Traits in Rust

Rust is a modern programming language that was designed to be both fast and safe. One of the key features of Rust is its support for traits. Traits are a powerful mechanism that allow for code reuse and abstraction. In this article, we will explore the concept of traits in Rust in detail.

What are Traits in Rust?

In Rust, traits are similar to interfaces in other programming languages. They define a set of methods that a type must implement in order to use the trait. However, unlike interfaces in other languages, traits in Rust can also provide default implementations for some of the methods they define.

In Rust, a trait is defined using the trait keyword, followed by the trait name and a set of method signatures. Here is an example of a trait in Rust:

trait Printable { 
    fn print(&self); 

This defines a trait called Printable, which has a single method called print. Any type that implements the Printable trait must provide an implementation for the print method.

Implementing Traits:

To implement a trait for a type in Rust, you use the impl keyword, followed by the trait name and the implementation of the required methods. Here is an example of implementing the Printable trait for a Person struct:

struct Person { 
    name: String, 
    age: u32, 

impl Printable for Person { 
    fn print(&self) { 
        println!("Name: {}, Age: {}",, self.age); 

This implementation provides a way to print a Person struct by implementing the Printable trait.

Default Implementations

Traits in Rust can also provide default implementations for some of their methods. This can be useful when you want to provide a default implementation for a method that can be overridden by types that implement the trait.

Here is an example of a trait with a default implementation:

trait Loggable { 
    fn log(&self) { 
        println!("Logging: {:?}", self); 

This defines a trait called Loggable with a default implementation of the log method. If a type implements the Loggable trait but does not provide its own implementation of the log method, the default implementation will be used.

Using Traits

Once you have defined a trait and implemented it for one or more types, you can use the trait in your code. One common use of traits is to define functions that take parameters that implement the trait.

Here is an example of a function that takes a parameter that implements the Printable trait:

fn print<T: Printable>(value: &T) { 

This function takes a generic type T that must implement the Printable trait. It then calls the print method on the provided value.

What is self in Rust?

In Rust, self is a keyword that refers to the current instance of a struct, enum, or trait. It is similar to the this keyword in other programming languages like C++ or Java.

When defining a method on a struct, enum or trait, the first argument is usually self. This argument represents the instance of the struct, enum or trait on which the method is called. It can be passed as a reference (&self), a mutable reference (&mut self), or by value (self).

For example, consider a struct Rectangle with a method area():

struct Rectangle { 
    width: u32, 
    height: u32, 

impl Rectangle { 
    fn area(&self) -> u32 { 
        self.width * self.height 

In this example, self refers to the instance of Rectangle on which the area() method is called. The method takes a reference to self using &self, which allows it to access the width and height fields of the struct.

Trait functions do not need to take &self as an argument always. The self parameter can take various forms depending on the type of the trait function and how it is being called.

For example, trait functions that do not need to access the state of the implementing type can be defined without a self parameter at all. These are called associated functions, and they are called using the trait name rather than an instance of the implementing type.

Here is an example of a trait with an associated function:

trait Shape {
? ? fn area(width: f64, height: f64) -> f64;

struct Rectangle {}

impl Shape for Rectangle {
? ? fn area(width: f64, height: f64) -> f64 {
? ? ? ? width * height
? ? }

fn main() {
? ? let rect_area = Rectangle::area(10.0, 5.0);
? ? println!("Rectangle area: {}", rect_area);

In this example, the area function does not need to access any state from an instance of the implementing type, so it is defined as an associated function that takes the width and height as parameters.

There are also trait functions that take a reference to the implementing type (&self) as the first parameter, and others that take a mutable reference (&mut self). These types of trait functions are used to access and modify the state of the implementing type.

trait MyTrait {
? ? fn do_something(&self);
? ? fn do_something_else(&mut self, x: i32);

struct MyStruct {
? ? value: i32,

impl MyTrait for MyStruct {
? ? fn do_something(&self) {
? ? ? ? println!("Value is {}", self.value);
? ? }
? ??
? ? fn do_something_else(&mut self, x: i32) {
? ? ? ? self.value += x;
? ? }

fn main() {
? ? let mut my_struct = MyStruct { value: 42 };
? ? my_struct.do_something();
? ? my_struct.do_something_else(10);
? ? my_struct.do_something();

In this example, do_something takes an immutable reference to self, while do_something_else takes a mutable reference to self. The difference in the parameter type is used to indicate whether the function will modify the state of the implementing type or not.

Implementing the common trains takes more time, is there any easy way to avoid this boilerplate code?

Using the #[derive] attribute with the Copy, Clone, and Debug traits is an easy way to implement those traits for a struct in Rust. This is a common approach and can save time and reduce the potential for errors when implementing these traits manually.

Example below :

#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)] // "derive macros"
struct Point(i32, i32);

fn main() {
? ? let p1 = Point(3, 4);
? ? let p2 = p1;
? ? println!("p1: {:?}",p1);
? ? println!("p2: {:?}",p2);
Op => 
p1: Point(3, 4)
p2: Point(3, 4)

The derive attribute is used to automatically generate an implementation of a trait or some other common code for the annotated struct or enum.

In this case, #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)] is used to derive implementations of the Copy, Clone, and Debug traits for the Point struct.

  • The Copy trait indicates that the type can be safely copied by value, without needing to worry about memory ownership and borrowing rules.
  • The Clone trait indicates that the type can be cloned, i.e., duplicated with the same field values.
  • The Debug trait allows the struct to be printed in a debug format, which is useful for debugging and testing purposes.

By using the derive attribute, the implementation of these traits is automatically generated by the Rust compiler, without the need for manual implementation.

The derive attribute in Rust can be used to automatically generate implementations of several common traits for a given struct or enum. Some of these traits are:

  • Copy and Clone: for creating shallow copies of a value
  • Debug: for printing a value in a debug-friendly format
  • PartialEq and Eq: for comparing two values for equality
  • PartialOrd and Ord: for comparing two values for ordering
  • Hash: for hashing a value

Other traits that can be derived using the derive attribute include Default, Serialize, Deserialize, and more. However, not all traits can be automatically derived, and sometimes a custom implementation may be necessary.

Trait Objects:

A trait object is a value representing an instance of any type that implements a specific trait.It is created by using the dyn keyword followed by the trait name.Example: let my_shape: &dyn Shape = ...;

Dynamic Dispatch:

Trait objects enable dynamic dispatch, meaning the specific implementation of a method is determined at runtime based on the actual type of the value.This contrasts with static dispatch (generic programming) where the method is determined at compile time.


The syntax for creating a trait object involves using the dyn keyword followed by the trait name.Example: let my_trait_object: &dyn MyTrait = &my_value;

Boxed Trait Objects:

Trait objects are often used with Box<dyn Trait> for heap-allocated dynamic dispatch.Example: let my_boxed_trait_object: Box<dyn MyTrait> = Box::new(my_value);


Trait objects have some limitations. They don't support generic methods or associated functions from the trait.The trait must be object-safe, meaning it can be used as a trait object.

trait Shape {
    fn area(&self) -> f64;

struct Circle {
    radius: f64,

impl Shape for Circle {
    fn area(&self) -> f64 {
        std::f64::consts::PI * self.radius * self.radius

struct Square {
    side_length: f64,

impl Shape for Square {
    fn area(&self) -> f64 {
        self.side_length * self.side_length

fn print_area(shape: &dyn Shape) {
    println!("Area: {}", shape.area());

fn main() {
    let circle = Circle { radius: 2.0 };
    let square = Square { side_length: 3.0 };

    print_area(&circle as &dyn Shape);
    print_area(&square as &dyn Shape);
Area: 12.566370614359172
Area: 9

In the above example, both Circle and Square implement the Shape trait, and the print_area function accepts trait objects. This allows us to call print_area with instances of different types that implement the Shape trait. The decision of which area method to call is determined at runtime, providing dynamic dispatch.

A trait object is created by using the dyn keyword and the trait name. It represents a reference to a value that implements the specified trait. Here's the syntax to define a trait object:

trait MyTrait {
? ? // Trait methods...

// Creating a trait object
let my_trait_object: &dyn MyTrait;        

Trait objects can be used to store references to different types that implement the same trait. This is useful when you have a collection of objects with different concrete types but share common behavior defined by the trait.

Trait objects are typically used with dynamic dispatch, where the method calls on the trait object are resolved at runtime. This allows for late binding and enables the implementation of polymorphic behavior.

Trait objects have some limitations, such as not being able to call non-virtual methods or access associated functions directly. Additionally, they incur a small runtime cost due to dynamic dispatch. However, they provide flexibility and enable polymorphism in situations where the exact type is unknown or can vary.

It's important to note that trait objects can only be used with traits that have object safety, which means they don't have certain features that would make it impossible to use them as trait objects. For example, a trait that contains a method with a generic type parameter cannot be used as a trait object.

Size of Trait objects :

The size of trait objects in Rust is not known at compile time because they can represent values of different types that implement the same trait. This is because the size of a trait object is determined by the underlying concrete type that implements the trait.

When using trait objects, Rust uses a technique called object representation, which involves storing two pieces of data: a pointer to the value being referenced and a pointer to a virtual function table (vtable). The vtable contains the function pointers for the trait methods, enabling dynamic dispatch.

The size of a trait object is typically the same as the size of two pointers: one for the value being referenced and one for the vtable. On 64-bit platforms, this usually means a size of 16 bytes (8 bytes for each pointer). However, the actual size can vary depending on the platform and the number of methods in the trait.

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?  +-----------------------+
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?  |? ? ? Trait Object? ? ?|
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?  +-----------------------+
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? -----------------|? ? ? Data pointer? ? ?|
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? |? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? +-----------------------+
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? |? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? |? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?|
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? |? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? |? ? ? ?Vtable Ptr? ? ? |
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? |? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? |? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?|
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? |? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? +-----------+-----------+
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? |?? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?|
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? |? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? |
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? |?? ? ? ? ?                  ------------
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? |?? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?                |
 +----------------v----------------+     ?+----------------v----------------+
?|          Data Object            |  ? ?|? ? ? ? ? Vtable? ? ? ? ? ?       |
?+---------------------------------+   ? ?+---------------------------------+
?|       Data Pointer (dataptr)    |  ? ?|? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?|
?|            Actual data          |? ? ?|? ? +-------------------------+? |
?|                                 |? ? ?|? ? |? ? ? ?Function Ptr 1? ? |? |
?+---------------------------------+ ? ? |? ? +-------------------------+? |
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?             ? ? ?|? ? |? ? ? ?Function Ptr 2? ? |? |
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?             ?|? ? +-------------------------+? |
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?             ?|? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?...? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?|
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?            |? ? +-------------------------+? |
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?            |? ? |? ? Function Ptr N? ? ? |?  |
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?            |? ? +-------------------------+? |
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?            |? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?|
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?             +---------------------------------+
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

  • The trait object consists of the vtable pointer (vptr) and the data pointer (dataptr).
  • The vtable is a separate entity and contains function pointers for each method defined in the trait.
  • The vtable pointer (vptr) in the trait object points to the vtable.
  • The vtable contains function pointers that point to the actual implementations of the trait's methods for the concrete type.
  • The data object represents the concrete implementation of the trait and is located outside the trait object.
  • The data pointer (dataptr) in the trait object points to the actual data object.

Why is it better to wrap the trait object in a Box,RC or Arc ?

3 reasons as below:

1.Dynamic memory allocation: Trait objects have a dynamic size, which means they can't be directly stored in containers that require a fixed size. Smart pointers like Box, Rc, and Arc provide dynamic memory allocation by allocating the trait object on the heap and storing a pointer to it. This allows trait objects to be stored in containers.

Trait objects have a dynamic size that depends on the size of the underlying concrete type. However, in order to store trait objects in containers or pass them around, it's necessary to have a fixed size. Wrapping the trait object in a Box, RC Arc allows you to have a fixed size (the size of the pointer) while still working with the trait object.

By using Box<dyn Trait> or Arc<dyn Trait>, the size of the pointer is fixed, and the compiler knows how much memory to allocate for the smart pointer. The actual data of the concrete object is stored elsewhere in the heap and accessed through the pointer. This enables the compiler to handle the memory management and dispatch the calls to the correct implementation of the trait's methods at runtime.

So, by using dyn Trait with a smart pointer, you achieve a fixed size for the trait object, allowing you to store it and work with it in a uniform manner, regardless of the size of the underlying concrete types.

Placing the dyn trait behind a reference allows for storing the trait object on the heap and accessing it through a pointer, which provides the necessary flexibility for dynamic dispatch and enables working with objects of different sizes.

2. Ownership and lifetime management: Smart pointers manage the ownership and lifetime of the underlying trait object. They ensure that the object is dropped correctly when it goes out of scope or is no longer needed. This is important because trait objects can have different sizes and lifetimes, and using smart pointers helps handle memory deallocation correctly.

3. Polymorphism and dynamic dispatch: Trait objects enable polymorphism, which means you can store objects of different types that implement the same trait in a single container. Smart pointers allow you to work with these trait objects through their shared trait interface, enabling dynamic dispatch and runtime polymorphism.

Trait bounds:

Trait bounds in Rust allow you to specify constraints on the generic types used in functions, structs, and other constructs. They define requirements for the types that can be used with the generic, ensuring that only compatible types are accepted. Trait bounds help enforce compile-time guarantees and enable generic code to work with a wide range of types that satisfy the specified constraints.

1.Trait Bounds with Generic Type Parameters:

This is the most common way to specify trait bounds in Rust. It involves declaring generic type parameters in function signatures, struct definitions, or enum definitions, and then specifying the trait bounds for those type parameters using the : syntax.

Here's an example:

// Define a generic function with trait bounds
fn process<T: Display + Clone>(value: T) {
? ? println!("Value: {}", value);
? ? let cloned_value = value.clone();
? ? println!("Cloned Value: {}", cloned_value);

In the above example, the generic function process has a type parameter T which is constrained with trait bounds Display and Clone. This means that T must implement both the Display and Clone traits.

2. Trait Bounds with where Clauses:

The where clause provides an alternative syntax for specifying trait bounds. It allows you to separate the trait bounds from the generic type parameters, making the code more readable, especially when dealing with complex bounds or multiple type parameters.

Here's an example:

// Define a generic function with trait bounds using a where clause
fn process<T, U>(value: T, other: U)
? ? T: Display + Clone,
? ? U: PartialEq,
? ? println!("Value: {}", value);
? ? let cloned_value = value.clone();
? ? println!("Cloned Value: {}", cloned_value);

? ? if value == other {
? ? ? ? println!("Equal");
? ? } else {
? ? ? ? println!("Not equal");
? ? }

In this example, the generic function process has two type parameters T and U. The trait bounds are specified using the where clause, where T must implement Display and Clone, and U must implement PartialEq.

Types of traits:

In Rust , there are two main categories of traits: "object-safe" and "non-object-safe". Object-safe traits can be used to create trait objects, which can be used for dynamic dispatch. Non-object-safe traits cannot be used to create trait objects. Within these categories, there are two types of traits: "marker traits" and "default implementation traits".

1.Object-safe traits:

These are traits that can be used to create trait objects, which are essentially pointers to types that implement the trait.

In order to be object-safe, a trait must meet certain conditions:

  • All of the trait's methods must have the Self: Sized constraint.
  • The trait cannot require Self: Sized for any of its associated types.
  • The trait can't contain any where clauses that reference the associated types.

Object safe traits are traits that can be used as trait objects, which means they can be used to create generic code that can work with any type that implements the trait. In order for a trait to be object-safe, all its methods must have the same signature across all possible implementations.

Here's an example:

trait Animal {
? ? fn name(&self) -> &str;
? ? fn speak(&self) -> &str;

struct Dog {
? ? name: String,

impl Animal for Dog {
? ? fn name(&self) -> &str {
? ? ? ? &
? ? }
? ? fn speak(&self) -> &str {
? ? ? ? "Woof"
? ? }

2. Non-object-safe traits:

  • These are traits that cannot be used to create trait objects because they violate one or more of the conditions mentioned above.
  • For example, traits that contain methods with the Self: Sized constraint or require Self: Sized for their associated types are non-object-safe.
  • Here's an example of a non-object-safe trait:

trait Foo { 
    fn bar<T>(&self, x: T) -> T; 

  • This trait is non-object-safe because it contains a method with a generic type parameter T, which can't be represented in a trait object.

2. a Default trait, on the other hand, provide default implementations for trait methods. They are also known as default methods or trait methods with default implementations. A default implementation trait is used to provide default implementations of methods for types that implement the trait. An example of a default implementation trait in Rust is Clone. It provides a default implementation of the clone method, which is used to create a deep copy of a value.

Here is an example of a trait with a default implementation:

trait MyTrait {
? ? fn do_something(&self);
? ? fn do_something_else(&self) {
? ? ? ? println!("Doing something else!");
? ? }

In this example, MyTrait is a trait with two methods: do_something and do_something_else. do_something_else has a default implementation that prints a message to the console. If a struct implements MyTrait but doesn't provide its own implementation of do_something_else, the default implementation will be used.

2.b. Marker traits:

These are traits that don't define any methods, but instead are used to mark types as having certain properties or capabilities, and is used only to add metadata to a type. An example of a marker trait in Rust is Copy. It is used to indicate that a type can be copied by value, and it does not contain any associated methods.

Here's an example:

trait Serializable {}

impl Serializable for i32 {}
impl Serializable for String {}

fn serialize<T: Serializable>(value: &T) -> String {
? ? // implementation details

In this example, the Serializable trait doesn't define any methods, but is instead used to mark types that can be serialized. The i32 and String types both implement this trait, and the serialize function takes a reference to any type that implements the Serializable trait, and returns a serialized representation of the value.

3. Generic traits: These are traits that can be used to define generic types and functions that work with any type that implements the trait.

Generic traits, also known as parameterized traits, allow the definition of traits that can work with multiple types. They use generic type parameters to specify the types that the trait will work with. Here is an example of a generic trait:

Here's an example:

trait Add<T> {
? ? fn add(&self, other: &T) -> T;

impl Add<i32> for i32 {
? ? fn add(&self, other: &i32) -> i32 {
? ? ? ? self + other
? ? }

fn sum<T: Add<T>>(items: &[T]) -> T {
? ? let mut result = items[0];
? ? for item in &items[1..] {
? ? ? ? result = result.add(item);
? ? }
? ? result

In this example, the Add trait is generic over a type T, which represents the type of the object being added. The i32 type implements this trait by providing its own implementation of the add method. The sum function takes a slice of any type that implements the Add trait, and returns the sum of all the elements in the slice.

Dynamic dispatch or runtime polymorphism using trait.

Dynamic dispatch in Rust using traits is similar to runtime polymorphism in C++. In Rust, dynamic dispatch is achieved using trait objects.

Trait objects are used when we have a collection of objects that share a common trait, but each object might have a different concrete type. Trait objects allow us to abstract over the concrete types and treat them as if they all have the same type. This is useful when we want to write code that is generic over many different types that implement the same trait.

Dynamic dispatch using trait objects allows the code to be more flexible and generic, but it comes with a performance cost because it requires an extra level of indirection. This is because the concrete type of the object is not known until runtime, so the code must look up the appropriate function to call in a vtable (virtual function table).

In Rust, the dyn keyword is used to specify a dynamic trait object, which is an object whose type implements a particular trait, but the exact type of the object is not known at compile-time. The dyn keyword is used in function parameters and return types to indicate that the function works with a dynamic trait object instead of a concrete type.

Here's an example:

trait Shape {
? ? fn area(&self) -> f64;

trait Drawable {
? ? fn draw(&self);

struct Circle {
? ? radius: f64,

impl Shape for Circle {
? ? fn area(&self) -> f64 {
? ? ? ? std::f64::consts::PI * self.radius * self.radius
? ? }

impl Drawable for Circle {
? ? fn draw(&self) {
? ? ? ? println!("Drawing a circle with radius {}.", self.radius);
? ? }

struct Square {
? ? side_length: f64,

impl Drawable for Square {
? ? fn draw(&self) {
? ? ? ? println!("Drawing a square with side length {}.", self.side_length);
? ? }

struct Rectangle {
? ? width: f64,
? ? height: f64,

impl Shape for Rectangle {
? ? fn area(&self) -> f64 {
? ? ? ? self.width * self.height
? ? }

fn print_area(shape: &dyn Shape) {
? ? println!("The area of the shape is {}", shape.area());

fn main() {
? ? let circle = Circle { radius: 5.0 };
? ? let rectangle = Rectangle { width: 10.0, height: 5.0 };
? ? print_area(&circle);
? ? print_area(&rectangle);
	let shapes: Vec<&dyn Drawable> = vec![
? ? ? ? &Circle { radius: 1.0 },
? ? ? ? &Square { side_length: 2.0 },
? ? ];

? ? for shape in &shapes {
? ? ? ? shape.draw();
? ? }

amit@DESKTOP-9LTOFUP:~/OmPracticeRust$ ./DynamicTrait
The area of the shape is 78.53981633974483
The area of the shape is 50
Drawing a circle with radius 1.
Drawing a square with side length 2. 

The above code demonstrates how Rust's trait system can be used to define and implement behavior for different types, and how dynamic dispatch can be used to achieve polymorphism. The Shape and Drawable traits define methods that can be implemented by various structs, such as Circle, Square, and Rectangle. The print_area function takes a reference to an object that implements the Shape trait, and uses dynamic dispatch to call the appropriate implementation of the area method at runtime. This allows the function to work with any object that implements the Shape trait, regardless of its concrete type.

Similarly, the shapes vector holds references to objects that implement the Drawable trait, and the draw method is called on each object using dynamic dispatch. This allows the code to achieve multiple inheritance-like behavior, where a single struct can implement multiple traits and exhibit the behavior defined by each trait.

At runtime, the appropriate area() method is called for each object based on its concrete type. This is achieved using dynamic dispatch through a vtable, similar to how virtual function tables work in C++.

Overall, dynamic dispatch using trait objects in Rust is a powerful and flexible feature that allows us to write generic code that works with many different types that implement the same trait.

A concrete type trait , on the other hand, is a specific type that is known at compile time. It has a fixed size and layout, which allows the compiler to optimize memory usage and generate efficient code.

Associating constants in a Rust trait

You can define associated constants in a Rust trait. This is one the major difference between interface in Java where we cant associate the constants with interface.

Here is an example:

trait MyTrait { 
    const MY_CONST: i32 = 42; // Constants 
    fn my_method(&self) -> i32; 

In the example, MY_CONST is an associated constant with the value 42. It can be accessed from any implementation of MyTrait. Note that associated constants must have a type specified, and they cannot be overridden by implementations of the trait.

Static members and methods in Traits

Static members

In Rust, static members can be defined within a trait by using the const keyword followed by the name of the constant, the type of the constant, and its value. However traits cannot include static variables directly. Static variables are associated with types rather than traits.

However, as said we can achieve similar functionality by using associated types or associated constants.

Here's an example that demonstrates the usage of associated constants in a trait:

trait MyTrait {
? ? const MY_CONSTANT: u32 = 101;
? ??
? ? fn my_function(&self) {
? ? ? ? println!("My MY_STATIC_TYPE_CONSTANT value is {}", Self::MY_STATIC_TYPE_CONSTANT);
? ? ? ? println!("My constant value is {}", Self::MY_CONSTANT);
? ? }

struct MyStruct;

impl MyTrait for MyStruct {
? ? const MY_STATIC_TYPE_CONSTANT: u32 = 42;

fn main() {
? ? let my_struct = MyStruct;
? ? my_struct.my_function(); // Output: My constant value is 42

My constant value is 101

Please note that : While traits cannot directly include static variables, associated constants can be used to achieve similar functionality by associating constants with the implementing types.

Static methods

A static trait method is associated with the trait itself, rather than with an instance of a type that implements the trait. It can be called using the trait name, without creating an instance of a type that implements the trait.

Static methods in a trait have access to static members defined in the trait, as well as any associated types or methods.

Static methods in traits cannot access member variables of the trait itself, just like static methods in C++ cannot access the member variables of a class.

It's important to note that static methods defined in a trait are not inherited by implementing types. If you want to use a static method defined in a trait, you need .

Here is an example:

trait MyTrait {
? ? fn my_method(&self) -> i32;

? ? fn my_static_method() -> i32 {
? ? ? ? 42
? ? }

struct MyStruct;

impl MyTrait for MyStruct {
? ? fn my_method(&self) -> i32 {
? ? ? ? 123
? ? }

fn main() {
? ? let s = MyStruct;
? ? println!("{}", s.my_method()); // prints "123"
? ? println!("{}", MyTrait::my_static_method()); // prints "42"

In this example, my_static_method is a static trait method that returns the value 42, and it can be called using MyTrait::my_static_method().

How "lifetimes" of variable or parameters in Rust trait is determined ?

In Rust, every variable has a lifetime, which represents the time during which the variable is valid and can be used. The Rust compiler enforces these lifetimes to prevent memory safety issues such as use-after-free errors. When working with references in Rust, the compiler checks that the lifetime of the reference does not exceed the lifetime of the object being referenced.

Traits in Rust are a way of defining a set of behaviors that a type can exhibit. When a type implements a trait, it guarantees that it can perform certain operations or have certain properties that are defined by the trait. Traits can include references, and therefore, the lifetime of the reference must be specified.

For example, consider the following trait that defines a method to calculate the length of a string:

trait StringLength { 
    fn length(&self) -> usize; 

If we want to implement this trait for a string slice, we need to specify the lifetime of the reference:

impl<'a> StringLength for &'a str { 
    fn length(&self) -> usize { 

Here, we are using the lifetime specifier 'a to indicate that the reference to the string slice must live at least as long as 'a.

lifetimes in Rust are a way of ensuring that references are used correctly and safely, and they are often used in conjunction with traits to specify the lifetime requirements of a reference in the implementation of a trait.

In C++, traits are known as "concepts", and they are a feature of the language introduced in C++20. A concept is a way of specifying a set of requirements that a type must satisfy in order to be used in a particular context.

As said above concepts in C++ are similar to traits in Rust. Both concepts and traits define sets of requirements that a type must satisfy in order to be used in a certain way.

In C++, a concept is a type constraint that can be used to specify requirements on a template argument. For example, consider the following code:

template <typename T> 
concept Integral = std::is_integral<T>::value; 

template <Integral T> 
void do_something(T value) { 
    // ... 

In this code, the Integral concept is defined as a type constraint that requires the template argument T to be an integral type. The do_something function then uses this concept to constrain its template argument value to be of an integral type.

Similarly, in Rust, a trait is a set of methods that a type must implement in order to be used in a certain way. For example, consider the following code:

trait MyTrait { 
    fn do_something(&self); 

fn use_my_trait<T: MyTrait>(value: &T) { 

In this code, the MyTrait trait is defined as a set of methods that a type must implement in order to be used with the use_my_trait function. The use_my_trait function then constrains its argument value to be of a type that implements the MyTrait trait.

In both cases, the use of a concept or trait allows the developer to specify requirements on a type that must be satisfied in order for the code to compile correctly. This can help to catch errors early in the development process and make the code more robust and maintainable.

some more commonly used traits in Rust:

  1. Clone: Allows cloning of an object, creating a copy of the value and giving ownership to the new copy.
  2. Copy: Allows copying of an object, creating a copy of the value on the stack without transferring ownership.
  3. Debug: Enables printing the object in a debug format using the {:?} formatter.
  4. Default: Provides a default value for an object that can be used when one is not provided.
  5. Display: Enables printing the object in a human-readable format using the {} formatter.
  6. Eq: Checks whether two objects are equal.
  7. Hash: Generates a hash value from an object, which can be used for hashing-based data structures like HashMap and HashSet.
  8. Ord: Compares two objects and returns their relative order.
  9. PartialEq: Checks whether two objects are partially equal.
  10. PartialOrd: Compares two objects and returns their relative order, but allows for partial ordering when the objects cannot be strictly ordered.
  11. From and Into: Used for conversion between different types.
  12. Iterator: Used to provide a way to iterate over the elements of a collection.
  13. ExactSizeIterator: A subtrait of Iterator that specifies the number of elements in the iterator.
  14. DoubleEndedIterator: A subtrait of Iterator that provides a way to iterate in both directions.
  15. Extend: Used to extend a collection with the elements of another collection.
  16. Deref and DerefMut: Used to provide a way to dereference a value.
  17. Fn, FnMut, and FnOnce: Used to represent closures of different kinds.
  18. Error: Used to represent an error that can occur in a program.
  19. Hash: Used to hash a value for use in data structures like hash maps and sets.
  20. AsRef and AsMut: Used to provide a way to convert a value to a reference or mutable reference.
  21. Index and IndexMut: Used to provide a way to index into a collection.


Traits are a powerful feature of Rust that allow for code reuse and abstraction. They are similar to interfaces in other programming languages, but they also provide default implementations for some methods. Traits are used extensively in the Rust standard library and are an important concept for any Rust programmer to understand.


