“Being male is a matter of birth, being a man is a matter of age, but being a gentleman is a matter of choice.” ~Unknown
Being male does not guarantee that a boy will grow up to be a gentleman, and the current self-absorbed culture is not likely to model or promote the qualities of a gentleman. It is a process for a boy to become a man and develop into a gentleman. Parents invest a great deal of time and resources in developing their sons' academic, athletic, or artistic talent, with little or no thought about what is required to mature into a gentleman.
A gentleman understands that his appearance, behaviour, and communication give others valuable insight into his character. He knows that he did not acquire his true strength at the gym. Instead, he demonstrates true strength through his strong character and integrity.
The traits of a gentleman include:
- A gentleman is generous with his time, wisdom, and resources. He willingly serves others and extends a hand to those in need.
- A gentleman possesses a positive outlook on life. His humour and consistent encouragement attract others to him.
- A gentleman is a lifelong learner. He maintains a teachable posture and embraces change for the better.
- A gentleman models civility in his treatment of others. He demonstrates respect, restraint, and personal responsibility in all his interactions. He is honourable and values and respects others.
- A gentleman is well-mannered and knows what is appropriate. He can navigate various social and professional settings with ease and proficiency. He embraces all people—those from other cultures and individuals from multiple social and economic backgrounds.
- A gentleman possesses a strong work ethic. He takes pride in his labour and strives to give his very best. He is trustworthy and loyal, and people speak well of him.
- A gentleman is confident. His posture and body language communicate a strong personal presence.
- A gentleman is well-dressed. He knows how to select clothing appropriate for any occasion, and that will assist him in accomplishing his goals. He is well-groomed and practices good hygiene. He understands that his appearance—how he dresses, grooms, and carries himself—opens doors to new opportunities.
- A gentleman is well-spoken and a generous listener. He knows how to connect with others and communicate his message effectively.
- A gentleman is known for his integrity. He is a man of his word and follows through with his commitments, whatever the cost. His actions reflect who he has chosen to be and are not based on the opinions of others.
Article source Maria Doll