Training Your Mind For Peak Performance
Robert C. Brown
Founder of Empowered Life TV | Personal Transformation & High-Performance Coach | Creator of The Empowered Life Trilogy Suite | Helping Individuals Awaken Potential & Live with Purpose
Hey it’s Robert here from, that’s
I hope you’re having a great day wherever you are in the world today, and today’s training is going to be short, sharp and to the point, and it’s all about training your mind for peak performance.
Are you ready for this?
But before we get stuck into the meat of the training, I’d like to invite you to come on over to, that’s, where I’m going to be talking about all things performance-related.
So if you’re into all things performance-related, then get yourself across there and we’re gonna have some fun!
Whether it be personal, whether it be business, just everything that makes you tick, how to make it tick even better for yourself and to improve your results in all areas of life and business.
That’s what it’s all about.
So join me over (as I’ve said), there if you will, and get on my private email list and we can dig much deeper on all of this sort of stuff and have some real fun, as I’ve said.
OK, so back to this specific training…
It’s entitled ‘Training Your Mind For Peak Performance’.
Now firstly I want to start out by saying that I decided to make this training in response to something that I saw that Tony Robbins had actually put online about the very same topic.
And, in lots of ways, I agree with what he’s got to say but, I’ve got my own take on this and I’d like to share my views on it with you because I think there might be some value in that for you.
And firstly, touching on some of the stuff he mentioned that I absolutely know to be true…
You see, your brain was not created to keep you happy, it’s gonna look to keep you safe no matter what happens, That’s it’s primary function.
So what this basically means is that your default setting, everybody’s default setting is actually, kinda tailored towards doing things that are safe and that keeps you out of harm’s way.
But unfortunately, that’s not the way the world which we live in is structured. It’s not the way things work.
And you need to get a grip of that fact that if you really want to excel in any field of endeavour and in any area of your life and business, then you’re going to have to take some risks…
That’s the rub!
That’s the way it works…
You cannot play safe and have all of these things that I know you want for yourself, and all of these things that you are most certainly capable of until you get over the fear of actually trying to get there.
The fear of taking the initial actions to get the ball rolling, to get the momentum started, and start moving in the direction of all of your goals, and all of your dreams, all of those aspirations I know you have.
I mean, what is stopping you right now?
Good question right?
What’s stopping you right now?
Now if you’ve got the answer to that then great, because you can set about sorting it out, dealing with it and moving yourself forward to bigger and better things.
But if you don’t know what the answer to that question is then I encourage you to take some time right now and consider that.
Because coming up with the answer to that is the first step to getting over the fear.
Once you recognise what’s triggering it, once you recognise what’s standing in your way and stopping you from moving forward, you can deal with it right?
It’s the unknown, that’s the difficult part.
When you’re scared to move forward but you don’t know why.
Getting a handle on that is so important.
So if you’re there right now, spend some time in quiet contemplation, think about it, and figure what it is right now that’s got its foot on the brake of your life, and stopping you moving forward.
You see fear, is the major emotion in how you feel, and it will also dictate the actions you’ll take in any and every area of your life and business.
So you need to get that handled, whatever it takes.
I mean, life’s short right?
So what if you could just instantly make the decision not to be stressed, not to be unhappy…
Just make that choice because you know what?…
Both of those states are a choice.
Everything is a choice.
Everything comes from a thought, a belief, a feeling, and an action.
And the action is the choice.
So again, what you need to do is start to communicate to yourself differently about how things affect you.
Get over the fear, so if something’s scaring you to death right now reframe it, so that at the very least you now feel neutral about that.
Enough so you can take some action.
You can make the fear smaller in your perception so that you can take some action whatever it takes to get you moving forward because that is key.
It’s taking that action and moving forward.
And with forward momentum comes the strength and courage to go further, go faster, go bigger, and then you become unstoppable.
You see the good news is that, as much as a thought can you put you in a state of unhappiness and stress, it can at the same time change your experience instantly, and put you into a state of happiness, contentment, productivity, of being energised, motivated, passionate and all the things that are good things to feel and live your life by.
See that great thing about being a human being is that we are also spiritual beings.
And in fact, we are first a spiritual being and second, a human being.
We are just in fact a spiritual being having a human experience in a physical world that we think of as reality.
Now I’m going to talk much more about that in other training sessions, but before I close this out and because I don’t want to go on too long…
I am going to give you 3 tips to move on with, and then I’m going to close the training…
- Get yourself around positive stimulus in the form of people, events and wherever there is an abundance of positive energy. Wherever that is, you need to get yourself there around it and soak that in. Absorb it, cos it’ll do you nothing but good.
- Maintain a level of performance by regulating your exposure to negative stimulus, and maximize your exposure to positive stimulus, so you don’t keep peaking and dropping, but maintain a consistent level of performance. And similarly, when you’re setting goals before you actually reach the realisation of a goal or the achievement of a goal, move on and start going towards your next goal, the next stage. Because if you don’t do this (and this is something that Anthony Robbins mentions as well), he works this system himself because, if you get to a goal and achieve that goal, and you don’t immediately move on, you will drop from that peak. And then you have to pick yourself up and gain momentum all over again. So it’s a really good idea, just before you’re achieving a goal, to start moving towards another goal at the same time. That way you get inspired, motivated, enthusiastic about the next stage, the next goal and the next big achievement in your life and business. And that will keep you peaked, keep your energy up, and really keep you going at peak performance.
- Learn to stretch yourself outside of your comfort zone. Don’t play safe, don’t be less than you can be, don’t play that game. When you’re scared to do something but you know it’ll make a massive difference to you if you do it… Just do it! Do it without any hesitation and you will be massively successful.
Ok, that’s it from me today.
I hope you’ve enjoyed this training and if you have, by all means, get yourself across to, that’s
Get yourself on my private email list as I’ve said before and we’ll dig much deeper on this topic and everything surrounding the topics of personal and business development.
It’s an absolute passion for me and a pleasure to do it, and I’m sure it’s a passion for you too.
If so, I’d love to you on that email list. I’d like to get to know you better and serve you better as a result.
And just quickly before I finally say goodbye, please don’t forget to share the love, let others know about this training, pay it forward and you’re doing a good thing.
Have a great remainder of the day wherever you are, and I’ll catch you soon ??