Trans Day of Remembrance!

Trans Day of Remembrance!

"Sloughting Towards Galilee!

"Christians/Catholic Workers Gone Bad!

November 20, 2024

"Trans Day of Remembrance!

Birth Pains of Freedom!

On this day, we remember our trans brothers and Sisters who have gone before us into the Great Cloud of Witnesses. I remember Chad, Charlotte, Susan, and a thousand more, with whom we have known and loved through the years. We remember the pain each one suffered as they struggled through their identity, family rejection, poverty, and prostitution. And we know as they entered death, they found the grace and love of God.????????????????????

The Spirit moves in places of pain--not because suffering is sacred but because people are sacred. She moves in our deepest wounds to reveal our unshakable dignity. She isn't a caged bird to be kept under a sheet of the church altar. She is the Wild Goose, the wind, wild and dangerous to every death-dealing structure. Wherever the Spirit moves the Spirit subverts.

In the midst of what seems like political defeat, of fear of more prejudice to come, the Wild Goose dances in our midst, moving in the spaces between us, calling us to nothing less than the liberation of every living thing.

And the question raised is who will follow the Wild Goose, the Holy Spirit by inspiring others in breaking down the barriers of transphobia, and live in the spirit of the body of Christ! Who will follow the Wild Goose is breaking down the barriers of an institutional Church, that is so destructive.

Let us grieve today, to rise and fight! Deo Gratuas! Thanks be to God!


May the work of

“figuring people out”

Never replace the work of knowing people

And loving people

And giving them room

To confound

And inspire

And surprise me

WE ARE BEGGARS! WE REALLY NEED MONEY--Really Badly At the moment!


P.O. Box 642656


[email protected]

pay pal

We are in desperate need now!

(Temenos and Dr. River seek to remain accessible to everyone. We do not endorse particular causes, political parties, or candidates, or take part in public controversies, whether religious, political, or social--Our pastoral ministry is to everyone!


Temenos Catholic Worker

P.O. Box 642656

San Francisco, CA 94164

Dr. River Damien Carlos Sims, D.Min, D.S.T.


“People ask me why do you write about food,

and eating and drinking. Why don’t you write

about the struggle for power and security, and

about love, the way others do? The easiest answer

is to say that, like most other humans I am hungry (M.F. Fisher!”


"Christians/Catholic Workers Gone Bad!"


I am addressing Christmas cards for snail mail if you would like one please send me your snail mail if I do not have it!


No Demonstration at City Hall tomorrow due to rain!.
