Training for your production department: let's see how to solve the problem
Today we are talking about a topic that I am sure each of you administrators and business owners touches deeply. The reality we live in right now is profoundly different from the one we left before the pandemic. The question I would like to focus on in this article is how to train internal resources in the leanest and fastest way possible.
For some months now, we have been hosting a girl in the company for her internship on completion of a professionalizing course. With her we have created a project for internal training using all the technologies present.
Like all of us, we also have the problem of having trained staff ready to support the customer in ever new projects. However, you will surely agree with me that it is very difficult to find already trained collaborators. Therefore, we must work to solve the problem and avoid slowing down production to support newcomers with those who are more experienced.
Of course, I'm not saying that coaching is not necessary, quite the contrary. The point is that it takes years to teach a trade, especially if the transition between observation and operation takes a long time. We decided to invest in a platform that would allow us to record training videos for all the young people hired in production for the moment. The idea is to create tutorials that can support the explanation alongside the work to be performed.
The biggest difficulty we encountered was in finding the right platform to support us in this. In fact, being something really new and innovative, we made several meetings with software development companies to find the right solution. In the end we succeeded in our intent.
Think about how much you could help your collaborators in learning new skills for using the machines by watching videos! In addition, consider that the new generations are very used to learning from videos rather than from books, manuals or just listening to someone. We wanted such a system because it allows us to have trained staff and whenever doubts arise, there is already a tool ready to solve them.
What do you think? Have you found similar solutions to manage the problem?