????Training programs in neuroimaging to enhance understanding of the human brain ????
National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS)
Our mission is to seek knowledge about the brain and nervous system and reduce the burden of neurological disease.
Neuroimaging has revolutionized our ability to understand the structure and function of the nervous system, providing more types of information about the intact, functioning brain, from molecules to behavior, and in both health and disease.
In 2006, the NIH Blueprint for Neuroscience Research established a training opportunity to integrate comprehensive training in basic neuroscience, the physical and biological bases of neuroimaging, the technologies of?in vivo?neuroimaging, and the application of these technologies to understanding questions in neuroscience across the life span. The goal of these training programs was to train the next generation of neuroimaging researchers to understand the underlying principles and technologies of neuroimaging as well as their application to experimental questions in neuroscience.?
Through RFA-DA-06-011 Training in Neuroimaging: Integrating First Principles and Applications (T90), later reissued as RFA-DA-11-006 Training in Neuroimaging: Integrating First Principles and Applications (T90/R90), four projects were funded, across three institutions, and to date, this exciting initiative has resulted in ~190 publications, which have been cited over 11,500 times!
For more information on past and present training opportunities funded by the NIH Blueprint for Neuroscience Research, please visit the training webpage: Training Overview | Blueprint #NIHBlueprint20??