Training Recovery Ideas To Try
When it comes to athletic performance, all competitive sportspeople know about training hard, eating right, taking sensible (and approved) supplements, sleeping well, focusing on their mental game and cross-training. But there's one crucial element that nearly all athletes have to be pushed to embrace - recovery!
Without adequate recovery, it's impossible to get stronger, faster and generally better in your sport - whatever it is. Muscles, ligaments and tendons all need time to repair themselves after being exerted. Those micro-tears from training, which could lead to more significant injuries, take time to heal. If they aren't allowed to, the body will become slowly more stressed and worn-down until injury occurs.
But as your coach will tell you, rest and recovery doesn't necessarily need to mean sitting on the sofa with a plate of snacks and the remote control. In fact, the chances are your coach will have something far more specific on the agenda!
All of these options can offer the ambitious athlete a route to better performance through smarter downtime:
1. Active recovery
If you usually run, then try a gentle swim. If you box, then take your bike out for a lazy weekend ride. If you play rugby, then stretch out with a yoga class. Do something that keeps your heart rate low and which only offers gentle exertion. Aim for a level of activity which basically mimics what you might do in everyday life. The focus is on enjoyment, gentle physical movement and general mobility.
2. Sports massage
Not always relaxing by any means, but a sports massage is a great chance for your physio to work on those knots and to identify any potential problem areas which may be emerging. Sports massage prevents injury and helps the body to repair.
3. Heat and cold
A sauna or an ice-bath can offer plenty of restoration for the body. Be careful with ice baths though and only follow them on the specific guidance of your coach - usually in your sports facility and under supervision. A sauna or steam room is widely available however and perfectly safe to enjoy. Just hydrate well before and after and don't overdo it. Listen to your body and enjoy a few gentle laps of the pool afterwards.
4. Eat
A lot of athletes follow strict nutrition plans. Although a rest day isn't an excuse to eat junk food, it's a good opportunity to listen to your body and work out what you really need. That might be another portion of sweet potato wedges or a hearty steak with plenty of greens. If you have a sweet tooth, embrace high-protein desserts, fruit and healthier options which offer nutrition alongside the enjoyment. Remember to hydrate and top up your electrolytes too.
5. Just relax!
If you feel worn out and in need of some downtime, just embrace it. Watch a sports film or read the latest industry blogs for inspiration and ideas and to give your mind some food! Meditation is also a fantastic tool for tackling that burned out feeling.
After some much-needed R & R, you'll be back better than ever and ready to nail that next training session!
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