Is Training Important?
Dave Williams
#1 Bestselling author, Keynote Speaker, life and business strategist and multi-award-winning Peak Performance coach
I am sure we can all agree that none of us are ‘the oracle’ meaning, everyone can improve their skill set. Indeed, everyone should be looking to improve their skillset and grow all the time.
Alas, many people believe that ‘ignorance is bliss’.
I think it is fair to say, that is an interesting point of view. Maybe it is more like……..
‘If ignorance is bliss, why aren’t more people happy?’ – Thomas Jefferson
A valid question from Thomas Jefferson don’t you think?
The reality is that is team members aren’t happy in their work then a few things might happen – morale is impacted, they look for other job opportunities elsewhere, they don’t put all of their efforts into their own role potentially impacting their team and the business.
An interesting article, albeit a couple of years old, however, from my experience the stats will not have changed much
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