balasubramaniam sundhararaj (SUNDAR)
Assistant Professor- Training & Placement Division, SASTRA Deemed University, Tanjore, Tamil Nadu.
The Indian E-Commerce Eco-System has been gaining Traction over the last Few Years and with the Impetus given by the present Government, the Going has been Great over the last year.
Some of the Indian E-Commerce Start-Ups have been the Darling of the Pvt Equity & Venture Capitalists, with High Valuations during every round of Funding.
However, the Business Model, Profitability & Sustenance of such Start-Ups have not been clearly communicated by the Top Management to clear the air of apprehension & ambiguity.
With the recent re-evaluation of Flipkart by Morgan Stanley, things seemed to be coming to a reality.
In this context, it should be clearly understood that what succeeds in US & China,need not necessarily translate into success in India.
US & China have witnessed many a Battles,Repressions, Rebellions whilst ,culturally, India has none. This can be attributed to the fact that India was one Country which got Independence from British Rule, Not by Force, Threat of War, but by a simplistic man who advocated " AHIMSA"- the Non-Violent Movement.
India's Own Businesses have thrived, despite Liberalization, and there are Lots of Business which are successful even today,following the Indian Style of Management.
The "DabbaWala Business" in Mumbai is a case in point. This Business of delivering Lunch Boxes to thousands of Corporate Executives, spread over Mumbai have been going on for the last 50+ years with alarming accuracy and pin- point precision. Every Operation is Human & there is Not an Iota of Automation anywhere in their process.
These Guys did not go to Harward or study in any Management Institute to run this Profitable Outfit. However, if you look at the CRM, it is Top Class & Errors on Deliverables, it is "ZERO"..... Mind Boggling, But that's the Indian Style of Management for You.
India,thus, is vastly different from US & China and has its own system of Culture, Social Values & Unity in Diversity which has helped it in blossoming into One of the Worlds" vibrant Democracy.
People to People interaction, Warm Handshakes, Caring/Helping People in times of need, Sentiment, Touch, Feel are some of the Traits that have influenced every Indian in their Day to Day Lives. These Traits get reflected in every Routine- be it in Business, Investment and Buying Behaviour.
In the Light of the above, it would be pertinent to go through the following Incident ( between a Youth and his Uncle) which highlights how Indians look at transacting Business.
An Indian Youth, initiating his Uncle to do On-Line Business
I had spent an hour in the Bank with my Uncle, as he had to transfer some money. As a Tech-Savvy Youth, I could not resist myself and asked him,
"Uncle,why not activate your Internet Banking.?
My Uncle asked , " Why would I do that".
"Well, then You wont have to spend an Hour here for things like a Transfer.You can even do your Shopping On-Line. Everything will be so easy".
I was so excited about initiating him into the World of Net Banking.
He asked," If I do that, I wont have to step out of the House??
"Yes,Yes" I said. I told him how even Grocery can be delivered at Door Now and how Amazon delivers everything.
His answer left me Tongue-Tied.
He said" Since I entered this Bank today, I have met four of my Friends, I have chatted a while with the Staff who know me very well by now".
He further went on to add, " You know I am alone.... This is the Company I need. I like to get ready and come to the Bank. I have enough time, it is the Physical Touch that I crave".
Two Years back I got sick, the Store Owner from whom I buy Fruits, came to see me and sat at my bedside and cried.
My Wife fell down few days back while on her morning walk. My Local Grocer saw her and immediately got his car to rush her home as he knows where I live.
Would I have that " HUMAN" Touch if everything became On-Line.??
Why would I want everything delivered to me and force me to interact with just my Computer.
I would always like to know the person I am dealing with and not just the " Seller".... It creates "Bonds"...... It creates "Relationships".
Does Amazon deliver all this as well??
Technology isn't Life.... Spend Time with People.. Not with Devices.
Technological Advancements are part of the Evolutionary Process and there is no doubt that We will have to embrace the same to move forward.
However, the Caveat is to ensure that such Technological Innovations / Advancements do not meddle with the basic traits of Individuals' Behaviour which has,steadfastly, been passed over by our previous generations.