Thitiphorn Prawatsrichai
TV Host, Artist Manager, Special Education, Disability, Diversity & Inclusion Advocate, JENESYS alumna, Dep.State Program alumna (YSEALI PFP), AUN-DPPnet Scholar
+ JENESYS Program: Thai exchange student in Tokyo and Nagoya, JAPAN (2007)
+ ASEAN University Network: Accessibility and Universal Design Training Course,?Kuala Lumpur, MALAYSIA (January 26-February 16, 2020)
+ Leonard Cheshire: Access to Employment Pilot Program, Bangkok, THAILAND (2020)
+ Asian-Pacific Resource and Research Center for Women (ARROW):?participated in the ARROW Advocacy Institute (AAI), (2021)
+ UNESCO: As one of the panelists in Youth Perspectives on?the Futures of Education for Persons with Disabilities?( )
+ UNESCO: As the speaker of the last words in the Concluding session:?Rebuilding a Stronger Global Disability Inclusive Education System post-COVID-19?( )
+ UNESCO: As one of the panelists in the Education to employment Webinar:?Youth with disabilities and their needs post-COVID-19?( )
+ United Nations Development Programme (UNDP):?As one of the panelists in Online Youth Dialogue on Leave No One Behind:?Dialogue with Youth with Disabilities
?+ UNICEF: As one of the panelists in the Conference on Young People’s Rights?to Civic Engagement in East Asia and Pacific Region (28-29 OCT.2021) on the topic of?barriers and opportunities for meaningful engagement of adolescents with disabilities,?gaps, and opportunities for meaningful engagement and civic participation of young people?with disabilities
+ United Nations Girl's Education Initiative (UNGEI) supported by World Bank: Advisory board in Research Advisory Group for the Gender and Disability Report Project
+ YSEALI Learns Summer Semester: Community Organizing for Action. (2022)
+ YSEALI Regional Workshop: (YsealiDIY - Diversity inclusion youth)?in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on August 17-August 21, 2022
+ Participated in a roundtable discussion with the U.S. special advisor on international disability rights, the senior official to the Secretary of State in the Office of Global Women's Issues at the U.S. embassy in Bangkok, Thailand (September 8, 2022)
+ One of the speakers at the Work Ability Asia Conference 2022:?"Jobs and employment for people with disabilities in a disruptive world?(August 27, 2022).?
+ As the Speaker for "Vietnam-Thailand exchange language class", World Out World (WOW) Organization (rewarded the YSEALI micro-grant project) (September 17, 2022)
+ As an experience-sharing and question-asking person to the speaker (to Ms. Herbertson) in the International Day of the Girl Roundtable: Inclusive Education and Adolescent Girls (Friday, October 6, 2022)?
+ As one of the panelists on the "Learnings from Leonard Cheshire’s Disability Data Portal: Knowledge Sharing Session," (Wednesday, Nov. 16, 2022)
+ Community Solutions Program (CSP) 2022: CSP semi-finalist
+ ASEAN Youth Forum: as a moderator for a youth talk show on the topic of?self-made, youth, imagining inclusive opportunities for youth with disabilities.
+ As the presenter presented as a disabled person:?The advertisement about the victim of "drink-drunk driving"?( )
+ Leonard Cheshire: Missing Voices Project?( )
+ I volunteer to teach private classes online for a child with a disability?who wants to study but is not yet ready to go to school.
+ The main character in the music video of the song by blind artists:?( )
+ As one of the facilitators for Open Gov for NSN citizens, Nakhon Sawan, Thailand (February 3, 2023)
+ Participated in a roundtable discussion with the Under Secretary of Commerce for International Trade, Marisa Lago, with YSEALI alumni. (March 14, 2023)