Training of new products is essential. In the workplace, for new technologies to be successfully adopted, training is an absolute necessity. Employees are far more likely to be productive if they have the correct skills set to use a product. The combination of product knowledge and confidence in one’s skills ensure that new product adoption is streamlined. Yet, typically, most companies, including software companies, only provide ‘paid-‘for’ training.?
When thinking of the software companies that your business makes use of, can you think of even one company that provides training at no additional cost? I am not referring to the initial training of a new product; I am referring to on going training, that should consistently be provided at no additional cost.?
Have you, as the client, analysed the costs involved for your employees to receive on-going training? And, if you are not spending money on training, are your employees using the software optimally? Is the product working for you without the relevant, personalised training?
When considering the advantages and disadvantages of software products, I was surprised to find that not a single article regards paying for necessary software training as a disadvantage. 98% of the software companies that I researched force clients to incur costs for ongoing training.?
Software providers have long lists of the advantages of using their services; often stating that the ultimate IT costs will be reduced. Surely, if the goal is to increase revenue and decrease costs, training should come at no additional cost? Why is it that clients not only pay for the product, usually monthly or yearly, however, costs for training are not included? What does this imply about the product that is being used? What does this model suggest about the service being provided? Are these software products static rather than evolving? Are software companies just taking advantage of their position? Of course, for these software providers, their revenue is increased by the need for clients to be trained - it is beneficial for their business.?
Software companies need to respond to their clients’ needs. They need to realise the importance of training from their side, too. Training provides skills that translate into daily actions, making clients better users of the product they are paying for. Clients feel empowered by product knowledge and their motivation to learn more about the product increases. Software companies need to understand that clients do not simply require support during the initial set-up phase if the product is to be used effectively. Instead – ongoing ‘education’ needs to be provided to users.?
In addition, software products should be continuously updated so that all clients can benefit from innovations. Surely, if users are expected to profit from these cloud-based services, on-going training in vital. Ultimately, when clients have product awareness and knowledge, clients’ needs are more likely to be met.
In turn – renewed subscription is more likely. In fact, software providers can see the no-cost training of their product as a business opportunity. The free training reflects commitment on the side of the software company. Successful customers are those that become entrenched, relying on the service – they will buy more (if an option), stay longer and generate referrals. By being mindful, successful client relationships built on both trust and loyalty will be created. Thus, both providers and clients can agree that a reciprocal relationship exist between the software company and their user. When users are making use of the system to the maximum, it becomes a win-win situation.?
Barriers to learning should not exist when clients are making use of a software product. Feeling forced to pay for training - if and when updates take place - is unreasonable. Rather, training at no-cost, free training, should be the norm.?
| System1A | Weekly Blog | June 2022 (Author: NR)