mundanity. You transcend human-ness and move closer to synchronicities with the movement Codex. Then the magic begins.....
This is the silence and the humility and the conscious symbiosis we all need to discover.
At all times humans are no better than candidates potentially connectable to Source or Primordial Codex.
You see, because until you discover what the movement is, how to communicate with it, how to use it, and how to harness it or work with it you are just a pink-tights-Barbie or yellow-boxing-shorts-Ken. You are an emotional derivative of the Primordial Codex. You are not real and not reacting to what is real.
To understand the movement there are no words to use - so shut up and stop talking so much - and listen, and feel, and wait, and ask.
Then Listen again.
The 'Software'. [3]
Transcendentalism, my dear friends, is the ability to HACK your DNA - which is the 'Operating System' or the interface between you, and Primordial Codex. DNA is dormant unless provoked and evoked into existence by the symbiotic choice-charged-energy and movement synchronicities required.
Thus the above essay defers to acknowledge the digital nature of Primordial Codex. This article only superfluously deals with the Illusory state, and ignores the 'hardware and software' and machine code used for Primordial Origination and Design.
That is outside the scope of this paper and shall follow in due course.
The Nephilim knows.
“After a long period of exercises, gravitation is overcome because the air, being lighter,saturates the body and makes it buoyant, and then the polarity is reversed. By this means the lung-gom-pa moves at great speed over long distances, over mountains and valleys, without fatigue. Fatigue is brought about by the force of gravity when one has to make an effort to move the body because it is attracted to the earth.
“The lung-gom-pa takes a direct line to his destination, and the speed up the mountains and across the valleys is not altered. He goes up the mountain as fast as he goes along the plains, and more than one hundred miles can be covered in a day, and one lung-gom-pa whom I know can cover even a greater distance.
“The fact that there are few of us is borne out by the fact that it takes a long time to accomplish the art---many try but few succeed---because it is perhaps the most difficult of all the occult Sciences.”
I remarked that it would be most interesting to witness this marvellous feat.
He said: “You are more than fortunate to witness it, and it is because Geshi Rimpoche, whom we reverence, asked that you should be given the opportunity.”
I said: “I have no intention of trying to master this Science, for I have not the time---you see, my work is healing, but the privilege that I may know how it is done, and am allowed to see it, will help me in my own work.”
“Then in the morning we will go to our practice ground, which is guarded while we exercise, and there you will be able to witness the lung-gom-pa.” So the next morning we went down to the secluded valley which was behind another range of smaller mountains, where there was a long flat area. Geshi Malapa had only three chelas. He said that three were enough to teach in one life-time.
I watched the three chelas being instructed how to breathe. They had been practising for the last ten years Malapa told me. Three mounds of earth were built up into cones, and the chelas would sit crossed-legged in Buddha fashion. Gradually they would rise off the ground, reach above the cone-shaped mound, and gradually come down upon the top. This was done several times, and then they stood on their feet---this was the most difficult part. Gradually they rose off the ground, one foot placed over the other; and by a series of rhythmic bounds, their eyes gazing into the distance, they moved as if their feet hardly touched the ground, and at a great pace they bounded twenty feet in one step. It was a thrilling experience to witness this (few have seen the lung-gom-pa).
I was then given instruction and I felt as if my body was becoming light...
As my time was getting limited I moved on to Takohu Monastery, accompanied by Geshi Dar Tsang, and we received a cordial welcome from Geshi Tung La. His science was the art of reading the mind, otherwise known as telepathy.
Telepathy interested me very much, for here was something that I could use with effect in my own healing work, and I lost no time in getting down to real practice."
an excerpt...BEYOND THE HIMALAYAS by M. MacDONALD-BAYNE, M,C,, PH.D., D.D. (Principal: College of Universal Science)
PS. If any of you believe you possess higher gnostic knowledge - magical knowledge - then try to speak to yourself of this knowledge in the mirror. Look yourself in the eye and tell yourself this knowledge looking into a mirror. Instead of rattling off to another person in all sorts of rubbish, first speech this so-called knowledge to yourself in the mirror. You babble on with such disparate crap, you will not be able to tolerate yourself if the knowledge is false. Then please stop rattling it off to others?
The mirror will make you shut up if what you ARE SAYING IS FALSE!
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5 年Dr. Sakib J.
A woman in technology Technical Product Manager, Data specialist, CRM Solution Architect and Azure engineer
5 年Behind words spelled rests a formless thoughtful mind hooked to the codex ; in front of words spelled expressed actions and the observer is the jury of this transmission.. this article is insightful and if I in my ego trapped equally Avatar of codex were to interpret as if it was mythology .. Id tell to the Nephilim that his codex is masculine energy .. he still eats and connects with totality of experience in its expressed output . Hence he better activate the cell memory or the song his daughter of man mother chanted as lullaby that sings vibration of “ empathy “ and “ catharsis” .. otherwise the LOVE s d OM one song movement goes right to a vibration hell !