Training Methods for Making a Training Course More lively:
Few Training Methods for make the training Course More lively:
There are various methods of training, which can be divided in to cognitive and behavioral methods. Trainers need to understand the pros and cons of each method, also its impact on trainees keeping their background and skills in mind before giving training.
Cognitive methods are more of giving theoretical training to the trainees. The various methods under Cognitive approach provide the rules for how to do something, written or verbal information, demonstrate relationships among concepts, etc. These methods are associated with changes in knowledge and attitude by stimulating learning.
The various methods that come under Cognitive approach are:
Behavioral methods are more of giving practical training to the trainees. The various methods under Behavioral approach allow the trainee to behavior in a real fashion. These methods are best used for skill development.
The various methods that come under Behavioral approach are:
Both the methods can be used effectively to change attitudes, but through different means.
The more future oriented method and more concerned with education of the employees. To become a better performer by education implies that management development activities attempt to instill sound reasoning processes.
Management development method is further divided into two parts:
The development of a manager's abilities can take place on the job. The four techniques for on the job development are:
There are many management development techniques that an employee can take in off the job. The few popular methods are:
Lecture – A Method of Training
It is one of the oldest methods of training. This method is used to create understanding of a topic or to influence behavior, attitudes through lecture. A lecture can be in printed or oral form. Lecture is telling someone about something. Lecture is given to enhance the knowledge of listener or to give him the theoretical aspect of a topic. Training is basically incomplete without lecture. When the trainer begins the training session by telling the aim, goal, agenda, processes, or methods that will be used in training that means the trainer is using the lecture method. It is difficult to imagine training without lecture format. There are some variations in Lecture method. The variation here means that some forms of lectures are interactive while some are not
Straight Lecture: Straight lecture method consists of presenting information, which the trainee attempts to absorb. In this method, the trainer speaks to a group about a topic. However, it does not involve any kind of interaction between the trainer and the trainees. A lecture may also take the form of printed text, such as books, notes, etc. The difference between the straight lecture and the printed material is the trainer’s intonation, control of speed, body language, and visual image of the trainer. The trainer in case of straight lecture can decide to vary from the training script, based on the signals from the trainees, whereas same material in print is restricted to what is printed.
A good lecture consists of introduction of the topic, purpose of the lecture, and priorities and preferences of the order in which the topic will be covered.
Main Features of Lecture Method
Some of the main features of lecture method are:
? Inability to identify and correct misunderstandings
? Less expensive
? Can be reached large number of people at once
? Knowledge building exercise
Less effective because lectures require long periods of trainee inactivity
Demonstration Training Method
This method is a visual display of how something works or how to do something. As an example, trainer shows the trainees how to perform or how to do the tasks of the job. In order to be more effective, demonstration method should be should be accompanied by the discussion or lecture method.
To carry out an effective demonstration, a trainer first prepares the lesson plan by breaking the task to be performed into smaller modules, easily learned parts. Then, the trainer sequentially organizes those modules and prepares an explanation for why that part is required. While performing the demonstration, trainer:
? demonstrates the task by describing how to do, while doing
? Helps the focusing their attention on critical aspects of the task
? Tells the trainees what you will be doing so they understand what you will be showing them
? Explains why it should be carried out in that way
The difference between the lecture method and the demonstration method is the level of involvement of the trainee. In the lecture method, the more the trainee is involved, the more learning will occur.
The financial costs that occur in the demonstration method are as follows:
? Cost of training facility for the program
? Cost of materials that facilitate training
? Food, travel, lodging for the trainees and the trainers
? Compensation of time spent in training to trainers and trainees
? Cost related to creating content, material
? Cost related to the organization of the training
After completing the demonstration the trainer provide feedback, both positive and or negative, give the trainee the opportunity to do the task and describe what he is doing and why.
Discussion Training Method
This method uses a lecturer to provide the learners with context that is supported, elaborated, explains, or expanded on through interactions both among the trainees and between the trainer and the trainees. The interaction and the communication between these two make it much more effective and powerful than the lecture method. If the Discussion method is used with proper sequence i.e. lectures, followed by discussion and questioning, can achieve higher level knowledge objectives, such as problem solving and principle learning.
The Discussion method consists a two-way flow of communication i.e. knowledge in the form of lecture is communicated to trainees, and then understanding is conveyed back by trainees to trainer. Understanding is conveyed in the form of verbal and non-verbal feedback that enables the trainer to determine whether the material is understood. If yes, then definitely it would help out the trainees to implement it at their workplaces and if not, the trainer may need to spend more time on that particular area by presenting the information again in a different manner.
Questioning can be done by both ways i.e. the trainees and the trainer. When the trainees ask questions, they explain their thinking about the content of the lecture. A trainer who asks questions stimulates thinking about the content of the lecture. Asking and responding questions are beneficial to trainees because it enhance understanding and keep the trainees focused on the content. Besides that, discussions, and interactions allow the trainee to be actively engaged in the material of the trainer. This activity helps in improving recall.
Games and Simulations
Games and Simulations are structured and sometimes unstructured, that are usually played for enjoyment sometimes are used for training purposes as an educational tool. Training games and simulations are different from work as they are designed to reproduce or simulate events, circumstances, processes that take place in trainees’ job.
A Training Game is defined as spirited activity or exercise in which trainees compete with each other according to the defined set of rules.
Simulation is creating computer versions of real-life games. Simulation is about imitating or making judgment or opining how events might occur in a real situation.
It can entail intricate numerical modeling, role playing without the support of technology, or combinations.
Training games and simulations are now seen as an effective tool for training because its key components are:
? Challenge
? Rules
? Interactivity
These three components are quite essential when it comes to learning.
Some of the examples of this technique are:
Trainees can therefore experience these events, processes, games in a controlled setting where they can develop knowledge, skills, and attitudes or can find out concepts that will improve their performance.
The various methods that come under Games and Simulations are:
Behavior Modeling
Behavior Modeling uses the innate inclination for people to observe others to discover how to do something new. It is more often used in combination with some other techniques.
Procedure of Behavior Modeling Technique
In this method, some kind of process or behavior is videotaped and then is watched by the trainees. Games and simulation section is also included because once the trainees see the videotape, they practice the behavior through role plays or other kind of simulation techniques. The trainee first observes the behavior modeled in the video and then reproduces the behavior on the job.
The skills that are required to build up are defined
? A brief overview of the theory is then provided to the trainers
? Then, trainees are given instructions that what specific learning points or critical behavior they have to watch
? Then the expert is used to model the suitable behaviors
? Then, the trainees are encouraged to practice the suitable behavior in a role play or through any other method of simulation
? Trainees are then provided with some opportunities to give reinforcement for appropriate imitation of the model’s behavior
? In the end, trainer ensures that trainees appropriately reinforces the behavior on the work place
Behavior modeling focuses on developing behavioral and interpersonal skills. This type of method can be used for training in
? Sales training
? Interviewee training
? Interviewer training
? Safety training
Interpersonal skills training
Business Games Training
With the increase in globalization and changing technologies, many organizations are now moving from board games to computer based simulations, using interactive multimedia (IM) and virtual reality (VR).
Business games are the type of simulators that try to present the way an industry, company, organization, consultancy, or subunit of a company functions. Basically, they are based on the set of rules, procedures, plans, relationships, principles derived from the research. In the business games, trainees are given some information that describes a particular situation and are then asked to make decisions that will best suit in the favor of the company. And then the system provides the feedback about the impact of their decisions.
Again, on the basis of the feedback they are asked to make the decisions again. This process continues until some meaningful results do not came out or some predefined state of the organization exists or a specified number of trails are completed.
As an example, if the focus is on organization's financial state, the game may end when the organization reach at desirable or defined profitability level.
Some of the benefits of the business games are:
? It develops leadership skills
? It improves application of total quality principles
? It develops skills in using quality tools
? It strengthen management skills
? It demonstrates principles and concepts
? It explores and solves complex problem
Many games and simulations examine the total organization but only some focus on the functional responsibilities of specific positions in an organization.
Business games simulate whole organization and provide much better perspective than any other training methods. They allow trainees to see how their decisions and actions impact on the related areas.
Case Study Training Method
Case Studies try to simulate decision making situation that trainees may find at their work place. It reflects the situations and complex problems faced by managers, staff, HR, CEO, etc. The objective of the case study method is to get trainees to apply known concepts and ideologies and ascertain new ones. The case study method emphasize on approach to see a particular problem rather than a solution. Their solutions are not as important as the understanding of advantages and disadvantages.
Procedure of the Case Study Method
? The trainee is given with some written material, and the some complex situations of a real or imaginary organization. A case study may range from 50 to 200 pages depending upon the problem of the organization.
? A series of questions usually appears at the end of the case study.
? The longer case studies provide enough of the information to be examined while the shorter ones require the trainee to explore and conduct research to gather appropriate amount of information.
? The trainee then makes certain judgment and opines about the case by identifying and giving possible solutions to the problem.
? In between trainees are given time to digest the information. If there is enough time left, they are also allowed to collect relevant information that supports their solution.
? Once the individuals reach the solution of a problem, they meet in small groups to discuss the options, solutions generated.
? Then, the trainee meets with the trainer, who further discusses the case.
Case Study method focuses on:
? Building decision making skills
? Assessing and developing Knowledge, Skills and Attitudes (KSAs)
? Developing communication and interpersonal skills
? Developing management skills
Developing procedural and strategic knowledge
Equipment Simulators
Equipment simulators are the mechanical devices that necessitate trainees to use some actions, plans, measures, trials, movements, or decision processes they would use with equipment back on the their respective work place.
It is imperative that the simulators be designed to repeat, as closely as possible, the physical aspects of equipment and operational surroundings trainees will find at their work place. This is also called as physical fidelity of the simulation.
Besides that, the mental conditions under which the equipment is operated such as, increasing demands, pressure of time, and relationship with colleagues, subordinates, etc must also be closely matched to what the trainees experience on the work place.
The literature on socio-technical approaches to organizational development provides guidelines for the design or redesign of tools. Human Resource professionals involved in propose of simulators and their pre-testing should engage those who will be using the equipment and their supervisors. Their input can help in reducing the potential resistance, errors in the equipment and more importantly, it also increases the degree of reliability between the simulation and the work setting.
Equipment simulators can be used in giving training to:
? Air Traffic Controllers
? Taxi Drivers
? Telephone Operators
? Ship Navigators
? Maintenance Workers
? Product Development Engineers
? Airline Pilots.
? Officers
In Basket Technique
In-Basket Technique – It provides trainees with a log of written text or information and requests, such as memos, messages, and reports, which would be handled by manger, engineer, reporting officer, or administrator.
Procedure of the in basket Technique
? In this technique, trainee is given some information about the role to be played such as, description, responsibilities, general context about the role.
? The trainee is then given the log of materials that make up the in-basket and asked to respond to materials within a particular time period.
? After all the trainees complete in-basket, a discussion with the trainer takes place.
In this discussion the trainee describes the justification for the decisions.
? The trainer then provides feedback, reinforcing decisions made suitably or encouraging the trainee to increase alternatives for those made unsuitably.
A variation on the technique is to run multiple, simultaneous in baskets in which each trainee receives a different but organized set of information. It is important that trainees must communicate with each other to accumulate the entire information required to make a suitable decision.
This technique focuses on:
? Building decision making skills
? Assess and develops Knowledge, Skills and Attitudes (KSAs)
? Develops of communication and interpersonal skills
? Develops procedural knowledge
? Develops strategic knowledge
These skills are mainly cognitive to a certain extent than behavioral.
Role Play Training Method
Role play is a simulation in which each participant is given a role to play. Trainees are given with some information related to description of the role, concerns, objectives, responsibilities, emotions, etc. Then, a general description of the situation, and the problem that each one of them faces, is given. For instance, situation could be strike in factory, managing conflict, two parties in conflict, scheduling vacation days, etc. Once the participants read their role descriptions, they act out their roles by interacting with one another.
Role Plays helps in
? Developing interpersonal skills and communication skills
? Conflict resolution
? Group decision making
? Developing insight into one’s own behavior and its impact on others
There are various types of role plays, such as:
Multiple Role Play – In this type of role play, all trainees are in groups, with each group acting out the role play simultaneously. After the role play, each group analyzes the interactions and identifies the learning points.
Single Role Play – One group of participants plays the role for the rest, providing demonstrations of situation. Other participants observe the role play, analyze their interactions with one another and learn from the play.
Role Rotation – It starts as a single role play. After the interaction of participants, the trainer will stop the role play and discuss what happened so far. Then the participants are asked to exchange characters. This method allows a variety of ways to approach the roles.
Spontaneous Role Play – In this kind of role play, one of the trainees plays herself while the other trainees play people with whom the first participant interacted before.
Management Development Program (MDP)
Management Development has become very important in today’s competitive environment. According to a survey, those companies that align their management development with tactical planning are more competitive than the companies who are not. It has also been indicated that 80% of the companies report MDP, compared with 90% that provide executive leadership training. For most of the companies 37% of the training budgets go to management development and learning programs. Therefore, it is important to consider management development as an important part of organizational competitiveness.
Some of the reasons behind the management development programs are:
? It is managements’ responsibility of ensuring the success of the organization
? It is the management who deal with people of different background, culture, language, etc
? Mergers and acquisitions, downsizing, etc are all under management’s control
? It is managements’ responsibility to ensure that the employees obtain the required KSAs to perform the tasks
? It is managements’ responsibility to ensure that right people is hired for the right job, at the right time for the right place
? Manager’s job is complex i.e. for the managers understanding the training need is not easy because his training need is determined by how well his department is meeting its objective and goal.
? It is the management who makes decisions on the basis of judgment and intuition
? It is the manager who performs several routine duties as well as handling the exceptions in their own as well as subordinates’ routine
? Managers are engaged in varied, discontinues, and brief activities
? It is the management that understand the organization, its vision, mission, ethics, values, strategies, capabilities, and how his organization fits into the industry, and how his behavior will influence people outside the organization
Therefore, managers must be able to get the required knowledge, skills, and attitudes (KSAs) to meet the challenges as soon as they arise.
On The Job Training (OJT)
The most frequently used method in smaller organizations that is on the job training. This method of training uses more knowledgeable, experienced and skilled employees, such as mangers, supervisors to give training to less knowledgeable, skilled, and experienced employees. OJT can be delivered in classrooms as well. This type of training often takes place at the work place in informal manner.
Some key points on on the job Training
on the job Training is characterized by following points
? It is done on ad-hoc manner with no formal procedure, or content.
? At the start of training, or during the training, no specific goals or objectives are developed
? Trainers usually have no formal qualification or training experience for training
? Training is not carefully planned or prepared
? The trainers are selected on the basis of technical expertise or area knowledge
Formal OJT programs are quite different from informal OJT. These programs are carried out by identifying the employees who are having superior technical knowledge and can effectively use one-to-one interaction technique.
The procedure of formal on the job training program is:
1. The participant observes a more experienced, knowledgeable, and skilled trainer (employee)
2. The method, process, and techniques are well discussed before, during and after trainer has explained about performing the tasks
3. When the trainee is prepared, the trainee starts performing on the work place
4. The trainer provides continuing direction of work and feedback
5. The trainee is given more and more work so that he accomplishes the job flawlessly
The four techniques for on the job development are:
Coaching is one of the training methods, which is considered as a corrective method for inadequate performance. According to a survey conducted by International Coach Federation (ICF), more than 4,000 companies are using coach for their executives. These coaches are experts most of the time outside consultants.
A coach is the best training plan for the CEO’s because
? It is one to one interaction
? It can be done at the convenience of CEO
? It can be done on phone, meetings, through e-mails, chat
It provides an opportunity to receive feedback from an expert
? It helps in identifying weaknesses and focus on the area that needs improvement This method best suits for the people at the top because if we see on emotional front, when a person reaches the top, he gets lonely and it becomes difficult to find someone to talk to. It helps in finding out the executive’s specific developmental needs. The needs can be identified through 60 degree performance reviews.
Procedure of the Coaching
The procedure of the coaching is mutually determined by the executive and coach. The procedure is followed by successive counseling and meetings at the executive’s convenience by the coach.
1. Understand the participant’s job, the knowledge, skills, and attitudes, and resources required to meet the desired expectation
2. Meet the participant and mutually agree on the objective that has to be achieved
3. Mutually arrive at a plan and schedule
4. At the job, show the participant how to achieve the objectives, observe the performance and then provide feedback
5. Repeat step 4 until performance improves
For the people at middle level management, coaching is more likely done by the supervisor; however experts from outside the organization are at times used for up and coming managers. Again, the personalized approach assists the manger focus on definite needs and improvement.
Mentoring: Mentoring is an ongoing relationship that is developed between a senior and junior employee. Mentoring provides guidance and clear understanding of how the organization goes to achieve its vision and mission to the junior employee.
The meetings are not as structured and regular than in coaching. Executive mentoring is generally done by someone inside the company. The executive can learn a lot from mentoring. By dealing with diverse mentee’s, the executive is given the chance to grow professionally by developing management skills and learning how to work with people with diverse background, culture, and language and personality types.
Executives also have mentors. In cases where the executive is new to the organization, a senior executive could be assigned as a mentor to assist the new executive settled into his role. Mentoring is one of the important methods for preparing them to be future executives. This method allows the mentor to determine what is required to improve mentee’s performance. Once the mentor identifies the problem, weakness, and the area that needs to be worked upon, the mentor can advise relevant training. The mentor can also provide opportunities to work on special processes and projects that require use of proficiency.
Some key points on Mentoring
? Mentoring focus on attitude development
? Conducted for management-level employees
? Mentoring is done by someone inside the company
? It is one-to-one interaction
It helps in identifying weaknesses and focus on the area that needs improvement
Job Rotation: For the executive, job rotation takes on different perspectives. The executive is usually not simply going to another department. In some vertically integrated organizations, for example, where the supplier is actually part of same organization or subsidiary, job rotation might be to the supplier to see how the business operates from the supplier point of view. Learning how the organization is perceived from the outside broadens the executive’s outlook on the process of the organization. Or the rotation might be to a foreign office to provide a global perspective.
For managers being developed for executive roles, rotation to different functions in the company is regular carried out.
This approach allows the manger to operate in diverse roles and understand the different issues that crop up. If someone is to be a corporate leader, they must have this type of training. A recent study indicated that the single most significant factor that leads to leader’s achievement was the variety of experiences in different departments, business units, cities, and countries.
An organized and helpful way to develop talent for the management or executive level of the organization is job rotation. It is the process of preparing employees at a lower level to replace someone at the next higher level. It is generally done for the designations that are crucial for the effective and efficient functioning of the organization.
Benefits of Job Rotation
Some of the major benefits of job rotation are:
? It provides the employees with opportunities to broaden the horizon of knowledge, skills, and abilities by working in different departments, business units, functions, and countries
? Identification of Knowledge, skills, and attitudes (KSAs) required
? It determines the areas where improvement is required
Assessment of the employees who have the potential and caliber for filling the position
Job Instruction Technique (JIT)
Job Instruction Technique (JIT) uses a strategy with focus on knowledge (factual and procedural), skills and attitudes development.
Procedure of Job Instruction Technique (JIT)
JIT consists of four steps:
Plan – This step includes a written breakdown of the work to be done because the trainer and the trainee must understand that documentation is must and important for the familiarity of work. A trainer who is aware of the work well is likely to do many things and in the process might miss few things. Therefore, a structured analysis
and proper documentation ensures that all the points are covered in the training program. The second step is to find out what the trainee knows and what training should focus on.
Then, the next step is to create a comfortable atmosphere for the trainees’ i.e. proper orientation program, availing the resources, familiarizing trainee with the training program, etc.
? Present – In this step, trainer provides the synopsis of the job while presenting the participants the different aspects of the work. When the trainer finished, the trainee demonstrates how to do the job and why is that done in that specific manner. Trainee actually demonstrates the procedure while emphasizing the key points and safety instructions.
? Trial – This step actually a kind of rehearsal step, in which trainee tries to perform the work and the trainer is able to provide instant feedback. In this step, the focus is on improving the method of instruction because a trainer considers that any error if occurring may be a function of training not the trainee. This step allows the trainee to see the after effects of using an incorrect method. The trainer then helps the trainee by questioning and guiding to identify the correct procedure.
? Follow-up – In this step, the trainer checks the trainee’s job frequently after the training program is over to prevent bad work habits from developing.
Sensitivity Training
Sensitivity training is about making people understand about themselves and others reasonably, which is done by developing in them social sensitivity and behavioral flexibility.
? Social sensitivity in one word is empathy. It is ability of an individual to sense what others feel and think from their own point of view.
? Behavioral flexibility is ability to behave suitably in light of understanding.
Procedure of Sensitivity Training
Sensitivity Training Program requires three steps:
? Unfreezing the old values –It requires that the trainees become aware of the inadequacy of the old values. This can be done when the trainee faces dilemma in which his old values is not able to provide proper guidance. The first step consists of a small procedure:
? An unstructured group of 10-15 people is formed.
? Unstructured group without any objective looks to the trainer for its guidance
? But the trainer refuses to provide guidance and assume leadership
? Soon, the trainees are motivated to resolve the uncertainty
? Then, they try to form some hierarchy. Some try assume leadership role which may not be liked by other trainees
? Then, they started realizing that what they desire to do and realize the alternative ways of dealing with the situation
Procedure of Sensitivity Training
? Development of new values – With the trainer’s support, trainees begin to examine their interpersonal behavior and giving each other feedback. The reasoning of the feedbacks are discussed which motivates trainees to experiment with range of new behaviors and values. This process constitutes the second step in the change process of the development of these values.
? refreezing the new ones – This step depends upon how much opportunity the trainees get to practice their new behaviors and values at their work place.
Transactional Analysis
Transactional Analysis provides trainees with a realistic and useful method for analyzing and understanding the behavior of others. In every social interaction, there is a motivation provided by one person and a reaction to that motivation given by another person. This motivation reaction relationship between two persons is a transaction.
Transactional analysis can be done by the ego states of an individual.
An ego state is a system of feelings accompanied by a related set of behaviors.
There are basically three ego states:
Child: It is a collection of recordings in the brain of an individual of behaviors, attitudes, and impulses which come to her naturally from her own understanding as a child. The characteristics of this ego are to be spontaneous, intense, unconfident, reliant, probing, anxious, etc. Verbal clues that a person is operating from its child state are the use of words like "I guess", "I suppose", etc. and non verbal clues like, giggling, coyness, silent, attention seeking etc.
Parent: It is a collection of recordings in the brain of an individual of behaviors, attitudes, and impulses imposed on her in her childhood from various sources such as, social, parents, friends, etc. The characteristics of this ego are to be overprotective, isolated, rigid, bossy, etc. Verbal clues that a person is operating from its parent states are the use of words like, always, should, never, etc and non-verbal clues such as, raising eyebrows, pointing an accusing finger at somebody, etc.
Adult: It is a collection of reality testing, rational behavior, decision making, etc. A person in this ego state verifies, updates the data which she has received from the other two states. It is a shift from the taught and felt concepts to tested concepts.
All of us evoke behavior from one ego state which is responded to by the other person from any of these three states.
Lecture – A Method of Training
It is one of the oldest methods of training. This method is used to create understanding of a topic or to influence behavior, attitudes through lecture. A lecture can be in printed or oral form. Lecture is telling someone about something. Lecture is given to enhance the knowledge of listener or to give him the theoretical aspect of a topic. Training is basically incomplete without lecture. When the trainer begins the training session by telling the aim, goal, agenda, processes, or methods that will be used in training that means the trainer is using the lecture method. It is difficult to imagine training without lecture format. There are some variations in Lecture method. The variation here means that some forms of lectures are interactive while some are not.
Straight Lecture: Straight lecture method consists of presenting information, which the trainee attempts to absorb. In this method, the trainer speaks to a group about a topic. However, it does not involve any kind of interaction between the trainer and the trainees. A lecture may also take the form of printed text, such as books, notes, etc. The difference between the straight lecture and the printed material is the trainer’s intonation, control of speed, body language, and visual image of the trainer. The trainer in case of straight lecture can decide to vary from the training script, based on the signals from the trainees, whereas same material in print is restricted to what is printed.
A good lecture consists of introduction of the topic, purpose of the lecture, and priorities and preferences of the order in which the topic will be covered.
Main Features of Lecture Method
Some of the main features of lecture method are:
? Inability to identify and correct misunderstandings
? Less expensive
? Can be reached large number of people at once
? Knowledge building exercise
Less effective because lectures require long periods of trainee inactivity
Games and Simulations
Games and Simulations are structured and sometimes unstructured, that are usually played for enjoyment sometimes are used for training purposes as an educational tool. Training games and simulations are different from work as they are designed to reproduce or simulate events, circumstances, processes that take place in trainees’ job.
A Training Game is defined as spirited activity or exercise in which trainees compete with each other according to the defined set of rules.
Simulation is creating computer versions of real-life games. Simulation is about imitating or making judgment or opining how events might occur in a real situation.
It can entail intricate numerical modeling, role playing without the support of technology, or combinations.
Training games and simulations are now seen as an effective tool for training because its key components are:
? Challenge
? Rules
? Interactivity
These three components are quite essential when it comes to learning.
Some of the examples of this technique are:
Trainees can therefore experience these events, processes, games in a controlled setting where they can develop knowledge, skills, and attitudes or can find out concepts that will improve their performance.
The various methods that come under Games and Simulations are:
Case Study on Training Methods
Few years ago, ABC Company developed a training strategy for training its global sales force. An important feature of the strategy was to create a master training plan for each year. The organization’s strategic plans, objectives, and functional tactics would drive this plan. Once an initial procedure was designed it was then evaluated and critiqued by the top management, different units, and training council. The input from these stakeholders would be summarized and transferred into a master training plan.
The major question that was asked by the designers of training program was, "what results do we want from salespeople after the training program is over?" Answer to this question becomes the objective of the training program.
Then training content was designed, videos were made. The videos took 3 to 6 months to produce. Video contains live production plants, clients’ offices, partner offices, suppliers, manufacturers’ locations, and other locations.
Videos were used to train sales people in various areas, such as:
? Market information i.e. about customer profile, market updates, and computer integrated manufacturing applications, etc
? Sales Process i.e. how to deal in the situation of conflicts with customer, coaching on undesirable behavior, supplement skills developed during live courses
? Product information, such as, product usage, applications, system description, product description, comparison with competitor’s products, etc
? Policies and procedures, i.e. about sales contests, incentive plans on achieving targets, annual bonuses, winners receiving the best salesperson award to motivate the sales force
Around thousands of sales persons were getting a specific video training. The sales people were getting training material along with the video. Sales representatives then watch video, follow the directions, and refer to the material if faces any problem. When salespeople feel they have mastered the material, they would take an exam and call a toll-free number to transmit responses to exam.
Salespeople who successfully passed an exam were factored into performance and merit reviews as well as promotional opportunities. Those who couldn’t pass the exam were asked to go through the material and video again before retaking the exam. If the salesperson failed an exam again, the reporting manager was notified.
This case gives rise to few important questions. These questions are:
? In today’s technological world, is video still the best way to deliver the training?
? Is video the most effective way to achieve training objectives?
? What role did cost of development, cost of delivery, and other constraints play in selection of video delivery system?